Genomic Research Facilitated by Sonication
Genomic research has revolutionized our understanding of biological systems, enabling the elucidation of complex genetic mechanisms underlying various diseases and traits. Sonication, a technique originally developed for the disruption of cellular membranes, has found extensive utility in genomic research. This…
마요네즈 – 초음파 발생기를 사용한 유화
Oil and water don't mix, right? In fact, oil and water can be efficiently mixed using power ultrasound. Mayonnaise is a prominent example of an emulsion in culinary applications. Learn how sonication facilitates the production of a stable, creamy, and…
누출 감지를 위한 병과 캔의 초음파 처리
Hielscher 초음파는 병 및 캔의 온라인 용기 누출 테스트를 위해 병입 및 충전 기계에 사용되고 있습니다. 이산화탄소의 순간 방출은 탄산 음료로 채워진 용기의 초음파 누출 테스트의 결정적인 효과입니다.…
사용한 커피 찌꺼기에서 추출한 오일로 바이오디젤 생산
지속 가능하고 재생 가능한 에너지원을 찾기 위한 전 세계적인 노력이 강화됨에 따라 폐기물에서 바이오디젤을 생산하는 것이 큰 주목을 받고 있습니다. 이러한 재료 중 폐커피찌꺼기(SCG)는 유망한 기회를 제공합니다. 초음파 처리는 오일의 추출을 모두 강화합니다…
주스 개선을 위한 Power Ultrasound & 스무디
베를린 공과 대학 (Technical University Berlin)의 연구에 따르면 초음파는 과일 및 야채 주스와 스무디를 향상시키는 매우 효과적인 처리 방법입니다. 비열적 식품 공정 기술이기 때문에 초음파는 가볍지만 효과적인 치료를 제공합니다.…
Falcon Tubes의 멸균 초음파 처리
VialTweeter VT26dxx는 Falcon 튜브를 위해 특별히 설계된 초음파 시료 균질기입니다. VialTweeter VT26dxx는 Falcon 튜브의 샘플을 간접적으로 초음파 처리하여 샘플에 초음파 프로브가 삽입되는 것을 방지합니다. 이를 통해 교차 오염 및 시료 손실이 가능합니다…
Sonification을 사용한 멸균 균질화
멸균 균질화의 경우, 샘플을 멸균 용기에 넣은 다음 균질한 혼합물을 얻기 위해 교반합니다. 초음파는 멸균 상태에서 하나 또는 여러 샘플을 처리하는 매우 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 기술입니다.…
Ultrasonic Preparation of C. Elegans Samples
C. elegans, a nematode worm, is a widely used model organism in biology. Sample preparation before analysis requires lysis, protein and lipid extraction as well as RNA fragmentation, which can be reliably performed via sonication. Ultrasonic cell disruptors are reliable,…
Power Ultrasonics를 사용한 주스 및 스무디 균질화
주스, 스무디 및 음료는 바람직한 맛과 질감은 물론 장기적인 안정성을 제공하기 위해 신뢰할 수 있고 효율적인 균질화가 필요합니다. 초음파 고전단 균질화기는 식품 및 음료 산업에서 주스, 음료, 퓌레 및 소스를 생산하는 데 널리 사용됩니다…
초음파 추출 및 보존
초음파 추출 및 보존은 세포 구조 (용해)의 붕괴를 위해 전력 초음파를 사용합니다. 초음파로 세포를 파괴하는 것은 세포 내 화합물의 매우 효율적인 추출과 미생물 불활성화를 촉진합니다. 수많은 장점으로 인해 초음파가 널리 사용됩니다…
UIP1000hdt – 강력하고 다재다능한 균질화기
UIP1000hdT (1000W, 20kHz)는 실험실 테스트 및 액체의 산업 처리를위한 강력하고 적응 가능한 프로브 형 초음파 발생기입니다. 유화, 분산, 입자 미세 밀링, 용해, 추출, 용해 및 초음파 화학 반응과 같은 응용 분야에 사용됩니다. 컬러 터치 디스플레이,…
물 분산성 그래핀의 초음파 박리
단층 및 이중층 그래핀 나노시트는 초음파 박리를 통해 높은 처리량과 저렴한 비용으로 빠르게 생산할 수 있습니다. 초음파로 박리된 그래핀은 물에 분산되는 그래핀을 얻기 위해 생체 고분자로 기능화할 수 있습니다. 초음파 캐비테이션에 의해, 합성된 그래핀은 할 수 있습니다…
Ultrasonic Henna Extraction
Henna extracts are widely used in cosmetic, nutritional and medical products. The ultrasonic extraction method increases the yield of the active compounds such as antioxidants, phenolics, and colorants. Ultrasonic processing is a mild non-thermal technique to intensify the Henna extract…
초음파 무용제 마늘 추출
마늘(Allium sativum)은 유기황 화합물(예: 알리신, 글루타치온)이 풍부하여 많은 건강상의 이점을 촉진합니다. 초음파 추출은 고농축 마늘 추출물을 생산하는 신뢰할 수 있고 효율적인 기술입니다. 초음파는 고품질, 전체 스펙트럼의 높은 수율을 제공합니다…
나노유체를 만드는 방법
나노 유체는 나노 입자를 포함하는 기본 유체로 구성된 엔지니어링 유체입니다. 나노유체의 합성을 위해서는 높은 수준의 균일한 분산을 보장하기 위해 효과적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 균질화 및 탈응집 기술이 필요합니다. 초음파 분산기는…
코코아 껍질 추출물과 파워 초음파
코코아 과일 펄프 및 코코아 콩 껍질과 같은 코코아 폐기물은 코코아 버터, 과일 설탕 및 생체 활성 화합물을 추출하여 쉽게 가치를 평가할 수 있습니다. 초음파 추출은 귀중한 구성 요소를 분리하는 매우 효율적인 기술로 입증되었습니다.…
느리고 불충분한 제조 공정 램프업
초음파는 균질화, 혼합, 분산, 습식 밀링, 유화 및 이종 화학 반응 개선과 같은 많은 종류의 액체 응용 분야에 사용되는 잘 정립 된 공정 강화 기술입니다. 생산 공정의 성능이 저조하여 성과를 달성하지 못하는 경우…
산업 응용을 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 나노 입자 분산
High power ultrasonication can efficient and reliably break-up particle agglomerates and even disintegrate primary particles. Due to its high-performance dispersion performance, probe-type ultrasonicators are used as preferred method to create homogeneous nanoparticle suspensions. Reliable Nanoparticle Dispersion by Ultrasonication Many industries…
새로운 산업용 초음파 프로세서: hdT 시리즈
Hielscher 산업용 초음파 발생기의 새로운 시리즈는 우월성을 보여줍니다 : 500W에서 최대 4000W의 산업용 초음파 프로세서는 Hielscher 고객에게 익숙한 높은 초음파 출력과 신뢰성을 확신하지만 새로운 작동에 의해 탁월합니다…
Probe-Type Sonication을 사용한 대마초 배치 추출
생산 목적으로 대마 및 마리화나에서 CBD, THC, CBN 등과 같은 카나비노이드를 추출하는 것은 대마초 식물을 자르고, 분쇄하거나 분쇄하고, 초음파 보조 용매 추출 및 생체 활성 화합물의 후속 분리를 포함합니다. 다음은 실용적인 것입니다.…
비디오: Soxhlet 추출
이 비디오는 에탄올을 사용하여 담배에서 니코틴을 추출하는 데 중점을 둔 Soxhlet 추출기의 설정, 작동 및 적용을 보여줍니다. 이 비디오에서는 에탄올을 용매로 사용하여 담배에서 니코틴을 추출하고 각 단계를 보여줍니다.…
초음파에 의한 개선된 과일 및 채소 겔화
겔화로 소스, 주스, 잼 및 기타 식품을 걸쭉하게 만드는 것은 액체 식품 생산에서 일반적인 공정입니다. 과일과 채소에서 펙틴과 천연 세포 내 설탕의 초음파 추출은 겔화를 촉진하는 매우 효율적인 방법입니다…
금 나노 입자의 효율적이고 통제 된 합성
Gold nanoparticles of uniform shape and morphology can be efficiently synthesized via sonochemical route. The ultrasonically promoted chemical reaction of gold nanoparticle synthesis can be precisely controlled for particle size, shape (e.g., nanospheres, nanorods, nanobelts etc.) and morphology. The efficacious,…
동시 시료 전처리를 위한 VialTweeter 탑재한 UP200St
In laboratories, it is often necessary to prepare multiple samples simultaneously at the same process conditions. The VialTweeter enables for the simultaneous sonication of up to 10 vials at the same intensity. Thereby, the VialTweeter is a reliable lab homogenizer…
Mano-Thermo-Sonication : 초음파 처리의 시너지 효과
초음파 처리는 식품, 제약, 생물학, 화학 및 재료 과학에서 균질화, 유화, 분산, 추출 및 보존과 같은 수많은 응용 분야에 사용되는 비열 처리 기술입니다. 초음파를 단독으로 사용하는 것은 매우 효율적인 처리 방법이며 처리를 완료합니다…
초음파를 이용한 Spagyric Herbal Tincture Production
초음파는 허브 추출을 강화하는 강력한 방법입니다. 초음파 추출은 전체 범위의 생체 활성 화합물을 포함하는 전체 스펙트럼 추출물을 생성합니다. spagyric 팅크 준비 중에 초음파를 적용하면 초음파 처리 이후 프로세스가 훨씬 더 효율적입니다…
고효율 추출을 위한 Deep Eutectic Solvent
심층 공융 용매(DES) 및 천연 심층 공융 용매(NADES)는 여러 수준에서 추출 용매로서의 이점을 제공하므로 기존 유기 용매에 대한 유망한 대안입니다. 깊은 공융 용매는 초음파 추출과 결합하여 우수하게 작동하고 제공합니다.…
초음파 개선(트랜스)에스테르화를 통한 바이오디젤
바이오디젤은 염기 촉매를 사용하여 에스테르 교환을 통해 합성됩니다. 그러나, 유리 지방산 함량이 높은 저급 폐채소 등의 원료를 사용하는 경우, 산-촉매제를 이용한 에스테르화의 화학적 전처리 단계가 요구된다. 초음파 처리 및…
우수한 공정과 비용 효율성을 갖춘 바이오디젤 생산
초음파 혼합은 매우 효율적이고 비용 효율적인 바이오 디젤 생산을위한 우수한 기술입니다. 초음파 캐비테이션은 물질 전달을 획기적으로 개선하여 생산 비용과 처리 기간을 줄입니다. 동시에 품질이 좋지 않은 오일과 지방(예: 폐유)을 사용할 수 있습니다…
Ultrasonic Wire Draw Cleaning
For ultrasonic wire draw cleaning, high-intensity ultrasound waves are superimposed on conventional wire dies. Intense vibrations are generated by high amplitudes of an ultrasonic processor and directly coupled via wire die into the metal working piece (e.g., wires, rods, tubes).…
Crafting Sakura Vodka and Syrup through Ultrasonic Infusion
일본어 사쿠라라고도 알려진 벚꽃은 보기만 한 것이 아니라 아몬드와 체리의 달콤 쌉싸름한 풍미를 선사하는 데 사용되었습니다. 우리는 초음파 침용 및 주입 기술을 소개합니다.…
Scale-up of Ultrasonic Extraction Processes
In order to increase production capacities, extraction processes must be scaled to larger volumes / higher throughputs. Ultrasonically-assisted extraction is a highly efficacious method to isolate botanical compounds from plant material. Additionally, sonication applications can be linearly scaled to larger…
초음파 발생기 – 실험실 및 생산을 위한 초음파 성능
초음파 발생기는 다양한 산업 및 실험실에서 액체 샘플에 초음파 에너지를 적용하는 데 사용되는 강력한 도구입니다. 강력한 초음파는 액체에 급격한 압력 변화를 일으켜 작은 기포의 형성 및 내파를 포함하는 캐비테이션을 유발합니다.…
식물 추출에서 더 높은 수율을 위한 전략
In order to produce premium-quality extracts from botanicals with high efficiency, i.e. high yields of premium quality extracts within a short extraction time, a high-performance extraction technique is required. Ultrasonic extraction is a process intensifying technique, which allows to use…
Stable Paraffin Wax Emulsions via Sonication
Ultrasonic emulsification provides significant advantages in the preparation of stable paraffin wax emulsions, enhancing the quality and stability of the final product. Sonication effectively overcomes the key challenges of paraffin emulsification by utilizing high-intensity ultrasonic waves to generate intense cavitation…
Sonication Enhanced Geopolymerisation
Geopolymers present a promising alternative to traditional cement-based materials, offering environmental, mechanical, and durability advantages. Ultrasonic dispersing is a highly efficient technique to produce geopolymers with excellent material characteristics. Sonication represents a highly efficient mixing method enabling the economical production…
Colorant Manufacturing using High-Performance Dispersers
The production of colorants and pigment suspensions requires reliable dispersion and mixing. Ultrasonic homogenizers are highly efficient when it comes to the production of liquid and paste-like masterbatches and colorant suspensions. Available at any industrial production scale, ultrasonic dispersers improve…
Gin Infusion by Ultrasonically-Intensified Maceration
Gin is an alcoholic beverage infused with juniper and other botanical compounds. Ultrasonic extraction enhances and intensifies the maceration process of pot distilled gin as well as compound gin. The advantages of ultrasonically-infused include the production of flavour-rich, aromatic beverages…
Alkaloid Extraction using a Probe-Ultrasonicator
Alkaloids are bioactive compounds, which can be efficiently extracted from plants using ultrasonication. Alkaloids exhibit a wide array of biological effects and are thereby used as pharmaceuticals and therapeutics. Ultrasonic extraction is the preferred technique to produce high quality alkaloid…
초음파를 이용한 Nutmilk 생산의 우수한 효율성과 품질
Nutmilks and plant-based milk alternatives are a growing food segment. For the production of nutmilks and plant-based milk analogues, ultrasonic extraction and homogenization has shown great advantages over conventional techniques. High-power ultrasound increases yield, product stability, nutrient content and overall…
Continuously Stirred-Tank Reactors Agitated with Ultrasound
Continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR) are widely applied for various chemical reactions including catalysis, emulsion chemistry, polymerization, synthesis, extraction and crystallization. Slow reaction kinetics is a common problem in CSTR, which can easily be overcome by the application of power-ultrasonication.…
실리카 나노 입자의 초음파 응집 제거
Silica nanoparticles such as fumed silica (e.g. Aerosil) are a widely used additive in various industries. In order to obtain fully functional nanosilica with the desired material characteristics, the silica nano-particles must be deagglomerated and distributed as single-dispersed particles. Ultrasonic…
USCM700 초음파 인라인 청소 기계
초음파 와이어 클리닝 기계USCM700 와이어, 막대 및 스트립과 같은 연속적인 끝없는 재료를 효과적으로 청소할 수 있는 강력하고 효율적인 장치입니다. 이 USCM700에는 선택사양인 벨트 필터가 있어 필터 카트리지를 피할 수 있습니다.…
Ultrasonicators for ASTM D5621 Sonic Shear Stability of Hydraulic Fluids
ASTM D5621 표준 시험 방법은 각각 40°C 및 100°C에서 유압 유체와 점도의 음파 전단 안정성 시험을 설명합니다. 전단 하에서 유압 유체의 점도 안정성을 테스트하고 결정하기 위해, 신뢰할 수 있는 테스트…
ASTM D2603 전단 안정성 테스트를위한 초음파 발생기
ASTM D2603 표준은 초음파로 유도된 전단 응력 하에서 유압 유체의 음파 전단 안정성 테스트를 설명합니다. Hielscher 초음파 발생기는 ASTM D2603에 따라 유압 유체의 전단 안정성 테스트에 사용되는 신뢰할 수있는 전단 생성 장치로 사용됩니다…
초음파로 숙성되고 숙성된 증류주와 주류
증류소는 고성능 초음파를 사용하여 몇 시간 내에 증류주의 품질을 개선함으로써 최대 몇 년이 걸리는 시간 소모적인 배럴 숙성을 건너뛰거나 줄이고 있습니다. 초음파는 전통적인 밑에 수년이 걸리는 기계적인 및 화학 반응을 승진시킵니다…
초음파로 개선 된 아이스크림 생산
파워 초음파의 적용은 고품질 아이스크림 생산에 몇 가지 유익한 효과가 있습니다. 초음파 처리의 주요 장점은 결정 크기의 감소와 아이스크림의 동결 가속화를 포함합니다. 따라서, 초음파는 향상시킵니다…
개구리밥 단백질 추출
개구리밥(Lemna minor)은 단백질과 기타 영양 화합물이 풍부한 빠르게 자라는 수생 식물입니다. 초음파 추출은 개구리밥에서 단백질, 지질 및 식물 영양소를 방출하는 매우 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 가공 기술로 사용됩니다. 초음파 처리는 다음을 허용합니다.…
Power Ultrasonics를 이용한 감소된 아스팔텐 증착
아스팔텐 침전은 투과성 감소, 저류층 암석 습윤성 변화, 유정 보어 막힘 및 생산 유정 주변에 상당한 압력 강하를 생성함으로써 오일 생산에서 수많은 문제를 일으킵니다. 초음파 아스팔텐 응집 및 분산은 예방 및 개선합니다.…
수성 그래핀 박리
초음파 박리 제거는 순수한 물만을 사용하여 독한 용매를 사용하지 않고 몇 층의 그래핀을 생산할 수 있습니다. 고출력 초음파 처리는 짧은 처리 내에서 그래 핀 시트를 박리합니다. 용매를 사용하지 않음으로써 그래핀 박리를 친환경적이고 지속 가능한 공정으로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 그래핀 생산…
초음파를 통한 유리한 하이드로겔 생산
초음파 처리는 고성능 하이드로겔 제조를 위한 매우 효과적이고 신뢰할 수 있으며 간단한 기술입니다. 이 하이드로겔은 흡수 능력, 점탄성, 기계적 강도, 압축 계수 및 자가 치유 기능과 같은 우수한 재료 특성을 제공합니다. 하이드로겔 생산을 위한 초음파 중합 및 분산…
Organic Mushroom Extracts with Ultrasound
Produce premium-quality organic mushroom extracts, e.g. from chaga, reishi, psilocybe cubensis (magic mushrooms), lion’s mane, maitake, and many other mushroom species using ultrasonic extraction. The mild extraction method of power ultrasound can be combined with organically certified (bio-certified / eco-certified)…
Highly Efficient De-Aeration of Liquids using Ultrasonics
Whilst degassing or outgassing is often an extremely time-consuming process step, ultrasonication can accelerate the coalescence of gas bubbles and their rise significantly. Ultrasonic outgassing can be used in batch and inline setups and can be also combined with conventional…
초음파 프라이밍 및 발아
초음파 종자 프라이밍은 종자에 물과 영양분을 보충하고 발아를 자극하는 유용한 사전 파종 기술입니다. 초음파 처리는 종자 휴면을 깨고 발아 특성을 향상시키는 효율적인 기술입니다. Hielscher 초음파 장비를 정밀하게 제어 할 수 있습니다.…
Why Nanoformulated Medicines?
Ultrasonic nanoemulsions excel as drug carrier due to a significantly higher solubilization capacity than simple micelle solutions. Their thermodynamic stability offers advantages over unstable systems such as macro-sized emulsions, dispersions and suspensions. Hielscher ultrasonicators are used to prepare nanoemulsions with…
Ultrasonic Lysis of E. Coli
E. coli bacteria are the most commonly used bacteria in microbiology and biotechnology. Ultrasonic cell disruptors deliver reliable and reproducible results for the lysis of E. coli. Intense yet precisely controllable cavitation and shear forces result in complete disruption and…
Wax Emulsions with Power Ultrasonics
When wax is dispersed as nano droplets with a very homogeneous distribution, a stable wax emulsions is obtained. Ultrasonic homogenizers generate high shear forces and are reliable and robust systems to produce stable wax nano-emulsions. Hielscher Ultrasonics high-shear homogenizers deliver…
Ultrasonic Hydrodistillation of Essential Oils
The conventional extraction of essential oils is expensive and time-consuming. Ultrasonic extraction gives higher yields and superior extract quality. Ultrasonic can be carried out as solvent- or water-based extraction method. Alternatively, sonication can be combined with traditional extraction systems to…
Ultrasonic Crystallization and Precipitation
Ultrasound initiates and promotes the nucleation and crystallization of organic molecules. Having control over this process is vital to make sure the final product is of high quality. The advantages of using sonication for crystallization and making solids from liquids…
Sonochemistry: Application Notes
Sonochemistry is the effect of ultrasonic cavitation on chemical systems. Due to the extreme conditions that occur in the cavitational "hot spot", power ultrasound is an very effective method to improve reaction outcome (higher yield, better quality), conversion and duration…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Caffeine
Using ultrasonics is an effective method for the extraction of caffeine and other active compounds from coffee. Powerful ultrasonic devices assist the extraction process whilst maximizing yield and shortening processing time. Improve Caffeine Extraction with Power Ultrasound The flavour of…
초음파 그래핀 생산
Ultrasonic synthesis of graphene via graphite exfoliation is the most reliable and advantageous method to produce high-quality graphene sheets on industrial scale. Hielscher high-performance ultrasonic processors are precisely controllable and can generate very high amplitudes in 24/7 operation. This allows…
Sonochemical 반응 및 합성
Sonochemistry is the application of ultrasound to chemical reactions and processes. The mechanism causing sonochemical effects in liquids is the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation. Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory and industrial devices are used in a wide range of sonochemical processes. Ultrasonic…
액체 처리를위한 초음파기 및 프로브
Hielscher ultrasonicators are used for lab samples, pilot scale processing or full scale production. This includes ultrasonic processors and probes for the ultrasonication of any liquid volume, from several microliters through hundreds of cubicmeters per hour. Hielscher Ultrasonics supplies high-performance…
Ultrasonic Process Test Facility
The effect of ultrasonication on various materials can be tested easily. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers you its ultrasound process facility, fully equipped with ultrasonic homogenizers, process accessories and analytic equipment, for the feasibility testing and process optimization of your application. We…
Ultrasonic Alternative to Hydrodesulfurization
Oil refineries are facing increasing supplied of sulfurous crude oil, so-called sour crude, whilst at the same time environmental regulations pressure for lower sulfur content of gasoline. Simultaneously, the costs of conventional hydrodesulfurization (HDS) are rising because of the hydrogen…
UIP500hdt 님 – 소규모의 산업 가공
The ultrasonic processor UIP500hdT (20kHz, 500W) is an industrial grade device for pilot testing and small scale processing of liquids. Amongst the most common applications of the UIP500hdT are homogenization, dispersing, emulsification, cell disintegration and sonochemical reactions. A full color…
UIP1500hdT 님 – High Ultrasonic Processing Power
The probe-type sonicator UIP1500hdT (20kHz, 1500W) combines high processing power with flexibility and user-comfort. This 1.5kW powerful ultrasonic homogenizer is suitable for process development, optimization and for production processes. This includes emulsifying, dispersing and sono-chemistry, lysis and extraction or homogenizing.…
화장품 산업을 위한 초음파 혼합
Hielscher 초음파 발생기는 로션, 자외선 차단제, 크림, 젤 또는 연고 제조와 같은 다양한 공정을 위해 화장품 산업에서 사용됩니다. 프로브 형 초음파 발생기는 화장품 및 미용 제품의 품질, 안정성 및 효능을 향상시키는 데 중요한 역할을합니다.…
코팅 제형에서의 초음파
안료, 충전제, 화학 첨가제, 가교제 및 유변학 개질제와 같은 다양한 구성 요소가 코팅 및 페인트 제형에 사용됩니다. 초음파는 코팅에서 이러한 구성 요소의 분산 및 유화, 응집 제거 및 밀링에 효과적인 수단입니다. 초음파는 에서 사용됩니다…
Ultrasonic Degassing of Anti-Freeze and Cooling Liquids
Ultrasonic degassing is a highly effective and efficient method for removing dissolved gases from coolants and anti-freeze liquids. Its application in industrial settings, particularly through the use of probe-type sonicators, ensures that these critical fluids perform optimally, safeguarding the equipment…
Ultrasonic Waste and Sludge Treatment
Biogas is generated from sources, such as municipal organic waste, sewage sludge, muck or manure. Ultrasonication improves the digestibility of such organic material leading to more biogas and less residual sludge. Biogas is a byproduct of the decomposition of organic…
미식가를 위한 초음파
Hielscher가 만든 초음파 장치는 혁신적이고 고품질의 요리를 위해 고급 레스토랑의 요리사가 사용합니다. 여기에는 풍미 추출, 발광 또는 질감 수정이 포함됩니다. Hielscher 초음파 장치는 매니폴드 응용 분야에 사용되며 성능, 신뢰성 및 성능이 입증되었습니다.…
비디오: 식물 추출
이 비디오는 식물 추출에 대해 설명합니다. 고품질 식물 추출물 생산의 어려움과 초음파 발생기가 이러한 문제를 극복하는 데 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지에 대해 알아보십시오. 초음파를 사용한 식물 추출 이 비디오는 다음을 설명합니다.…
Support Videos
This page is a collection of third-party party support videos for Hielscher ultrasonic equipment. Here you will find a comprehensive collection of tutorials and guides designed to help you get the most out of your Hielscher ultrasonic devices. Whether you…
Ultrasonic Production of Nano-Structured Cellulose
Nanocellulose, a remarkable high-performance additive, has gained prominence for its versatile applications as a rheology modifier, reinforcing agent, and key component in various advanced materials. These nano-structured fibrils, derived from any cellulose-containing source, can be efficiently isolated through high-power ultrasonic…
Special topics on our website
Find information about some of our special topics and concerns:
업100H – Compact Ultrasonic Laboratory Device
The ultrasonic processor UP100H (100W, 30kHz) is the perfect device for the sonication of small and medium size lab samples. This compact, yet powerful, lab homogenizer is commonly used for sample preparation, such as emulsifying, dispersing, dissolving and cell disruption.…
초음파 DNA 전단
During DNA and RNA shearing, DNA molecules are broken into smaller pieces. DNA / RNA fragmentation is one of the important sample prep steps required to create libraries for next generation sequencing (NGS). Ultrasonic DNA shearing uses the forces of…
초음파 엘더베리 추출
Elderberry extracts are well-known for their antiviral properties and thereby heavily used as natural remedy to relieve flu symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat. To produce elderberry extracts with a high polyphenol and antioxidant content, a mild yet…
Accelerated Dewatering of Cellulose Nanofibers for Paper Production
Sonication in combination with lactic acid (LA) modification is an eco-friendly approach to accelerate the dewatering process of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) for paper production. Cellulose nanofibers are known for their high water retention, causing significant delays in the drainage process,…
화장품 생산을 위한 파워 초음파
초음파 처리는 화장품 및 퍼스널 케어 개발 및 제조의 역동적인 영역에서 혁신의 최전선에 서 있습니다. 화장품 산업에서의 다양한 응용 분야는 에멀젼 생성, 분산액, 입자 크기 감소, 리포좀 준비 및…
Nail Polish Production – Find the Ideal Mixing Tool!
Being one of the most advanced mixing techniques, sonication has significantly improved the production process of nail polishes, also known as nail varnishes or enamels. As a beauty product, nail polish comes in a wide variety of colors and finishes,…
96-Well Plate Sonicator UIP400MTP for High-Throughput Sample Prep
96-well plates, microplates, multi-well plates, microtiter plates or ELISA plates are used for the mass sample cultivation and processing of biological samples. With the microtiter plate ultrasonicator UIP400MTP, Hielscher offers a unique ultrasonic solution of the uniform and reliable sample…
Microbiome Research and Clinical Analysis Streamlined by Sonication
Sonication is a powerful technique widely used in microbiome research and clinical analysis facilitating a high-throughput sample preparation. The ultrasonic method is particularly effective for processing complex biological samples, such as those containing microorganisms. The use of sonication facilitates cell…
Ultrasonic Cold Brew Coffee
초음파 발생기를 사용하여 제조 한 콜드 브루 커피는 초음파를 콜드 브루잉 기술로 사용하는 과정입니다. 열 대신 강력한 초음파가 커피 찌꺼기에서 향미 화합물을 추출합니다. 콜드 브루 커피는 풍미 프로필을 제공합니다.…
그린 커피 추출 및 콜드 브루잉
Sonication, or the application of power ultrasound to agitate particles in a sample, has altered various industries, including food and beverage production. In particular, probe-type sonication has emerged as a superior method for the extraction and cold brewing of green…
식품 균질화기
Homogenizers are essential mixing equipment widely used in the food and beverage industry to naturally enhance flavor, consistency, and shelf life. As food and beverages constitute a significant part of the global economy, ensuring their quality and stability is paramount.…
균질 – Working Principle, Use and Scale-Up
Homogenizers are a type of mixers, which apply mechanical forces to blend, emulsify, disperse, and dissolve liquid-liquid and solid-liquid systems. Depending on the homogenizer model rotational shear, nozzles or high-power ultrasound are used to create the required forces to disintegrate…
Ultrasonicators for Life Science
Ultrasonicators play a critical role in the extraction and processing of biological samples for genomics, proteomics, and diagnostic applications. By effectively disrupting a wide range of cell and tissue types, ultrasonicators facilitate the isolation and analysis of DNA, RNA, and…
멀티웰 플레이트 초음파 발생기
Hielscher UIP400MTP는 시장에서 가장 진보되고 가장 강력한 멀티 웰 플레이트 초음파 발생기입니다. 광범위한 응용 분야에서 비교할 수 없는 초음파 처리 효율성, 정밀도 및 재현성을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 그것은 당신의 multiwell 판, PCR를 사용합니다…
세포 용해를 위한 초음파 처리: 세포 파괴 및 추출
Ultrasonic cell lysis is a sample preparation procedure in biotech laboratories. The goal is to disrupt cell walls or entire cells to release biological molecules. Sonication is commonly used for cell lysis, cell disruption and extraction. The major advantage of…
High-Throughput Sample Preparation for Mitochondrial Diagnostics
Mitochondrial diagnostics in research and clinics are performed using various techniques such as sequencing, PCR, and biochemical assays. These methods are used to identify DNA mutations and measure mitochondrial function. Sequencing helps detect genetic mutations, while PCR can quantify specific…
Soxhlet 추출 – What is it? How does it work?
The Soxhlet extractor is a fundamental tool for extracting specific compounds from solid samples using a continuous solvent extraction process. It involves repeated washing with a solvent over an extended period, typically 6-48 hours, making it very time-consuming. Long-term exposure…
Ultrasonic Cell Detachment
Ultrasonic cell detachment is a highly effective and reliable sample preparation technique used in various fields of cell biology and biotechnology. Using ultrasonic waves, the multi-well plate sonicator UIP400MTP detaches adherent cells from culture surfaces and prepares cell suspensions for…
Biofilm Dislodging using the High-Throughput Sonicator UIP400MTP
High-throughput sonicators designed for multi-well plates and 96-well plates are essential tools in biofilm research, particularly for dislodging and removing biofilms from wells, tubes, pins, and Petri dishes. These sonicators facilitate the processing of numerous samples simultaneously, improving efficiency and…
Ultrasonic Bioreactors for Fermentation
Ultrasonics is an effective means to stimulate microorganisms by mechanical vibrations and cavitation. In a sonobioreactor / ultrasonic fermenter, the ultrasonic treatment of cells and tissue becomes highly controllable since the environmental factors can be exactly determined. With ultrasonic bioreactors,…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Mycoprotein
Fulfilling the demands for sustainable and nutritious food alternatives, mycoprotein has emerged as a revolutionary ingredient, derived from fungi and primarily used in the creation of meat substitutes, often referred to as "fake meat." This protein source offers a promising…
Cannabis Oil / CBD Nanoemulsion by Ultrasonics
Making clear, translucent cannabis nanoemulsions is a real challenge. Ultrasonic emulsifiers are a highly efficient technique to produce clear, long-time stable nanoemulsion encapsulating cannabinoids. Ultrasonically nano-emulsified CBD, CBG or THC have a significantly higher bioavailability. Make CBD Nano-Emulsions using an…
Please Contact Us for More Information
Contact Hielscher Ultrasonics by phone, email, or visit our headquarters in Teltow, Germany. Whether you are looking to purchase an ultrasonic lab homogenizer for research or an industrial sonicator for production, we provide the ideal system for your needs. Our…
Cement Particle Wet-Milling Using Probe-Type Sonicators
Cement particle wet milling is a crucial process in the production of high-quality cement. The objective is to reduce the particle size to enhance the properties of cement, such as its reactivity and strength. Traditional milling techniques, such as ball…
Cement Particle Deagglomeration using Power Ultrasonics
Ultrasonic deagglomeration using probe-type sonicators offers a superior alternative by overcoming these issues. This method eliminates the need for grinding media, simplifies the process by removing the need for post-process filtration and intensive cleaning, and provides efficient particle size reduction…
초음파 균질화기를 사용한 실험실 작업 마스터하기
Sonicators are essential lab tools used for a wide range of applications, such as homogenization and mixing, extraction, dispersing, emulsifying, dissolution, cell disruption, DNA fragmentation, and sonochemical reactions. Typically, probe-type sonicators are used to fulfill these common tasks in daily…
그래핀의 초음파 분산
그래핀을 복합재에 통합하려면 제형 전반에 걸쳐 그래핀을 단일 나노 시트로 균일하게 분산시키거나 박리하는 것이 필수적입니다. 그래핀이 더 철저하게 응집되지 않을수록 뛰어난 재료 특성을 더 잘 활용할 수 있습니다. 초음파 분산 제공…
Oil-in-Water Emulsions
In oil-in-water emulsions, the oily phase is mixed into the aqueous phase. Ultrasonic emulsifiers are ideal for creating these emulsions, offering uniform droplet dispersion and long-term stability, making them popular in labs and production. Benefits of Hielscher Sonicators for Oil-in-Water…
그래핀 산화물 – 초음파 박리 및 분산
산화 그래핀은 수용성, 양팔성, 무독성, 생분해성이며 안정적인 콜로이드로 쉽게 분산될 수 있습니다. 초음파 박리 및 분산은 산업 규모로 산화 그래핀을 합성, 분산 및 기능화하는 매우 효율적이고 신속하며 비용 효율적인 방법입니다. 다운스트림 처리에서,…
Xenes의 초음파 박리
Xenes는 매우 높은 표면적, 우수한 전기 전도성 또는 인장 강도를 포함한 이방성 물리적/화학적 특성과 같은 탁월한 특성을 가진 2D 단원소 나노 물질입니다. 초음파 박리 또는 박리는 단층 2D를 생성하는 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 기술입니다.…
Liposomal Vitamin C Production with Ultrasonics
Liposomal vitamin formulations are known for their higher bioavailability and absorption rate. Vitamin C, an antioxidant, is a common supplement used in nutritional and medical drugs to support the immune system of the human body. Ultrasonication is a reliable and…
안정화된 Allicin 제형을 위한 초음파 나노올리포솜
알리신은 신선한 마늘 정향에서 추출할 수 있는 생체 활성 화합물입니다. 알리신은 분해되기 쉬우므로 장기적으로 강력한 포뮬러를 얻기 위해 안정화된 보충제 형태로 제형화해야 합니다. 알리신의 초음파 캡슐화…
초음파 리포좀 준비
Ultrasonically produced liposomes show a very high entrapment efficiency, high loading capacity and uniformly small spherical size. Thereby, ultrasonic liposomes offer excellent bioavailability. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers ultrasonicators for the reliable production of pharma-grade liposomes in batch and continuous mode. Advantages…
Liposomes via Reverse-Phase Evaporation Method using Sonication
Liposomes are versatile nanocarriers used in drug delivery due to their biocompatibility and ability to encapsulate both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs. The reverse-phase evaporation method (also known as emulsification method or a solvent-evaporation method) is a prominent technique for liposome…
Ultrasonic Priming of Seeds: How Sonication Improves Germination
Ultrasonic priming of seeds and grains result in a more complete and faster germination and higher crop yields. Ultrasonication perforates the seed testa (seed coating) and increases the uptake of water, nutrients and oxygen into the seed grains. The ultrasonic…
FFPE 고처리량 시료 전처리: 단백질 추출 및 핵산 전단
고처리량 초음파 발생기 UIP400MTP를 통해 Hielscher 초음파는 포르말린 고정 및 파라핀 내장 (FFPE) 조직 준비의 문제를 해결합니다. 초음파가 FFPE 탈파라핀화, 조직 용해, 균질화, 단백질 추출 및 DNA/RNA 전단을 위해 FFPE 샘플을 대량으로 처리하는 방법을 알아보십시오! 걸리다…
Non-Contact Sonicators
Ultrasonicators play a critical role in the extraction and processing of biological samples for genomics, proteomics, and diagnostic applications. By effectively disrupting a wide range of cell and tissue types, ultrasonicators facilitate the isolation and analysis of DNA, RNA, and…
How To Use Hielscher Ultrasonic Tissue Homogenizers
Before purifying or characterizing intracellular macromolecules such as proteins, organelles, enzymes, or active compounds, it is essential to employ an efficient method for tissue lysis and cell disintegration. Ultrasonication is a highly effective technique for cell preparation, quickly releasing intracellular…
콘크리트용 시멘트 페이스트의 초음파 혼합
The ultrasonic mixing of cement paste offers great benefits for precast molding, drycast, and concrete plants. These benefits include shorter initial and final set times, lower dosage of superplasticizer, faster and more complete hydration, as well as higher compressive strength.…
Ultrasonic Margarine Production
The basic production step during the manufacturing of margarine consists in emulsifying a blend of vegetable oils and fats with water and additives. Ultrasonic emulsification a a reliable, proven technique to prepare stable, fine-size food emulsions. The ultrasonic emulsion process…
Oleogels: How Sonication Improves Oleogel Formulations
Oleogels are versatile materials with applications in a wide range of industries, offering unique benefits in terms of texture, stability, and functionality. Using probe-type sonicators significantly improves the synthesis and performance of oleogels, making them more suitable for various industrial…
초음파 캐비테이션에 의한 유화
A wide range of intermediate and consumer products, such as cosmetics and skin lotions, pharmaceutical ointments, varnishes, paints and lubricants and fuels are based wholly or in part on emulsions. Hielscher manufactures the world's largest industrial ultrasonic liquid processors for…
초음파 용해: 완벽한 세포 파괴를 위한 단계별 가이드
세포 용해 과학을 마스터하고 싶으십니까? 더 이상 마세요! 이 단계별 가이드에서는 초음파 세포 파괴 과정을 안내하고 세포 용해 기술이 최적의 결과를 얻을 수 있도록 합니다. 여부…
초음파에 대해 자주 묻는 질문
아래에서 초음파에 관한 가장 일반적인 질문에 대한 답변을 찾을 수 있습니다. 질문에 대한 답변을 찾지 못한 경우 주저하지 말고 문의하십시오. 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다. 용매를 초음파 처리할 수 있습니까?…
Ultrasonic Cold-Water Extraction of Mogrosides from Monk Fruit
Monk fruit (S. grosvenorii) extract and particularly its compound mogroside V is used as a natural non-caloric sweetener. Mogrosides. Ultrasonic extraction is a simple, rapid, reproducible, and reliable extraction method successfully applied to produce natural non-caloric sweetener from monk fruit.…
Ultrasonic Sample Prep for ELISA Assays
ELISA와 같은 분석은 체외 진단, 질병 관련 단백질 검출 및 품질 관리(예: 식품 알레르겐 모니터링)에 널리 사용됩니다. 초음파 시료 전처리는 세포를 용해하고 세포 내 단백질, DNA, RNA 및…
초음파 처리 중 온도 조절에 대한 종합 안내서
Temperature control in ultrasonic processing and sonochemical reactions is essential for maintaining sample integrity, protecting heat-sensitive compounds, optimizing reaction conditions, ensuring uniform sonication, and enhancing overall safety. All digital models of Hielscher sonicators come with a pluggable temperature sensor and…
Hielscher 초음파에 대해
Hielscher Ultrasonics is a family owned business, located in Teltow near Berlin (Germany). The main emphasis of its activities is the conception, development and production of ultrasonic devices for the use in laboratory and for manifold industrial applications. Technological innovations…
Thank you for your Inquiry!
We would like to thank you for your interest in our ultrasonic products. Your information request will be processed as soon as possible. In a hurry? Feel free to contact any of our offices. We will be glad to assist…
초음파 CupHorn
The Hielscher Ultrasonic CupHorn is the world's most advanced ultrasonic cuphorn. The ultrasonic intensity of the Hielscher CupHorn exceeds conventional ultrasonic baths by a thousand times. Precise control and user-friendliness ensure reliable and repeatable outcomes and comfortable operation. That’s why…
Glycerine as Solvent for Ultrasonic Extraction
글리세린 또는 글리세롤은 순수하게(100%) 또는 글리세린과 물 또는 식물 추출을 위한 에탄올의 혼합물로 사용할 수 있습니다. 초음파 처리 공정에서 글리세린을 추출 용매로 활용하는 이점에 대해 알아보십시오. 초음파 처리를 사용한 글리세린의 식물 추출…
Solvents for Ultrasonic Extraction from Plants
Ultrasonic extraction features many advantages such as high yields, fast extraction rates, environmental-friendliness and low energy consumption. One of the strongest benefits is the use of water as extraction medium. However, sonication can be used with manifold solvent systems to…
HPLC 컬럼을 위한 초음파 입자 변형
HPLC의 과제는 광범위한 시료를 빠르고 효율적으로 분리하는 것입니다. 초음파 처리는 나노 입자 (예 : 실리카 또는 지르코니아 마이크로 스피어)를 수정하고 기능화 할 수 있습니다. 초음파는 코어 쉘 실리카 입자를 합성하는 매우 성공적인 기술입니다.…
All-In-One 시료 전처리 장치 UP200St_TD
The 200 watts ultrasonic device UP200St_TD offers a broad versatility as this basic unit allows for three completely different setups. The basic system consists in the top-down transducer UP200St_TD that is driven by the 200 watt generator (UP200St-G) suppling the…
Ultrasonic Production of Liposomal Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Nanoliposomes are highly effective drug carriers used to enhance the bioavailability of bioactive compounds such as omega-2 fatty acids, vitamins, and other substances. Ultrasonic encapsulation of bioactive compounds is a fast and simple technique to prepare nanoliposomes with high drug…
Liposomal Encapsulated Bioactive Molecules with Ultrasonics
Ultrasonication is well known to be highly efficient in the preparation of liposomal formulations. Typical liposome formulations encapsulate vitamin C, CBD, curcumin, quercitin, astaxanthin, peptides and manifiold other bioactive compounds using ultrasonication. Ultrasonic liposome encapsulation is a simple, fast and…
High-Throughput Sample Preparation for Biomarker Diagnostics: Ultrasonic Protein Extraction
The integration of high-throughput sonicators in biomarker diagnostics offers substantial advantages, enhancing the efficiency, consistency, and scalability of sample preparation processes. By enabling the rapid and uniform extraction of biomolecules from diverse sample types, the Multiwell-Plate Sonicator UIP400MTP supports the…
쐐기풀 추출 – 초음파를 사용한 강력한 팅크
쐐기풀(Urtica dioica)은 폴리페놀, 항산화제, 카로틴, 테르페노이드와 같은 생리 활성 화합물이 풍부한 식물로 제약, 치료 및 기능 식품 물질로 사용됩니다. 초음파 추출기는 쐐기풀 추출물 생산을 위한 고효율 산업 확립 도구입니다…
초음파로 개선 된 음식 튀김
감자 튀김, 감자 칩 및 기타 튀긴 음식과 같은 튀긴 음식은 튀김 전이나 튀김 중에 초음파 처리가 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 초음파가 기름과 아크릴아마이드를 덜 함유하여 더 건강한 튀김 음식으로 이어지는 방법을 알아보십시오. 동시에 튀김 시간…
Flower Extraction – Mild Processing, High Yields by Sonication
당신이 절대적인 꽃이 주입 된 물을 만들고 싶든 꽃 hydrolat을 만들고 싶든, 초음파 처리는 꽃 추출물의 수율을 높이는 데 도움이됩니다. 초음파 처리가 섬세한 생체 분자와 에센셜 오일을 분리하는 이상적인 추출 기술인 이유를 알아보십시오.…
초음파 에스테르 교환을 통한 폴리올 합성
Polyols are synthetic esters produced mainly via a transesterification of triglycerides from vegetable oils or animal fats. These polyols are raw material for the production of polyurethans, biolubricants and other cemicals. Ultrasonication is used to enhance transesterification reactions by applying…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Active Compounds from Grape and Wine By-Products
포도(Vitis vinifera), 포도 및 와인 부산물에는 폴리페놀 및 기타 생체 활성 물질이 풍부하여 의약품 및 영양 보충제 생산에 유용한 화합물입니다. 초음파 추출은 포도의 간단하고 매우 효율적인 분리를 허용합니다.…
Ultrasonic Homogenizers for Nanomaterial Deagglomeration
In today's fast-evolving materials science landscape, Hielscher sonicators stand out by providing unparalleled precision for nanomaterial deagglomeration in lab beakers and in production scale. Hielscher ultrasonic homogenizers empower researchers and engineers to push the boundaries of what is possible in…
Rosemary Extraction using Power Ultrasound
Rosemary is a fragrant, evergreen herb rich in bioactive compounds and essential oils, which are used in medicinal, food and cosmetic products. Ultrasonic extraction is a mild, yet highly efficient technique to isolate bioactive compounds and essential oils from rosemary…
SonoStation – Hielscher’s Ultrasonic Pump Solution Setup
Ultrasonic processes are widely used in manifold industries for mixing, dispersing, homogenisation and extraction. Whilst small volumes easily can be sonicated in batch mode, for larger volume processes a sophisticated inline setup is recommended. The SonoStation is a complete self-standing…
Probe-Type Sonication vs. Ultrasonic Bath: An Efficiency Comparison
Sonication processes can be carried out by the use of a probe-type ultrasonic homogenizer or an ultrasonic bath. Although, both techniques apply ultrasound to the sample, there are significant differences in effectiveness, efficiency and process capabilities. The desired effects of…
Ultrasonic Honey Processing
Honey enjoys great demand as food and medicine. Ultrasonic processing is an effective means to destroy undesirable components, such as crystals and microbial cells in honey. As a non-thermal processing technology, ultrasonic honey decrystallization prevents undesired increase in HFM as…
Alpha-Synuclein Fragmentation using the VialTweeter Sonicator
α-synuclein fibrils and ribbons are fragmented in scientific research to generate smaller fibril snippets or even individual protein molecules, which can be more readily analyzed using various experimental techniques. The VialTweeter Sonicator is one of the most commonly used ultrasonicators…
Hielscher Ultrasonics Videos
This page is a collection of videos.
Nano-Conductive Adhesives for High-Performance Electronics
Ultrasonic dispersers are used as reliable mixing and milling technique in the production of high-performance adhesives for high-performance electronics and nano-electronics. In production of high-performance electronics, adhesives such as nano-conductive adhesives are in high demand. Such high-performance adhesives are used…
강화 고무의 초음파 준비
강화 고무는 더 높은 인장 강도, 연신율, 내마모성 및 더 나은 노화 안정성을 보여줍니다. 카본 블랙(예: CNT, MWNT), 그래핀 또는 실리카와 같은 충전제는 원하는 재료 특성을 제공하기 위해 매트릭스에 균일하게 분산되어야 합니다. 파워 초음파가 주는 것…
활성탄의 초음파 분산
활성탄 및 활성탄은 화장품, 의료 및 산업 제품에 널리 사용됩니다. 최상의 결과를 얻으려면 활성탄이 균일하게 분산되어야 합니다: 입자 크기가 작을수록 입자 표면이 클수록 활성이 좋아집니다. 초음파 분산은 다음을 제공합니다.…
대규모로 전도성 잉크의 초음파 생산
Uniformly dispersed nanoparticles such as silver, graphene or CNTs with an precisely tailored particle size are crucial for production highly conductive inks. Powerful ultrasonic dispersers allow to synthesize, deagglomerate and distribute metallic (e.g. Ag), carbon-based (e.g. CNTs, graphene) nanoparticles as…
Graphene Nanoplatelets Synthesized and Dispersed via Probe-Sonication
Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) can be synthesized and dispersed with high efficiency and reliability using sonicators. High-intensity ultrasonication is employed to exfoliate graphite and obtain few-layer graphene, often referred to as graphene nanoplatelets. Sonication also excels in achieving excellent graphene nanoplatelet…
초음파 균질화기
초음파 균질화기는 고체-액체 및 액체-액체 현탁액을 혼합하고 균질화하는 강력한 도구입니다. 초음파 균질화는 액체의 입자를 줄여 균일하게 작고 고르게 분포되도록하는 기계적 공정입니다. Hielscher는 강력한 초음파 균질화기를 제공합니다.…
초음파 분산 및 응집 해제
고체를 액체로 분산시키고 응집시키는 것은 전력 초음파 및 프로브 형 초음파 발생기의 중요한 응용 분야입니다. 초음파 캐비테이션은 입자 응집체를 단일 분산 입자로 분해하는 매우 높은 전단을 생성합니다. 국부적으로 집중된 높은 전단력으로 인해,…
Ultrasonic Flow Reactors – Design, Applications and Advantages
Ultrasonic reactors allow for a continuous inline treatment of liquids and slurries applying powerful ultrasound waves. Ultrasonic reactors are used for homogenisation, mixing, emulsification, dispersing, extraction, cell disintegration, pasteurization, degasification, dissolving and the intensification of chemical reactions such as synthesis…
Sonochemistry 및 Sonochemical 반응기
Sonochemistry는 고강도 초음파를 사용하여 화학 반응 (합성, 촉매, 분해, 중합, 가수 분해 등)을 유도, 가속 및 수정하는 화학 분야입니다. 초음파로 생성된 캐비테이션은 화학 반응을 촉진하고 강화하는 고유한 에너지 밀도 조건을 특징으로 합니다. 빠른…
Chitin and Chitosan Production from Mushrooms
Ultrasonication is a highly efficient method to release chitin and chitosan from fungal sources such as mushrooms. Chitin and chitosan must be depolymerized and deacetylated in down-stream processing in order to obtain a high-quality biopolymer. Ultrasonically-assisted depolymerization and deacetylation is…
초음파 추출과 그 작동 원리
Ultrasonic extraction is the preferred technique to isolate bioactive compounds from botanicals. Sonication achieves a complete extraction and thereby superior extract yields are obtained in a very short extraction time. Being such an efficient extraction method, ultrasonic extraction is cost-…
Ultrasonic Astaxanthin Extraction for Higher Yields
Astaxanthin is a highly potent antioxidant used in pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements. In order to produce high-quality astaxanthin from natural sources such as algae, a high-performance extraction technique is required. Ultrasonic extraction is a mechanical treatment, which gives high yields…
Ultrasonic Preparation of Bitters
쓴맛은 칵테일 및 기타 알코올 음료의 맛을 내는 데 사용되는 매우 강렬하게 주입된 알코올 혼합물입니다. 초음파 추출 및 주입은 쓴맛에서 강렬한 풍미 프로필을 만드는 데 도움이 됩니다. 쓴맛의 전통적인 주입은 시간이 많이 걸리는 과정이지만 초음파 주입…
Synthesis and Functionalization of Zeolites using Sonication
나노 제올라이트 및 제올라이트 유도체를 포함한 제올라이트는 고성능 초음파를 사용하여 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 합성, 기능화 및 응집될 수 있습니다. 초음파 제올라이트 합성 및 처리는 효율성, 단순성 및 대량 생산에 대한 간단한 선형 확장성으로 인해 기존의 열수 합성을 능가합니다. 초음파로 합성된 제올라이트…
Acoustic vs Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Mixing Applications
Cavitation for Mixing and Blending: Is there a difference between acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation? And why might one cavitation technology be better for your process? Acoustic cavitation - also known as ultrasonic cavitation - and hydrodynamic cavitation are both forms…
Ultrasonic Degassing and Defoaming of Liquids
Degassing and defoaming of liquids using ultrasonic is a very effective process. Ultrasonication removes small suspended gas-bubbles from the liquid and reduces the level of dissolved gas below the natural equilibrium level. The degassing and defoaming of liquids is required…
Ultrasonic Levitation and its Industrial Applications
Ultrasonic / acoustic levitation is an industrially-proven option for non-contact bearing of light-weight sensitive materials as well as for contact-free sample handling. Learn more about ultrasonic levitation and its applications in industry and science! Applications of Ultrasonic Levitation Acoustic levitation…
초음파 실험실 장치
Hielscher lab sonicators are compact, easy-to-use and extremely versatile. They can be used for the processing of a variety of organic and inorganic materials in a wide range of volumes. Powerful ultrasonic homogenizers are available for intense direct and indirect…
Ultrasonic Disintegration of Cells
Ultrasonication is an effective means of disintegrating cell structures. Therefore, sonicators are widely used in laboratories to break open cells, extract intracellular molecules, proteins and organelles for research and analysis. On industrial scale, ultrasonic disintegration and lysis is used to…
Get in Touch with Kathrin Hielscher
Kathrin Hielscher: Marketing Manager at Hielscher Ultrasonics GmbH Kathrin Hielscher, born and raised in Bavaria, Germany, is the Marketing Manager at Hielscher Ultrasonics GmbH, a family-owned and operated company renowned for its high-power ultrasonic devices. After completing her studies and…
식물을 위한 가장 효율적인 추출 방법
Are you looking for a powerful and reliable extraction setup to produce high-quality botanical extracts? Here you can find a comparison of common extraction techniques including ultrasonic extraction, supercritical CO2 extraction, ethanol extraction, maceration amongst others and their advantages as…
Dandelion Extraction – Potent Tinctures with Sonication
Ultrasonic extraction of dandelion plant parts is a highly efficient and effective method to obtain bioactive compounds under mild extraction conditions - yielding a high-quality extracts and tinctures. Learn how to apply ultrasonication to maximize extraction yields while preserving the…
Thank you for your Inquiry!
We would like to thank you for your interest in our ultrasonic products. Your information request will be processed as soon as possible. In a hurry? Feel free to contact any of our offices. We will be glad to assist…
UIP400MTP High Throughput Sonicator를 사용한 RNA 염기서열분석
유전체학 연구에서 차세대 염기서열분석(NGS)은 유전 정보에 대한 탁월한 통찰력을 제공합니다. NGS의 성공 여부는 RNA 샘플의 품질에 달려 있습니다. 이것은 Hielscher UIP400MTP 멀티 웰 플레이트 초음파 발생기가 필수적인 곳입니다. 이 UIP400MTP의 고급 초음파 처리 기술…
Book Your Accommodation for Your Visit at Hielscher Ultrasonics!
To facilitate your travel plannings, Hielscher Ultrasonics has partnered with GINN Hotels. When you book a room through the link below and use the corporate code "CGINN24" for 15% discount on the actual daily rate. GINN Hotel in Teltow The…
Ultrasonic DNA Fragmentation for Next Gen Sequencing
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) requires the reliable shearing and fragmentation of genomic DNA in order to sequence genomic DNA strands and to create genome libraries. The controlled fragmentation of DNA into DNA fragments is an essential sample preparation step required…
Ultrasonic Formulation of Nanostructured Lipid Drug Carriers
Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) are an advanced form of nano-sized drug delivery systems featuring a lipid core and a water-soluble shell. NLCs have a high stability, protect the active bio-molecules against degradation and offer sustained drug release. Ultrasonication is a…
Ultrasonic Formulation of Niosomes
Niosomes are nano-sized vesicles, which can be used as carrier for drugs (e.g. cancer drugs) and other bioactive substances. Ultrasonic emulsification is a simple and rapid method to formulate small niosomes with a high drug load. Niosome Vesicles as Nano-Carrier…
비누화 – 초음파를 이용한 비누 제조 과정
비누화는 비누 제조의 화학 공정입니다. 지방 또는 오일의 원료 (트리글리세리드)가 알칼리 반응물과 반응하여 비누를 형성하는 반응입니다. 초음파는 상 전달 촉매 작용을 개선하여…
Saccharification: Benefits of Sonication
Saccharification is a fundamental biochemical process involving the transformation of complex carbohydrates such as starch and cellulose into simpler, more fermentable sugars like glucose. Ultrasonic reactors offer a significant enhancement in the efficiency and efficacy of these processes, leveraging high-performance…
인쇄물 & 저작권
Imprint Hielscher Ultrasonics GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) Oderstr. 53 D-14513 Teltow, Germany Tel.: +49 3328 437 420 Fax: +49 3328 437 444 Email: info@hielscher.com Managing Director: Thomas Hielscher Commercial Registry Potsdam: HRB 19012 V.A.T.-No. (§27a UStG): DE 814 563…
저온 살균 & 액체 계란의 균질화
Liquid egg products (whole eggs, egg whites, yolks) must be pasteurized to ensure food safety. Ultrasonic homogenizers deliver intense cavitation and high shear forces to kill microbes. Especially when combined with elevated temperatures (∼50°C) and pressure (mano-thermosonication), power ultrasound delivers…
식품 산업의 초음파
전력 초음파의 적용은 추출, 균질화, 저온 살균 및 발효를 포함한 식품 가공의 수많은 응용 분야에 사용됩니다. 비 열 처리로서, 초음파는 더 높은 수율, 더 높은 품질, 향상된 영양소 및 풍미 프로파일에 의해 식품 생산 공정을 개선합니다…
초음파 요리 : 믹서 & 조리법
Ultrasonictors are powerful blenders and homogenizers, whose application is not limited to lab and industry. Since a few years, ultrasonicators have found their way into the gourmet kitchens, too. Prestigious star-arwarded gourmet restaurants, small gems of finest food, cooking school…
Sonicator를 사용한 자몽 껍질에서 펙틴 추출
껍질이나 과육과 같은 과일 부산물의 펙틴은 초음파 추출기를 사용하여 매우 효율적으로 추출됩니다. 신뢰할 수 있고 간단하고 안전한 펙틴 추출 방법으로, 초음파 처리는 가속화 된 생산 속도로 펙틴 수율과 펙틴 품질을 증가시킵니다. 아래…
Higher Pectin Yields with Ultrasonic Extraction
Ultrasonic extraction results in high yields of superior quality pectins. Using sonication, valuable pectins can be efficiently produced from fruit waste (e.g., by-products from juice processing) and other biological raw material. Ultrasonic pectin extraction excels other extraction techniques by producing…
과일 및 바이오 폐기물에서 초음파 펙틴 추출
펙틴은 매우 자주 사용되는 식품 첨가물이며 주로 겔화 효과를 위해 첨가됩니다. 초음파 추출은 펙틴 추출물의 수율과 품질을 크게 향상시킵니다. 초음파 처리는 이미 매니폴드 산업에서 사용되는 공정 강화 효과로 알려져 있습니다…
High-Throughput Sonication을 사용한 초음파 처리에 의한 항체 용출
친화성 크로마토그래피는 단백질 정제를 위한 강력한 기술로, 친화성 크로마토그래피에서 항체를 얻기 위해 초음파를 이용한 비특이적 용출이 필요한 신뢰할 수 있는 시료 전처리 기법입니다. 친화성 매트릭스에 결합된 표적 항체의 효율적이고 재현성 있는 용출은 매우 중요합니다.…
초음파 Soxhlet 추출
Ultrasonics improves the conventional Soxhlet extraction. Ultrasonically assisted Soxhlet, also known as Sono-Soxhlet, extraction leads to higher yields and shorter extraction times. Hielscher probe-type sonicators can be easily integrated into any classic Soxhlet extractor setup. Soxhlet Extraction using Ultrasonication Soxhlet…
Our Social Responsibility
Hielscher Ultrasonics and the Hielscher family are strongly committed to social responsibility in business and personal life. To us, corporate social responsibility (CSR) means conducting business ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues. As part of…
This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally Identifiable Information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as described in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used…
Lilac-Infused Spirits and Cocktails with Sonication
Ultrasonic extraction and infusion is used for capturing the delicate floral essence of lilac flowers, enhancing a variety of spirits, cocktails and culinary creations. Whether releasing the flavour compounds of lilac into spirits like gin and cocktails or concocting non-alcoholic…
UP400St 강력한 초음파기
UP400St (400W, 24kHz)를 사용하면 Hielscher 디지털 초음파 발생기의 시리얼이 강력한 400 와트 초음파 프로브 형 균질화기로 확장됩니다. 새로운 UP400St는 가장 인기있는 실험실 초음파 발생기 중 하나 인 UP400S의 후속 제품입니다. 높은 초음파의…
초음파 VialTweeter를 사용한 시료 전처리
Sample preparation before analysis can require various pre-analytical processes such as tissue homogenization, lysis, extraction of proteins, DNA, RNA, organelles and other intracellular substances, dissolving and degassing. The VialTweeter is a unique ultrasonic device that prepares multiple sample tubes simultaneously…
Lion’s Mane Extract Made with Ultrasonics
Extracts from the fungus species Hericium erinaceus, known as lion’s mane mushroom, are most efficiently produced using ultrasonication. Ultrasonic extractors rapidly break open the fungal cell matrix and allow for the complete extraction of bioactive compounds from the lion's mane…
Ultrasonic Solutions for Improved Vaccine Production
Sonication is used in various steps of vaccines preparation: for cell lysis, to homogenize cell suspensions, to stimulate cell growth, for encapsulation, for adjuvant protein binding etc. Hielscher sonicators are used in the antigen production, encapsulation and formulation as well…
실험실용 초음파 체 쉐이커
The ultrasonic sieve shaker for laboratory sieves from Hielscher sieves, fractionates, classifies or separates powders quickly and reliably. The ultrasonic ring is simply clamped between standard lab sieves or test sieves. The ultrasonic vibrations are transmitted to all sieves in…
타당성 테스트를 위한 소형 초음파 와이어 세척 시스템
Ultrasonic cleaning systems are very efficient for the inline cleaning of endless materials such as wires, cables, rods and continuous profiles. In order to test the ultrasonic cleaning effects on your specific material and contamination, Hielscher has developed the compact…
초음파 와이어 청소
Manufacturing wire and cable, rods, tapes, tubes and fasteners requires lubrication. Before further processing, such as galvanizing, extrusion or welding, the lubricant residues need to be cleaned off. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers you a unique ultrasonic cleaning process for efficient inline…
Ultrasonic Cleaning Modules for Wire, Tube and Cable
Hielscher manufactures ultrasonic cleaning systems for the removal of contamination, such as lubricants, drawing oil, dust, dirt, soap or stearate from continuous profiles, such as wire, tube, flat strip or cable. USCM - A Modular Cleaning System The USCM series…
와이어 톱 및 절단 와이어의 초음파 인라인 청소
깨끗한 와이어 표면은 와이어 톱과 다이아몬드 와이어 톱과 관련하여 중요합니다. 깨끗하고 잘 관리된 전선만이 정밀한 절단(예: 실리콘 웨이퍼, 반도체, 광물 및 석재)을 생성하고 높은 효율성과 품질을 제공합니다. 초음파 인라인 와이어 톱 청소…
Cleaning of Endless Punched Metal Strips With Power Ultrasonics
Stamped metal tapes and belts, perforated metal strips, shaped wires as well as stamped / punched terminals, pins, or SMA actuators are produced as endless materials. The cleaning of these metals, which often serve as electronic components, is an especially…
Cleaning of Bondwires with Superior Efficiency
High-power ultrasound is highly efficient in removing oxide layers from bondwires. Hielscher ultrasonic wire cleaners remove any contamination and residues from the surface of the bonding wires without mechanical or chemical treatment of sensitive wire structures. Intense yet Gentle Cleaning…
Cleaning of Corrugated Hoses and Pipes
Ultrasonic inline cleaning is a highly efficient and reliable method to remove dust, dirt, grease and other processing residues from the outer surface of corrugated hoses and pipes. Hielscher ultrasonic inline cleaners can be easily integrated into existing production plants…
Compact Inline Wire Cleaning System WTC950
The WTC950 is the most compact inline wire cleaning system for endless materials such as wires, cables, rods, fibres, and stamped profiles. At only one meter in length, the WTC950 includes an extremely intensive ultrasonic cleaner, a temperature-controlled 17 liter…
Cleaning Medical Wires with Ultrasonic Inline Cleaners
Medical fine wires require especially intense and thorough cleaning procedures. Ultrasonic inline cleaning is a highly efficient and reliable method to remove any residues from fine and ultra-fine wires used for medical purposes. Medical Wire Cleaning using Hielscher Ultrasonics Inline…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Edible Oils
Edible oils are used for manifold applications in cooking and food production. Mechanical extraction of edible oils prevents the oils from degradation. Ultrasonic extraction of edible oils is a superior method to release oils from seeds, kernels and fruits. As…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Ultrasonically-assisted extraction and malaxation make the production of extra virgin olive oil more efficient. The ultrasonic process intensification results in higher EVOO yield, higher nutritional quality and shorter malaxation. Simultaneously, sonication increases the antioxidant and polyphenol content in extra virgin…
우이페보 – Ultrasonic Olive Oil Extractor for Higher Yields
The Hielscher UIPEVO is an ultrasonic extraction system for extra virgin olive oil that improves malaxation and extraction. The use of ultrasound for olive oil extraction increases yield and quality producing superior extra virgin olive oil. Due to the gentle…
초음파로 개선 된 Kombucha 발효
초음파 처리는 콤부차, 김치 및 기타 발효 야채와 같은 초음파 발효 식품의 발효를 촉진하여 질량 전달을 강화하고, 미생물 세포를 파괴하고, 효소를 활성화하고, 균질성을 개선하여 궁극적으로 발효 속도를 가속화하고 우수한 품질의 제품을 생산합니다.…
초음파 조직 균질화기
Ultrasonication is a safe & efficient method of tissue homogenization. Ultrasonic applications include the preparation tissue and suspensions, the extraction of proteins, DNA/ RNA and active compounds, as well as the activation / inactivation of enzymes and yeasts. The precise…
Mixology: 칵테일 바를 위한 초음파 균질화기
Nowadays, sophisticated bars work with highly innovative tools to create unique cocktails and drinks. Inspired by the molecular cuisine, bartenders use ultrasonic homogenizers to infuse drinks, blend emulsions and age wine or spirits. The Hielscher UP200Ht is the most popular…
Proteomic Research – Why a Sonicator is Indispensable for Sample Preparation
Proteomic research gives deep insights into cell biology and widens our understanding of biological systems by enabling the comprehensive analysis of proteins and their functions. Central to the success of proteomic studies is the preparation of high-quality samples, which often…
Improved Mustard Production with Power Ultrasound
Mustard condiment is produced from mustard flour and water or vinegar. Ultrasonic processing of mustard is a rapid and efficient method to release the full flavour spectrum from the ground mustard seeds. In a non-thermal, mild shear process, ultrasonic cavitation…
Ultrasonic Dispersing of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)
탄소 나노튜브는 강하고 유연하지만 매우 응집력이 있습니다. 그들은 물, 에탄올, 오일, 폴리머 또는 에폭시 수지와 같은 액체로 분산되기 어렵습니다. 초음파는 이산(single-dispersed) 탄소 나노튜브를 얻는 효과적인 방법입니다. 탄소나노튜브…
Power Ultrasound로 생산되는 고충전 수지
초음파 분산은 나노 필러를 수지에 효율적이고 균일하게 결합할 수 있습니다. 초음파 분산기는 균일한 입자 분포를 가진 고충전 수지를 생산하기 위해 높은 고체 농도를 쉽게 처리할 수 있습니다. 초음파 처리는 모든 종류와 호환됩니다.…
Solvent-Free Stevia Extraction with Ultrasound
The conventional extraction of the sweet components such as stevioglycosides from Stevia rebaudiana uses toxic solvents. In order to obtain a healthy, high-quality food product, a solvent-free extraction method is required. The ultrasonic extraction technique avoids the use of solvents…
UIP4000hdt 님 – 4kW 고성능 초음파
The UIP4000hdT delivers up to 4kW ultrasound power and is a reliable production machine even under demanding conditions. It is designed for industrial processes with a higher energy demand and large volumes. The UIP4000hdT is a robust and powerful ultrasonic…
UIP2000hdT 님 – 2000 와트 강력한 산업용 초음파로 전체 공정 제어를위한
새로운 디지털 프로브 형 초음파 발생기 UIP2000hdT (20kHz, 2000W)는 벤치 탑 및 산업 규모의 액체 치료를위한 강력한 초음파 프로세서입니다. 일반적인 응용 분야에는 균질화, 유화, 분산 및 입자 미세 밀링, 용해 및 추출, 용해 또는 초음파 화학 반응이 포함됩니다.…
UIP6000hdT 님 – 6kW High-Performance Ultrasonicator
The UIP6000hdT delivers 6kW of ultrasound power and is a reliable production machine for heavy-duty applications and in demanding environments. Designed for industrial processes with a higher energy demand and large volumes such as particle milling, nano-material processing and food…
잉크의 초음파 크기 감소(예: 잉크젯의 경우)
Ultrasonic cavitation is an effective means for the dispersing and microgrinding (wet milling) of ink pigments. Ultrasonic dispersers are successfully used in research as well as in industrial manufacturing of UV-, water- or solvent-based inkjet inks. Nano-Dispersed Inkjet Inks Ultrasound…
Ultrasound for Dispersing and Grinding: Paint & Pigments
Power ultrasound is well known for its intense and precisely controllable milling and dispersing effects. This makes ultrasonic homogenizers ideal for the production of pigment paste and paint formulations. Industrial ultrasonicators provide a highly uniform particle size distribution in the…
초음파 보조 추출
Ultrasound-assisted extraction is a very efficient and easy-to-use method for the extraction of bioactive compounds from botanicals. This extraction technique is known for its efficiency, and the ability to preserve the integrity of bioactive compounds during extraction. Ultrasound-assisted extraction leverages…
Large-Scale Mushroom Extraction using Probe-Type Batch Sonication
Extracting bioactive compounds from mushrooms for production purposes involves a combination of cutting, grinding or crushing the mushrooms, ultrasonically-assisted solvent extraction, and subsequent isolation of the bioactive compounds such as beta-glucans. Here is a practical instruction of ultrasonic mushroom extraction…
Terpene Extraction by Ultrasonics
Ultrasonic terpene extraction has been proven to give high yields of terpene caryophyllene oxide, e.g. from cannabis and hops. Caryophyllene oxide is a terpene found in cannabis, hops, pepper, basil and rosemary. As an active compound, extracted terpene caryophyllene oxide…
대마초에서 고효율 칸 나비 디올 (CBD) 추출
Hielscher ultrasonic extractors are the state-of-art technique when it comes to the reliable and efficient extraction of hemp and CBD oils. Ultrasonication is well-known as a highly potent extraction technique to release valuable compounds from botanicals. In comparison to other…
Sonicators in Mixology: Learn from the Master Dario Comini
Dario Comini, one of the most famous bartenders - also known as Italy's Godfather of Molecular Mixology - uses a sonicator to create exceptional cocktails. He uses the power of high-intensity ultrasound to extract essences, infuse spirits, age alcohol and…
Ultrasonic Dispersion of Tattoo Ink
Tattoo inks are specialty inks used for the artificial pigmentation of the skin. Mixing and dispersing tattoo inks with a probe-type sonicator offers advantages such as homogenization, particle size reduction, ingredient dispersion, reduced processing time, sterilization, and controlled process parameters.…
강력한 세척을 위한 집속 초음파 프로브
Hielscher 초음파 핸드 헬드 또는 스탠드 장착형 초음파 프로브는 매우 강렬한 초음파를 와이어 다이, 와이어 가이드, 압출기 다이, 압출기 플레이트 또는 방사 돌기의 개구부로 보냅니다. 이것은 몇 초 안에 미세한 채널과 표면을 청소합니다 : 기름과 지방 먼지…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Olive Leaf Polyphenols
Olive leaf extracts are a potent dietary supplement and therapeutic as it contains strong antioxidants such as the polyphenols oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol and verbascoside. Ultrasonic extraction is highly efficient technique to release and isolate bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, flavones and…
UP200HT – Handheld Ultrasonic Homogenizer
The UP200Ht (200W, 26kHz) handheld homogenizer is part of the digital device series of Hielscher’s 200 watt ultrasonic homogenizers which come with broad range of new accessories. The new features include digital control and touch screen, automatic data recording, intuitive…
UP200세인트 – Powerful Ultrasonic Lab Homogenizer
With the ultrasonic homogenizer UP200St (200W, 26kHz), the series of Hielscher 200 watt ultrasonicators is expanded by a very flexible and versatile unit. The new UP200St consists of a separated transducer UP200St-T and generator UP200St-G. Thereby, this sibling unit of…
Ultrasonic Nanostructuring of Antibiotics
항생제의 초음파 보조 생산은 약물 내성 박테리아에 대해서도 효과를 높일 수 있습니다: 항생제 내성 박테리아 균주의 증가는 지난 수십 년 동안 항생제로 성공적으로 치료된 박테리아 감염을 전 세계적으로 발생시키는 여전히 해결되지 않은 문제입니다.…
Improved Insect Protein Production with Ultrasonics
Insects are a sustainable, easy-to-grow source for high-quality nutritional proteins and lipids. In order to separate proteins and lipids from the insects, ultrasonic extraction is used as highly efficient and reliable technology. Ultrasonication has been proven for high extraction rates,…
Soldier Fly Larvae Protein Extraction Improved by Sonication
Probe-type sonicators have become one of the most common processing techniques for Soldier Fly Larvae (SFL) protein processing due to their efficiency, mild processing conditions, scalability, and versatility. Sonication enables the disintegration of soldier fly larvae biomass and extraction of…
초음파 장치에 대한 지원 및 문제 해결
Hielscher ultrasonic devices are built to the highest industry standards. Should you face any trouble or defect, please let us know! Our support team will be glad to assist you in getting your ultrasonic unit operational again, quickly. Perform a…
Ultrasonically Assisted Fermentation for Bioethanol Production
Ultrasonically-assisted fermentation can enhance bioethanol production by promoting the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars, making them more readily available for yeast to convert into ethanol. Simultaneously, sonication also improves the efficiency of yeast cell wall permeability, allowing for…
초음파 분무, 분무 및 분무
초음파 진동은 매우 얇은 물방울을 생성할 수 있습니다. 초음파 분무 중에는 매우 작은 입자와 입자를 기화시킬 수 있도록 입자 크기와 분포를 정밀하게 제어할 수 있습니다. 따라서 표면적이 높은 입자가 생성됩니다. 초음파 중성화 수술…
GD미니2 – Ultrasonic Inline Micro-Reactor
The GDmini2 is an ultrasonic micro-reactor for the indirect, temperature-controlled sonication of liquid media. Applications include: Homogenization, emulsification, particle synthesis, solvent extraction, cell lysis and fragmentation. The GDmini2 is an ultrasonic homogenizer in the shape of a straight glass tube.…
두유의 초음파 균질화
The challenges of soy milk production lie in the production of a tasty, nutritional high-quality soy-based drink under high efficiency process conditions. Ultrasonic homogenization and pasteurization offers the advantages of a healthy soy milk with high nutritional values & shelf-stable…
초음파 지원 와이어, 파이프 및 프로파일 (UAD)의 드로잉
Hielscher 초음파는 최대 42mm 외경의 표준 와이어 다이와 함께 작동하는 초음파 진동 와이어 다이 홀더를 제조합니다. 초음파 교반은 직경 감소에 필요한 라인 장력을 크게 줄입니다. 이것은 증가시키는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.…
Ultrasonically Assisted Catalytic Extraction
Hielscher 초음파 반응기는 촉매 추출 처리 (CEP) 또는 소위 위상 전달 추출 (PTE)을 지원하고 개선하기 위해 많은 산업 분야에서 사용됩니다. 촉매 추출에는 액체-액체 또는 액체-고체와 같은 이질적인 비혼화성 위상 시스템이 포함됩니다. 초음파, 고전단 및 캐비테이션…
업50H – Compact Lab Homogenizer
The ultrasonic processor UP50H is typically used for the sonication of small lab samples. This homogenizer allows for the handheld or stand-mounted emulsification, dispersing, dissolving or cell disruption. The ultrasonic processor UP50H (50 watts, 30kHz) is the smallest model of…
Ultrasonically Cold Brew Tea
Power ultrasound is a proven method for intense extraction of flavors, polyphenols and active ingredients from plants. Cold brewed tea offers many benefits, including more intact active ingredients for the health benefits as well as a smoother flavor. As a…
Verbena-Infused Tequila Blanco – A Bar Fritz’n Signature Drink
Potsdam‘s Bar Fritz’n cultivate an upscale cocktail culture and strive to bring their clientele novel drinks using carefully selected ingredients. This means also that the Bar Fritz’n bartenders are not shy to use innovative techniques. For instance, they use a…
Pickering Emulsions with Power Ultrasonics
Pickering emulsions are stabilized by solid particles. Pickering emulsions convince by their “emulsifier-free” character and their enhanced stability. Ultrasonic is the perfect tool to create Pickering emulsions by firstly dispersing the stabilizing particles into the water phase and secondly to…
Ultrasonic Treatment of Nanoparticles for Pharmaceuticals
Probe-type sonicators play a crucial role in pharmaceutical research and manufacturing by providing a powerful and controlled means of achieving particle size reduction, cell disruption, and homogenization. Sonicators utilize ultrasonic waves to generate cavitation, resulting in the formation and collapse…
Ultrasonic Encapsulation Revolutionizes Wound Care with Aloe Vera Nanocapsules
In the pursuit of advanced wound dressing solutions, researchers have discovered the remarkable potential of Aloe vera nanocapsules, harnessing the healing properties of Aloe vera extract and embedding them within cotton fabric using a highly efficient ultrasonic extraction and encapsulation…
Ultrasonication and Its Manifold Applications in Food Processing
Power ultrasound offers manifold possibilities for effective and reliable food processing applications. The most common applications in the food industry include mixing & homogenization, emulsification, dispersing, cell disruption and extraction of intra-cellular material, activation or deactivation of enzymes (which is…
초음파 처리에 의한 침용 및 방향족 화
Ultrasonic aromatisation and flavouring of edible oils is based on the ultrasonic extraction of flavour compounds from botanicals such as herbs, spices, fruits etc. Sonication is a process intensifying method, which releases bioactive components into the oil. As a non-thermal…
Ultrasonic Production of Flavour Ingredients
Ultrasonic extraction increases yield and shortens process time. Ultrasound is the key-technology for sustainable green extraction as it is a safe process using safe, green solvents. Furthermore, it has a very high energy-efficiency. Botanical Extracts Ultrasonic extraction is commercialized technique…
Most Efficient Ultrasonic Dismembrators
Ultrasonic dismembrators are commonly used in the laboratory, bench-top and industry to prepare homogeneous colloidal suspensions such as emulsions and dispersions with droplet or particle sizes in the submicron- and nano-range. Furthermore, ultrasonic dismembrators are used for cell disruption, lysis,…
Ultrasonic Lysis for Western Blotting
The western blot is an analytical procedure for the detection of specific proteins in a sample of tissue homogenate or cell extract. To run a Western blot or to measure enzyme activity, many assays require access to the materials (e.g.…
초음파 안토시아닌 추출
안토시아닌은 식품의 천연 착색제 및 영양 첨가물로 널리 사용됩니다. 초음파 추출은 고품질 안토시아닌을 얻기 위한 매우 효율적이고 간단한 기술입니다. 프로브 형 초음파 발생기를 사용하면 식물에서 고품질 안토시아닌의 방출을 촉진합니다.…
Ultrasonically Emulsified Creams and Cosmetic Products
Skin care products such as creams, lotions, moisturizers, balms and ointments are generally based on stable submicron- and nano-sized emulsions. Ultrasonic emulsification creates high-shear forces and is well-established as a potent and reliable blending technique for skin care and cosmetic…
용해: 고성능 용해제
초음파 용해기는 다양한 산업 분야에서 비할 데 없는 효율성으로 분말-액체 슬러리를 분산 및 균질화하는 데 사용되는 강력한 혼합 도구입니다. 기존의 혼합 방법과 달리 초음파 디졸버는 고강도 초음파를 사용하여 액체 내에 강렬한 캐비테이션과 미세 난류를 생성합니다. 이러한 효과…
Ultrasonic Extraction Using Hemp as Raw Material
For the cannabis sativa plant, two species can be differentiated: marijuana and hemp. Ultrasonic is well known as superior method to isolate cannabinoids from both, marijuana and hemp. Ultrasonic Extraction of Cannabinoids The ultrasonic extraction technology is highly efficient to…
Eggnog Emulsification and Pasteurization using Ultrasonics
Eggnog is a creamy beverage mainly consisting in dairy and egg yolk. In order to obtain a homogeneously blended and long-term stable eggnog beverage, a reliable and efficient emulsification technique is required. Ultrasonic homogenization and emulsification provides the necessary mixing…
고도로 정제된 Schizophyllan 베타-글루칸의 초음파 생산
Schizophyallan은 면역 조절 특성을 가진 곰팡이 β-글루칸입니다. 매우 적극적인 의학적 효과를 위해, 정신분열증은 향상된 생체이용률을 보여주기 위해 낮은 분자량을 가져야 합니다. 초음파는 schizophyllan의 분자량을 줄이는 것으로 입증되었습니다. 신뢰할 수 있고…
UIP16000 – Most Powerful Ultrasonic Processor
16,000 watts of ultrasonic power make the UIP16000 the most powerful ultrasonic processor in the world. It is designed to work in clusters of three or more units, for large volume processing, such as to homogenize, disperse or deagglomerate. Industrial…
Sonochemically Nanostructured Implants Improving Osseointegration
Implants, orthopedic prostheses and dental implants are made mainly from titanium and alloys. Sonication is used to create nanostructured surfaces on metallic implants. Ultrasonic nanostructuring allows to modify metallic surfaces generating uniformly distributed nano-sized patterns on implant surfaces. These nanostructured…
Nanocomposite Hydrogel Synthesis using Ultrasonication
Nanocomposite hydrogels or nanogels are multi-functional 3D structures with high efficacies as drug carriers and controlled-release drug delivery systems. Ultrasonication promotes the dispersion of nano-sized, polymeric hydrogel particles as well as the subsequent inclusion/incorporation of nanoparticles into these polymer structures.…
초음파 Sonotrodes, 플로우 셀 & 액세서리
Hielscher Ultrasonics offers you a broad product range of ultrasonic accessories for the direct and indirect sonication of small lab samples to full commercial production. Find below an overview over our sonotrodes, flow-through reactors and accessories for both, direct and…
High-Performance Paint Homogenizers
Ultrasonic mixers are a reliable tool to homogenize, disperse, and emulsify liquid paint and pigment formulations. Ultrasonic homogenizers not only produce highly stable, uniform paint emulsions and dispersions, but ultrasonicators are also used to mill and grind pigments, nanomaterials and…
Extraction of Beta-Glucans From Mushrooms Using Ultrasonication
Extracting beta-glucans from mushrooms for lab testing or production purposes involves a combination of chopping, grinding or crushing the mushrooms, ultrasonically assisted extraction, and precipitation of beta-glucans. Here is a simplified outline of the beta-glucan extraction process, along with example…
Cavitation Erosion Testing ASTM G32-92
Controllable and reproducible ultrasonication is needed to perform cavitation erosion testing in accordance with ASTM Standard G32-92. Hielscher ultrasonic devices can be used for the direct and indirect erosion testing of samples. Hielscher manufactures ultrasonic processors, that have a fixed…
Sonicators for ASTM E1979-21 Lead Extraction
ASTM E1979 describes the standard practice for ultrasonic extraction of paint, dust, soil, and air samples for subsequent determination of lead. Ultrasonic extraction is a main sample preparation step to make lead contamination available for subsequent analysis. Ultrasonic Extraction of…
C60을 보충제로 초음파 분산
초음파 분산은 C60을 안정적인 오일 기반 및 리포솜 보충제에 균질하게 혼합하는 우수한 방법입니다. 온화하고 정밀하게 제어 가능한 초음파 처리는 최상의 결과를 위해 C60 분자가 손상되지 않도록 합니다. 초음파로 혼합된 나노 구조 제형은 다음과 같습니다.…
Ultrasonically Polyhydroxylated C60 (Fullerenol)
Water-soluble polyhydroxylated C60 fullerene, called fullerenol or fullerol, is a strong free radical scavenger and is therefore used as an antioxidant in supplements and pharmaceuticals. Ultrasonic hydroxylation is a rapid and simple one-step reaction, which is used to produce water-soluble…
바이오디젤 생산 & 바이오디젤 전환
When you make biodiesel, slow reaction kinetics and poor mass transfer are lowering your biodiesel plant capacity as well as your biodiesel yield and quality. Hielscher ultrasonic reactors improve the transesterification kinetics significantly. Therefore lower excess methanol and less catalyst…
초음파 아보카도 오일 추출
Ultrasonic extraction and malaxation increases yield of extra virgin avocado oil production. Sonication is a gentle non-thermal process and thereby is appropriate to produce the highest grade of extra virgin avocado oil. The ultrasonically assisted oil pressing not only improves…
초음파를 사용하는 조류의 바이오 디젤
조류 오일은 바이오디젤 제조를 위한 흥미롭고 지속 가능한 공급 원료입니다. 그것은 콩, 카놀라 및 팜과 같은 인기있는 공급 원료의 대안입니다. 초음파는 조류 세포에서 기름을 추출하고 바이오 디젤로 전환하는 것을 향상시킵니다. 와 비교하여…
Ultrasonic Reactors for Biodiesel Production
Ultrasonic reactors improve chemical reaction kinetics of the biodiesel conversion process. This leads to a faster transesterification, higher conversion yield, and it saves excess methanol and catalyst. Hielscher makes ultrasonic mixing reactors for the production of biodiesel at any scale.…
초음파는 바이오 디젤 공정 효율성을 향상시킵니다.
Hielscher ultrasonic mixing reactors improve your biodiesel production process. Ultrasonication produces higher transesterification conversion yields in less time. Ultrasonic mixing increases production capacity and reduces methanol and catalyst usage. Efficient Biodiesel Processing Today, making biodiesel is not just about making…
서리 & Sullivan 올해의 기술 혁신
그것은 Hielscher 초음파의 혁신적인 초음파 기술을 바이오 디젤 제조에 적용하는 것을 인정하여 서리 & Sullivan is pleased to acknowledge the company’s work with the prestigious Award for Technology Innovation of the Year. "It (Hielscher Ultrasonics) specializes…
Biodiesel Pumps & 탱크
The tables below lists suppliers of pumps and tanks for the manufacturing of biodiesel. Pumps for Biodiesel Systems Company Pumps PumpBiz Inc. 1955 Shermer Av., Northbrook, IL 60062 Phone: 847-291-1357, Fax: 847-589-3935 sales@pumpbiz.com, www.pumpbiz.com Centrifugal Rotary Viking Pump Inc. 406…
Fuel Changeover System
Due to increasing fuel prices and new environmental emission regulations, innovative technologies are needed to operate vessels efficiently. The Fuel Changeover System operates through an intelligent control system which automatically performs the mix between both high and lower sulphur content…
아쿠아 연료 – NOx Reduction by Ultrasonic Emulsification
Aqua-fuels are water-in-fuel blends, which provide a cleaner, more efficient burning fuel type. Ultrasonic emulsification are used for instance to mix heavy fuel oils with water, that are used on marine vessels to reduce the emission of nitrous oxide (NOx),…
Ultrasonically Promoted Enzymatic Plastic Recycling
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a huge waste source coming mostly from used water and beverage bottles. Until recently, recycling of PET resulted in low quality plastics. A new mutant enzyme promises the degradation of PET into pristine raw material, which…
카바 카바 – Superior Extraction using a Sonicator
Kava extracts are moste efficiently produced using ultrasonic extraction. Ultrasonic extraction is a cutting-edge technique that harnesses the power of energy-dense sound waves to create highly effective kava (Piper methysticum) extracts using water or aqueous ethanol. The ultrasonic extraction method…
Power Ultrasonics를 이용한 치즈 제조 개선
다양한 종류의 우유 (예 : 소, 염소, 양, 버팔로, 낙타 우유 등)로 만든 경질 치즈, 연질 치즈 및 커드와 같은 다양한 치즈 유형의 생산은 초음파 처리에 의해 효율적으로 개선 될 수 있습니다. 고강도 초음파의 적용은 균질화, 발효,…
대마초 추출 장비 – 초음파 처리의 장점
초음파 추출 장비는 대마와 마리화나에 대한 우수한 추출 방법이되는 많은 장점이 있습니다. 대마초에서 THC 및 CBD와 같은 생체 활성 화합물을 추출하는 것은 다양한 기술로 수행 할 수 있지만 초음파 처리는 많은 이점을 제공합니다. 때문…
초음파 Curcurmin 추출
커큐민(Curcumin)은 커큐마 롱가(Curcuma longa)의 뿌리줄기에 존재하는 약리학적, 영양학적 식물 화학물질입니다. 높은 커큐민 수율을 얻기 위해 초음파 추출기는 가장 효율적인 추출 기술로 사용됩니다. 초음파 추출은 우수한 품질의 커큐민을 초래하고 매우…
Ultrasonically Assisted Oxidative Desulfurization (UAODS)
Sulfur-containing compounds in crude oil, petroleum, diesel and other fuel oils include sulfides, thiols, thiophenes, substituted benzo- and dibenzothiophenes (BTs and DBTs), benzonaphthothiophene (BNT), and many more complex molecules, in which the condensed thiophenes are the most common forms. Hielscher…
Ultrasonic Vanilla Extraction – A Non-Thermal Method
바닐라 추출물은 에탄올과 물의 용액에 바닐라 꼬투리에서 추출한 풍미 용액입니다. 아로마, 풍미 및 향료 성분으로 고품질 바닐린을 생산하려면 분해를 방지하기 위해 효율적이면서도 순한 추출 기술이 필요합니다. 초음파 추출…
알코올 음료에 카나비노이드를 용해시키는 방법
알코올 음료와 무알코올 음료 모두의 대마초 주입 음료를 생산하는 것은 어려운 작업입니다. 장기적인 안정성, 선명한 외관 및 원하는 풍미 개발을 달성하기 위해서는 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 혼합 기술과 호환 가능한 유화가 필요합니다…
Ultrasonic Refinement of Metal Melts
Power ultrasound in molten metals and alloys shows various beneficial effects such as structuring, degassing, and improved filtration. Ultrasonication promotes the non-dendritic solidification in liquid and semi-solid metals. Sonication has significant benefits on the microstructural refinement of dendritic grains and…
Ultrasonic Capsaicin Extraction from Hot Chili Peppers
Capsaicin is the main flavour and spice compound in hot peppers, also known as chilies. To produce high-quality capsaicin as aromatic flavour and medicinal ingredient, an efficient, yet mild extraction technique is required to prevent degradation. Ultrasonic extraction is a…
Flow Cells and Inline Reactors for Lab Ultrasonicators
Ultrasonic lab homogenizers can be used for batch and inline processing of liquids and slurries. Typical applications include homogenization, dispersing, emulsification, dissolving as well as sonochemical reactions. For the continuous inline sonication, flow cells and in-line reactors in various sizes…
초음파를 이용한 우수한 카테킨 추출물
Catechin such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epicatechin (EC) are polyphenols, which show significant health benefits. Whilst catechin are found in smaller amounts in green tea, cocoa, fruits and some other foods, for high dose…
조직 및 세포 배양에서 초음파 단백질 추출
Protein extraction is an essential sample preparation step in proteomics. Proteins can be extracted from plant and animal tissue, yeasts and microorganisms. Sonication is a reliable, efficient protein extraction method giving high protein yields within a short extraction time. Protein…
Ultrasonic Kratom Extraction
Ultrasonication is a highly effective, simple and reliable technique to produce alkaloid-rich extracts from kratom leaves (Mitragyna speciosa). Sonication releases bioactive compounds such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine from the plant cells so that they can be isolated. Ultrasonic extraction provides…
Efficient Hydrogen Production with Ultrasonics
Hydrogen is an alternative fuel that is preferable due to its environmental-friendliness and zero carbon dioxide emission. However, conventional hydrogen generation is not efficient for economical mass production. The ultrasonically promoted electrolysis of water and alkaline water solutions results in…
Ultrasonic Tobacco Extraction
Conventional tobacco extraction is a slow, time-consuming process, which involves the use of toxic solvents at high temperatures, which makes the process hazardous. Ultrasonically-assisted extraction of alkaloids from tobacco can be run using water or mild solvents in a rapid…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Medicinal Mushrooms
약용 버섯은 고대부터 뛰어난 건강상의 이점으로 알려져 있습니다. 최근에는 약용 균류가 건강을 개선하고 에너지를 높이기 위해 주류 상품으로 변모하고 있습니다. 의약의 건강 지원 효과를 전방위적으로 체험하기 위해서…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Piperine from Pepper
Piperine is a bioactive substance that is found in pepper corns and valued for its pharmacological properties. Ultrasonic is an efficient, simple, and rapid extraction technique to isolate high-quality piperine. Ultrasonic extraction is a reliable and proven method, already widely…
Ultrasonically Assisted Saffron Extraction
Ultrasound is well known for its extraction capacity. The ultrasonically assisted extraction of active compounds, flavours and spices from plant material is a very successful application as ultrasonically generated cavitation disruptes plant cells and enhances mass transfer so that the…
초음파 보조 구름점 추출
Cloud point extraction (CPE) is an pre-analytical procedure to separate and pre-concetrate analytes. In combination with ultrasonication, cloud point extraction can be intensified making the process more efficient, faster, and environment-friendlier. Ultrasonically-assisted cloud point extraction reduces solvent consumption and extraction…
Efficient Production of Hops Extracts by Sonication
Hops and hop extracts are essential ingredients for the production of beer. The alpha-acids a-caryophyllene (humulone) and beta-caryophyllene (humulene) are important flavour compounds, which give beer its bitterness and contribute to its aroma, foam structure, and microbiological stability. Ultrasonic extraction…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Polysaccharides from Astragalus Membranaceus Root
The roots of Astragalus membranceus (also called Astragalus propinquus) contain the saponin cycloastragenol, which may activate telomerase and thereby extend the length of telomeres. Telomere length is associated with longevity. Ultrasonic extraction is the superior technique to isolate cycloastragenol and…
Ultrasonically Enhanced Three-Phase Partitioning
Three-phase partitioning (TPP) is a technique to extract, separate and purify components, e.g lipids, enzymes, polysaccharides and other biomolecules, from biological material. Ultrasonically-assisted Three-Phase Partitioning excels the conventional three-phase partitioning by higher yield, improved purity and exceptional speed. Ultrasonic Three-Phase…
법의학 조사를위한 초음파 발생기
초음파 장치는 법의학 실험실의 두 가지 주요 응용 분야, 즉 추출 및 세척에 사용됩니다. 초음파 추출은 DNA, 약물 성분 또는 기타 활성 화합물과 같은 표적 물질을 얻는 데 사용됩니다. 초음파 세척은 제거하는 효과적인 도구입니다.…
초음파에 의한 BL21 세포의 세포 용해
BL21 세포는 단백질을 매우 효율적으로 발현할 수 있는 능력으로 인해 연구 실험실, 생명 공학 및 산업 생산에 널리 사용되는 대장균의 균주입니다. 초음파 세포 파괴, 용해 및 단백질 추출은 일반적인 방법입니다.…
Preparation of Cannabis Glycerin Extract with Ultrasonics
Cannabis extraction in glycerin is a comfortable way to extract cannabinoids directly from the dry plant material. Cannabis glycerin concentrates can be easily formulated in any kind of cannabis-infused product such as tinctures, vapes, baking ingredient, lotions etc. Ultrasonic extraction…
Hexane Extraction with Improved Efficiency by Ultrasonication
Probe-type ultrasonication can improve conventional hexane extraction by intensifying the process and making it significantly more efficient. Ultrasonic extraction improves mass transfer and disrupts cells to release targeted bioactive substances into the solvent, resulting in higher extraction yields compared to…
Genetic Transformation in Plant Cells using Ultrasonics
Sonication-Assisted Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation (SAAT) is an efficient method to infect plant cells with foreign genes using Agrobacterium as transporter. Ultrasonic cavitation causes sonoporation, which can be described as targeted micro-wounding of plant tissue. Via these ultrasonically creates micro-wounds, DNA and…
고성능 콘크리트를 위한 초음파 혼합
마이크로 및 나노 실리카 또는 나노 튜브를 사용하면 고성능 콘크리트의 압축 강도가 향상됩니다. 초음파는 시멘트 또는 콘크리트에서 나노 물질의 혼합, 습윤 및 분산을위한 효과적인 수단입니다. 마이크로 실리카는 널리 퍼져 있습니다.…
Drosophila Melanogaster 샘플의 초음파 용해
Drosophila melanogaster is widely used in laboratories as model organism. Therefore, pre-analytical preparation steps such as lysis, cell disruption, protein extraction and DNA shearing of Drosophila melanogaster samples must be frequently carried out. Ultrasonic dismembrators are reliable and efficient and…
Ultrasonic Cavitation in Liquids
Ultrasonic waves of high intensity ultrasound generate acoustic cavitation in liquids. Cavitation causes extreme effects locally, such as liquid jets of up to 1000km/hr, pressures of up to 2000 atm and temperatures of up to 5000 Kelvin. These ultrasonically-generated forces…
약초의 초음파 추출
Herbs, spices and other plant materials are rich in phytochemicals, which are valued components for medicinal and nutritional products. Sonication breaks the cell structure and releases the bioactive compounds - resulting in higher yields and faster extraction rates. As a…
초음파 추출 – 다재다능하고 모든 식물 재료에 사용할 수 있습니다.
대마초 및 실로시빈 추출에 프로브 형 초음파를 사용할 수 있습니까? 대답은 '예'입니다! 고품질 추출물을 생산하기 위해 다양한 원료에 초음파기를 사용할 수 있습니다. 초음파 추출 기술의 아름다움은 호환성에 있습니다…
Ultrasonic Psilocybin Extraction from Mushrooms
실로시빈(Psilocybin)은 마법 버섯에 존재하는 환각 물질입니다. 편리한 섭취와 신뢰할 수 있는 투여를 위해 실로시빈은 일반적으로 추출되어 팅크 또는 농축 식품 형태로 사용됩니다. 초음파 추출은 매우 빠른 추출에서 높은 실로시빈 수율을 제공합니다.…
Industry-Specific Ultrasonic Solutions
Hielscher 초음파 장치는 재생 가능 연료와 같은 많은 산업 분야에서 사용됩니다 & 바이오매스, 식품 & 음료, 페인트 & ink, coatings, wire and cable, or chemical processing. Algae Growth and Algae Oil Extraction Hielscher ultrasonic devices are applied to continuous…
아유르베다 허브의 초음파 추출
허브와 향신료에는 아유르베다 요법에서 치료제 및 치료제로 사용되는 많은 생체 활성 화합물이 포함되어 있습니다. 초음파는 고품질 추출물을 생산하는 우수한 추출 기술입니다. 초음파 추출의 장점은 매우 높은 수율, 빠른 추출 및 a입니다.…
Psilocybin의 초음파 냉수 추출
예를 들어 실로시베 종과 같은 신선하고 건조된 마법 버섯에서 실로시빈을 분리하는 것은 시간이 많이 걸리고 종종 매우 비효율적인 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 초음파 추출을 통해 실로시빈, 실로신, 바에오시스틴 및 노르바에오시스틴을 신선하고 건조된 실로시브 버섯에서 빠르게 추출합니다. 초음파 추출 휴식…
초음파 퀘르세틴 추출
Quercetin is a plant compound of the group of polyphenols, which is known for manifold health beenfits. In order to produce high-quality quercetin for food additives and supplements, an efficient, yet mild extraction technique is required to prevent decomposition. Ultrasonic…
Ultrasonics for Vaccine Production
Ultrasonics is a proven method to destroy or inactivate viruses, bacteria and yeast. Additionally, sonicators are reliable for the lysis of cells, e.g. viral or bacterial cells and the release of intracellular matter, e.g. proteins, DNA/RNA, enzymes and bioactives. Therefore,…
Baggibuti(Stachys parviflora)에서 폴리페놀의 초음파 추출
Extracts of the Baggibuti (Stachys parviflora L.) plant are valued as herbal medicine used as treatment of cramps, arthralgia, epilepsy, falling sickness, and dracunculiasis. Ultrasonic extractors are successfully applied for the isolation of polyphenols and other phytochemicals from Stachys parviflora.…
Power-Ultrasound를 이용한 고효율 물 추출
Water extraction of botanical compounds (e.g., cold or hot water extraction, pressurized water extraction and subcritical water extraction) can be efficiently improved by ultrasonication. The ultrasound-assisted water extraction not only gives higher yields and reduces processing time, but also results…
초음파 처리를 통한 고효율 Artemisinin 추출
아르테미시닌은 고성능 초음파 처리를 사용하여 효율적으로 추출할 수 있습니다. 초음파 추출은 순한 용매를 사용하여 매우 높은 수율의 아르테미시닌을 제공합니다. 초음파를 적용하는 추출 과정이 급격히 가속화됩니다. 초음파 추출기의 처리 조건은 정밀하게 제어 가능하여 다음을 허용합니다.…
Tire Rubber Recycling with High-Performance Ultrasound
Waste tire rubber is a toxic, non-biodegradable material making its disposal an environmental and economical problem. Ultrasonic devulcanization is a fast and efficient method to recycle waste tire rubber allowing to reuse waste tires. Ultrasonic tire rubber recycling is relatively…
Nano-Sized Magnesium Hydride as Efficient Hydrogen Storage
Sonication is applied to magnesium hydride in order to accelerate the hydrolysis of magnesium hydride to enhance hydrogen generation. Additionally, ultrasonically nanostructured magnesium hydride, i.e. MgH2 nanoparticles, show improved hydrogen storage capacity. Magnesium Hydride for Hydrogen Storage Magnesium hydride, MgH2,…
지원 – 소프트웨어 업그레이드 확인
Support - Software Update Check Dear Customer, Your ultrasonic device may be eligible for a free software-upgrade. If so, we strongly suggest to use this opportunity to keep your unit up-to-date and to make use of any improvements and added…
Ultrasonication to Improve Algae Cell Disruption and Extraction
Algae, macro- and microalgae, contain many valuable compounds, which are used as nutritional foods, food additives or as fuel or fuel feedstock. In order to release the target substances from the algae cell a potent and efficient cell disruption technique…
Ultrasonic Extraction of Spirulina Pigments
초음파 추출은 우수한 품질의 미세조류 추출물을 분리하는 데 매우 효율적인 것으로 입증되었습니다. 피코시아닌과 같은 스피룰리나 색소는 슈퍼푸드로 알려져 있으며, 항산화제, 비타민 함량이 높아 건강상의 이점에 기여합니다…
Ultrasonic Algae Extraction for Nutritional Supplements
Ultrasonic extraction is the superior method to disrupt algae cells effectively and rapidly. Sonication can release the complete amount of the bioactive compounds, which makes the ultrasonic technique highly efficient. How To Extract Proteins, Lipids and Phenolics from Algae with…
Ultrasonics Makes Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling More Efficient
리튬은 리튬 이온 배터리와 같은 고성능 배터리에 존재하는 희소하고 가치가 높은 물질입니다. 리튬은 리튬 이온 배터리 재활용에서 회수되는 가장 가치 있는 재료이지만 코발트, 망간, 니켈,…
Ultrasonics for the Recycling of Lithium Ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries used in electric cars are just now coming to the mass market and with it, recycling capacities must be developed. Ultrasonic leaching is an efficient, environmental-friendly technique to recover metals such as Li, Mg, Co, Ni etc. from…
증류주와 주류 – 초음파 주입에 의한 풍부한 맛
Infusing alcoholic beverages such as spirits, liquors and cocktails with flavours can be improved significantly by application of power ultrasound. The sonication process transfers flavours and aromas to alcoholic beverages creating a rich and smooth flavour profile. How does Ultrasonic…
Ultrasonic Dispersion of Silica (SiO2)
Silica, also known as SiO2, nano-silica or micro-silica is used in toothpaste, cement, synthetic rubber, high-performance polymer or in food products as a thickener, adsorbent, anti-caking agent, or carrier for fragrances and flavors. Below you will learn more about the…
Protocol for SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Inactivation with Sonication
The Hielscher VialTweeter is a unique ultrasonic multi-sample preparation unit, which is used to inactivate the coronavirus SARS-COV-2. The VialTweeter allow to prepare up to 10 sample vials simultaneously and is thereby the ideal unit for mass sample processing. Inactivation…
드릴링 머드와 패커 유체를 위한 초음파 믹서
착굴 유체 (드릴링 진흙)는 유정, 천연 가스 우물, 탐험 우물 (살쾡이 우물) 또는 우물의 훈련을 돕기 위하여 이용됩니다. 초음파 반응기는 수성 진흙 (WBM,…
Power-Ultrasound를 이용한 무용제 카페인 제거
The conventional decaffeination process of coffee and tea requires the use of toxic solvents. Ultrasonic decaffeination is an efficient intensification method the that allows to remove caffeine in a water-based extraction procedure without the use of harsh solvents. Ultrasonic decaffeination…
액체 식품의 초음파 저온 살균
초음파 저온 살균은 E.coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus coagulans, Anoxybacillus flavithermus 등과 같은 미생물을 비활성화하여 미생물 부패를 방지하고 식품 및 음료의 장기적인 안정성을 달성하는 비열 살균 공정입니다. 비열 저온 살균…
Ruthenium Oxide Nanosheets via Ultrasonic Exfoliation
Ruthenium oxide monolayer nanosheets can efficiently produced using probe-type ultrasonication. Major advantages of ultrasonic nanosheet exfoliation are process efficiency, high yields, short treatment and facile, safe operation. Due to its high efficiency and superior quality of produced nanosheets, ultrasonication is…
Ultrasonic Dissolving of Solids in Liquids
The preparation of solutions is an important step for lab samples as well as for industrial production. In general, lab samples must be liquified before analysis. Ultrasonic homogenization and dissolving is a quick and reliable means to prepare samples of…
Ultrasonic Degassing of Aluminium Alloy Melts
Aluminium and alloy melts can be efficiently degassed using high-performance ultrasonication. Powerful ultrasound waves promote the coalescence of hydrogen and other unwanted gases so that they can be removed efficiently from the metal melt. Ultrasonic degassers are available for the…
Buffer Solutions Prepared with Ultrasonication
Lysis buffers can be efficiently and quick prepared using ultrasonic tissue homogenizers. Since ultrasonicators are a dream tool for mixing, dissolving and dispersing, they allow for a reliable and user-friendly preparation of lysis buffers. Ultrasonic Preparation of Lysis Buffers Ultrasonic…
Coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) and Ultrasonics
Ultrasonication is a powerful tool used in biology, molecular chemistry and biochemistry as well as in the production of pharmaceuticals. Bio-sciences use ultrasonic homogenizers to lyse cells and extract proteins and other intracellular materials, the pharma industry applied ultrasonics to…
원숭이두창 바이러스의 초음파 응용
Ultrasonication is an important processing method for the isolation of the monkeypox virus (MPXV) from analytical samples, for virus DNA fragmentation as well as in monkeypox vaccine manufacturing. For sample preparation before diagnostics and analysis (PCR, ELISA etc.) ultrasonication is…
Ultrasonic High-Shear In-Line Mixers
High-shear ultrasonicators for inline mixing processes offer various advantages when compared to conventional colloid homogenizers. Using high-power ultrasound for mixing enables Hielscher ultrasonic high-shear mixers to produce uniformly dispersed colloidal suspensions and emulsions in the nano-range. Ultrasonic inline homogenizers can…
Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes in 3D-Printable Inks
A uniform dispersion of CNTs in 3D-printable inks can enhance the properties of ink and enable new applications in various fields. Probe-type ultrasonication is a highly reliable dispersing technique to produce stable nanosuspensions of CNTs in polymers. Efficient and Stable…
Sono-Electrochemical Synthesis of Nanoparticles
The ultrasonically promoted electrochemical synthesis of nanoparticles is a highly efficacious and cost-efficient route to produce high-quality nanoparticles on large scale. The sono-electrochemical synthesis, also known as sonoelectrodeposition, allows to prepare nanostructures of various materials and shapes. Sonoelectrochemical Synthesis and…
Ultrasonics: Applications and Processes
Ultrasonication is a mechanical processing method which creates acoustic cavitation and highly intense physical forces. Therefore, ultrasonics is used for numerous applications such as mixing, homogenization, milling, dispersion, emulsification, extraction, degassing, and sono-chemical reactions. Below, you will learn all about…
Ultrasonic Production of Stable Nanoemulsions
Nanoemulsions - also known as miniemulsions or submicron emulsions - are used in a wide range of applications in chemistry, paints, coatings, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food. Ultrasonicators are known as a highly efficient and reliable technique for the production of…
초음파 강화 미네랄 탄산화
미네랄 탄산화는 이산화탄소와 칼슘 또는 산화마그네슘과 같은 알칼리성 미네랄의 반응입니다. 미네랄 탄산화는 탄소뿐만 아니라 제약, 폴리머 및 비료 산업에서 고체 입자의 산업 생산에 사용됩니다…
초음파 유도 및 향상된 위상 전달 촉매
고출력 초음파는 다양한 화학 반응에 기여하는 것으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 이것이 소위 초음파 화학입니다. 이종 반응, 특히 상 전이 반응은 전력 초음파의 매우 잠재적인 응용 분야입니다. 기계적이고 초음파 화학 물질로 인해…
Ultrasonication Accelerates the Suzuki Coupling Reaction
The Suzuki Cross-Coupling (also known as Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling) is an organic reaction with the aim to synthesize biphenyl derivatives, vinyl aromates (e.g. styrenes), poly-olefins, as well as alkyl bromides. The reaction base materials are an aryl- or vinyl-boronic acid with…
Ultrasonic Wet-Precipitation of Prussian Blue Nanocubes
Prussian Blue or iron hexacyanoferrate is a nano-structured metal organic framework (MOF), that is used in sodium‐ion battery manufacturing, biomedicine, inks and electronics. Ultrasonic wet-chemical synthesis is efficient, reliable and rapid pathway to produce Prussian Blue nanocubes and Prussian blue…
Ultrasonic Viscosity Reduction of Protein Suspensions before Spray Drying
Ultrasonics is the solution to enhance efficiency and reduce costs for the spray drying process of whey slurries, e.g. WPC. Ultrasonic shear forces lower the viscosity of the whey solution and allows thereby for a higher protein concentration. Hielscher Ultrasonics…
Ultrasonic Preparation of Brines
Brines are a solution of salts, e.g. NaCl, KCl, KNO3, KClO3, CaCl3 in water, which are prepared for the food industry, fish farming or drilling fluids. The process of dissolving salts in water can be time-consuming, when no or insufficient…
Ultrasonic Precipitation of Curcumin Superparticles
강황은 커큐미노이드의 단지 2-9 wt%만을 함유하고 있기 때문에, 의학적으로 유력한 분말을 얻기 위해서는 효율적인 추출 또는 합성 기술이 필요합니다. 초음파에 의한 반용매 침전은 커큐민 입자를 합성하는 매우 효율적인 방법입니다. 초음파 antisolvent 침전은 할 수 있습니다…
다공성 금속을 생산하기 위한 초음파 나노 구조화
Sonochemistry는 나노 물질의 엔지니어링 및 기능화를위한 매우 효과적인 도구입니다. 야금학에서 초음파 조사는 다공성 금속의 형성을 촉진합니다. 다리아 안드레바(Daria Andreeva) 박사의 연구 그룹은 효과적이고 비용 효율적인 초음파 보조 시술을 개발했습니다.…
강화 복합 재료의 초음파 제형
Composites show unique material properties such as significantly enhanced thermo-stability, elastic modulus, tensile strength, fracture strength and are therefore widely used in the manufacturing of manifold products. Sonication is proven to produce high-quality nanocomposites with highly dispersed CNTs, graphene etc.…
Sugar Beet Cossettes에서 설탕의 초음파 추출
Ultrasonic extraction enhances the yield of extracted sucrose from sugar beet cossettes and reduces the extraction process duration significantly. Sonication is a simple and safe technique, which can be easily combined with the current counter-current flow extraction technology in order…
Ultrasonic Dispersion of Xanthan and Guar Gums
Shear-thinning materials such as xanthan gum and guar gum are widely used as rheological modifiers. In order to take full advantage of the properties of xanthan gum or guar gum, the powders must be uniformly dispersed in the formulation. The…
연마제의 초음파 분산(CMP)
Non-uniform particle size and inhomogeneous particle size distribution causes severe damages to the polished surface during a CMP process. Ultrasonic dispersion is a superior technique to disperse and deagglomerate nano-sized polishing particles. The uniform dispersion achieved by sonication results in…
세라믹 슬러리의 초음파 분산
초음파는 세라믹 입자의 안정적이고 효율적인 분산 및 응집 해제를 위해 널리 사용되는 기술입니다. 세라믹 슬러리의 제형은 완전한 습윤 및 분산성을 얻기 위해 적절하게 혼합되어야 합니다. 초음파 전단력은 점성이 높은 가공을 가능하게합니다.…
Synthesizing Nano-Silver with Honey and Ultrasonics
Nano-silver is use for its anti-bacterial properties to reinforce materials in medicine and material science. Ultrasonication allows for a rapid, efficacious, safe, and environmental-friendly synthesis of spherical silver nanoparticles in water. Ultrasonic nanoparticle synthesis can be easily scaled from small…
Sonochemically Improved Diels-Alder Reactions
Diels-Alder reactions are widely used for chemical syntheses, where atomic carbon-carbon bonds must be formed. Ultrasonication and its sonochemical effects are highly efficacious in driving and promoting Diels-Alder reactions resulting in higher yields, significantly reduced reaction time and at the…
Sonochemical Synthesis of Latex
Ultrasound induces and promotes the chemical reaction for the polymerization of latex. By sonochemical forces, the latex synthesis occurs faster and more efficient. Even the handling of the chemical reaction becomes easier. Latex particles are widely used as additive for…
Sono-Synthesis of Nano-Hydroxyapatite
Hydroxyapatite (HA or HAp) is a highly frequented bioactive ceramic for medical purposes due to its similar structure to bone material. The ultrasonically assisted synthesis (sono-synthesis) of hydroxyapatite is a successful technique to produce nanostructured HAp at highest quality standards.…
Sono-Electrochemistry and its Advantages
Here you will find all you need to know about ultrasonic electrochemistry (sonoelectrochemistry): working principle, applications, advantages and sono-electrochemical equipment - all relevant information about sonoelectrochemistry on one page. Why Applying Ultrasonics to Electrochemistry? The combination of low-frequency, high-intensity ultrasound…
초음파에 의한 페로브스카이트 합성
Ultrasonically induced and intensified reactions offer a facile, precisely controllable and versatile synthesis method for the production of light-activated materials, which often cannot prepared by conventional techniques. The ultrasonic crystallization and precipitation of perovskite crystals is a highly effective and…
Peptide Synthesis made Efficient using Sonication
Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) is the common method for peptide synthesis. Ultrasonication is a reliable tool to intensify solid phase peptide synthesis resulting in higher yields, improved purity, no racemization and significantly accelerated reaction speed. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers various…
Nano-Encapsulated Intranasal Vaccine Against S. Pneumoniae with Ultrasonics
Nanoparticle-based drug carriers are an evolving technology, which allows to formulate vaccine delivery systems with a high protection rate against various diseases. Ultrasonic emulsification and encapsulation is a highly efficient method to prepare loaded nano-structured drug carriers such as nanoparticles,…
오일, 가스 및 재생 가능한 연료를 위한 초음파
Oil prices and greenhouse gases as well as the sustainability of fuel sources became a focal point of interest in the oil & gas industry. Hielscher ultrasonic devices are used in research facilities and processing plants for many applications. Ultrasonic…
Producing Biodegradable Nanospheres
Biodegradable micro- and nanospheres can be produced in a continuous, contact- and contamination-free process that can be readily run under sterile conditions. Introduction Biodegradable micro- and nanospheres (MS, NS) made of poly(lactide-coglycolide) (PLGA) or other materials are very potent drug…
Mixing H2S Scavengers for Phase-Transfer-Reaction
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a colorless gas that occurs in crude oil and natural gas. H2S is poisonous, corrosive, flammable and explosive. It can be removed from oil and gas by scavengers, hydrodesulfurization, activated carbon filtration or reaction with iron…
InnoREX – Ultrasonically Improved PLA Extrusion
Ultrasonic mixing, dispersing and emulsification improves the extrusion of polylactic acids (PLA). Implementing ultrasonication into extrusion lines increases yield and quality of the produced PLA. Polylactide Synthesis Polylactid acids or polylactide (PLA) is a thermoplastic aliphatic polyester, which is synthesized…
모유 올리고당의 생합성 생산
발효 또는 효소 반응을 통한 모유 올리고당(HMO)의 생합성은 복잡하고 소모적이며 종종 수율이 낮은 과정입니다. 초음파는 기질과 세포 공장 사이의 질량 전달을 증가시키고 세포 성장과 신진 대사를 자극합니다. 따라서 초음파 처리는 발효를 강화합니다…
증류주를 초음파로 뚱뚱하게 씻는 방법
A fat-washed spirit is an alcoholic beverage infused with oil or fat. High-power ultrasound waves produce very fine emulsions and it increases the mass transfer between the two phases. Ultrasonic fat washing, infuses the spirit with the flavor profile of…
How To Disperse Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Individually
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs or SWCNTs) have unique characteristics, but to express them they must be individually dispersed. To make full use of the exceptional characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubes, the tubes must be detangled most completely. SWNTs as other…
High-Shear Mixers for Pet Food Manufacturing
Pet food manufacturing requires reliable high-shear mixing equipment to prepare homogeneous mixtures of various ingredients. Ultrasonic mixers provide ultras-high shear forces that can process highly viscous slurries and doughs. Furthermore, ultrasonic mixers are used to produce stable nano-emulsions and to…
Electrode Recycling – Highly Efficient with Ultrasonic Delamination
Ultrasonic delamination of electrodes allows to recover active materials such as lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt etc. within seconds. Thereby, ultrasonic electrode delamination makes the recovery of reusable materials from batteries faster, green, and significantly less energy-intensive. Research has already proven…
Clean Beauty Product Formulation with Ultrasonics
Natural, organic ingredients (INCIs) combined with high effectiveness and bioavailability are the features of innovstive clean beauty products. Ultrasonication is used as highly efficient and reliable technique to mix, blend, disperse, nano-emulsify and nano-encapsulate cosmetic ingredients. Why Should You Use…
질화붕소 나노튜브 – Exfoliated and Dispersed using Sonication
Ultrasonication is successfully applied to the processing and dispersion of boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs). High-intensity sonication provides homogeneous detangling and distribution in various solutions and is thereby a crucial processing technique to incorporate BNNTs into solutions and matrices. Ultrasonic Processing…
Ultrasonic Cleaning of Photo-Bioreactors
Microalgae can be grown in shallow ponds or photo-bioreactors. In bioreactors, an algae film tends to grow on the inner reactor surface, blocking sunlight and restricting photosynthesis. Ultrasonic cleaning - applied from the outside - removes this algae film efficiently.…
Pharmaceuticals Encapsulated in Lipid Nanoparticles with Ultrasonics
Nano-size drug carriers are widely used to deliver pharmaceutically active compounds into the targeted cells. In order to encapsulate the active substances into a drug carrier with a high bioavailability, solid lipid nanoparticles are used. Ultrasonic nano-emulsification and encapsulation is…
Sol-Gel 공정에 대한 Sonochemical 효과
Introduction Ultrafine nano-sized particles and spherical shaped particles, thin film coatings, fibers, porous and dense materials, as well extremely porous aerogels and xerogels are highly potential additives for the development and production of high performance materials. Advanced materials, including e.g.…
Ultrasonic Preparation of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
Metal-Organic Frameworks are compounds formed from metal ions and organic molecules so that a one-, two, or three-dimensional hybrid material is created. These hybrid structures can be porous or non-porous and offer manifold functionalities. The sonochemical synthesis of MOFs is…
초음파촉매 작용 – 초음파 보조 촉매 작용
Ultrasonication affects the catalyst reactivity during catalysis by enhanced mass-transfer and energy input. In heterogeneous catalysis, where the catalyst is in a different phase to the reactants, ultrasonic dispersion increases the surface area available to the reactants. Background of Sonocatalysis…
Ultrasonic Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs)
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) are artificially designed receptors with a predetermined selectivity and specificity for a given biological or chemical molecule structure. Ultrasonication can improve various synthesis pathways of molecularly imprinted polymers making the polymerization more efficient and reliable. What…
Improved Remdesivir Solubility by Sonication
Remdesivir (GS-5734) is an anti-viral drug, which is under research for treating the Ebola virus disease and COVID-19, which is caused by the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. Remdesivir is pharmaceutical solution, which is administered intravenously. Whilst short ultrasonic dissolving alone enhances the…
Ultrasonic Modification of Starch Granules Slurries
Starch is easily extractable from native sources, such as potato, maize or corn. Modification of starch is necessary to improve the physical and chemical properties. Hielscher ultrasonic reactors promote physical, chemical, and enzymatic modification of starch that leads to better…
립스틱 제조를 위한 초음파 밀링
립스틱 제조는 립스틱의 특정 색상과 질감 프로필을 보장하기 위해 정밀하게 제어 가능한 수준에서 왁스와 색상 안료를 연마하고 혼합하는 것을 포함합니다. 초음파 연삭 및 혼합은 신뢰할 수 있고 효율적이며 정확하게 제어 가능한 기술입니다…
Ultrasonic Malting and Malt Germination
맥아를 만드는 것은 시간이 많이 걸리는 과정입니다 : 곡물 씨앗을 담그고 수분을 공급하는 데는 많은 시간이 걸리고 대부분 고르지 않은 결과를 얻습니다. 초음파에 의해, 보리의 발아 속도, 속도 및 수율은 크게 향상 될 수 있습니다. 엿기름 생산 엿기름…
Green Sonochemical Route to Silver Nanoparticles
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are frequently utilized nanomaterials due to their anti-microbial properties, optical properties and high electrical conductivity. The sonochemical route using kappa carrageenan is a simple, convenient and environmental-friendly synthesis method for the preparation of silver nano particles. κ-carrageenan…
Ultrasonic Sample Preparation for THC Analysis
Ultrasonic extraction is a proven method for the production of THC, but it can be used for analytical purposes, too. Ultrasonication is a common sample prep method used for analysis of the total content of THC in cannabis products. Ultrasonic…
초음파에 의해 균일하게 분산 된 CNT
탄소 나노튜브(CNTs)의 뛰어난 기능을 활용하려면 균질하게 분산되어야 합니다. 초음파 분산기는 CNT를 수성 및 용매 기반 현탁액으로 분배하는 가장 일반적인 도구입니다. 초음파 분산 기술은 충분히 높은 전단 에너지를 생성하여 다음을 달성합니다.…
GENO-break – 초음파 물 소독
The Gruenbeck GENO-break®-System IV water treatment combines a Hielscher ultrasonic processor with intense UV-C light for continuous hot water system disinfection. Hot water supplies and pools can bear Legionella bacteria, pathogens and other micro-organisms. Legionella is known to cause Legionellosis.…
Ultrasonic Synthesis of Fluorescent Nano Particles
Artificially synthesized fluorescent nano particles have manifold potential applications in the manufacturing of electrooptics, optical data storage, as well as for biochemical, bioanalytical and medical applications. Sonication is an effective and reliable method to synthesize fluorescent nano particles of high…
Highly Efficient Chaga Extraction via Sonication
Chaga mushrooms (Inonotus obliquus) are rich in very potent phyto-chemicals (e.g. polysaccharides, betulinic acid, triterpenoids), which are known to contribute to health and to fight diseases. Using high-power ultrasonic frequency for chaga extraction is the preferred technique to produce superior…
초음파를 이용한 Nootropics 및 Smart Drugs Formulations
Smart drugs and nootropic supplements are consumed as “cognitive enhancers” in order to increase cognitive function, brain capacity, concentration, memory and creativity, to boost motivation and mental energy as well as to support brain health. To promote the transport of…
Non-Destructive Crack Detection by Ultrasound-Thermography
Ultrasound-excited thermography (also known as vibrothermography) is a superior method for the detection of cracks in wood boards, panels and surfaces. The ultrasonic thermography provides a highly accurate, precise and fast detection without destructing the inspected material. As non-destructive detection…
Ultrasonically Accelerated Gypsum Crystallization
Ultrasonic mixing and dispersing accelerates the crystallization and setting reaction of gypsum (CaSO4・2H2O). Application of power ultrasonics to the gypsum slurry accelerates crystallization thereby reducing the setting time. Besides a faster setting, the produced wall boards exhibit a reduced density.…
Faster Sprouting with Ultrasonics
Sprouts are a popular health food rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals and antioxidants. The sprouting process is laborious and time-consuming. Ultrasonic activation of seeds increases the germination rate, accelerates the sprouting process, improves the nutritional profile, and promotes the growth…
Molecular Cuisine and other Culinary Applications
A Brief Guide to the Principles by Mark Gaston Most of the content of this guide is information that is readily available, however it is sometimes written a way that does not always make easy reading unless you happen to…
NOx-Reduction by Oil/Water-Emulsification
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are known to be immediately dangerous to human and environmental health. Mobile and stationary diesel and gasoline engines are contributing largely to the worldwide NOx emissions. Emulsification of the fuel with water is a way to reduce…
Ultrasonic Processor UIP2000hd – High-Efficiency
The ultrasonic processor UIP2000hd (20kHz, 2000W) is a powerful and adaptable ultrasonic device for the industrial processing of liquids. It is used for applications, such as emulsification, dispersing & particle fine milling, lysis & extraction or homogenizing. Despite the enormous…
High Shear Mixing with Ultrasonics
High shear mixers apply high shear forces into liquids and slurries in order to provide the uniform dispersing, blending, and emulsification of two or more liquid-solid or liquid-liquid phases. Ultrasonication generates high shear forces via acoustic cavitation, which occurs when…
조류 성장 연구실 – Ultrasonic Algae Extraction
Algae Cultivation Algae Grow Lab developed a series of tubular and flat photobioreactors for algae cultivation as well as a process of cell ultrasonic destruction based on Hielscher ultrasonic processors equipped with flow cells. The general flow diagram of the…
Ultrasonic Precipitation Process
Particles, e.g. nanoparticles can be generated bottom-up in liquids by means of precipitation. In this process, a supersaturated mixture starts forming solid particles out of the highly concentrated material that will grow and finally precipitate. In order to control the…
Ultrasonically Assisted Draw-Peeling of Wire Rods (UADP)
The draw-peeling of wire rods improves the surface quality significantly by the peeling of material from the outer material perimeter. It is a widely known alternative to rotary-peeling, sandblasting or grinding. Ultrasonically assisted draw-peeling uses a high-frequency vibration of the…
Ultrasonic-Enzymatic Oil Hydrolysis
Diacylglycerol (DAG) rich oils are a valuable ingredient for food, pharma and cosmetic products. Diacylglycerol can be produced by the hydrolysis of palm oil using a commercial lipase as a catalyst under ultrasonication. By the ultrasonic-enzymatic hydrolysis, DAGs can be…
초음파 스프레이 열분해
Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis (USP) is one of the important techniques to synthesize nano materials and to coat substrates with thin film coatings. Ultrasonic spraying and atomization allows for full process control resulting in homogeneous high-quality output. Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis excels…
분무 건조 전 Microencapsulation을 위한 초음파 나노 유화
분무 건조를 통해 활성 성분을 미세 캡슐화하려면 미세한 크기의 안정적인 마이크로 또는 나노 에멀젼을 준비해야 합니다. 초음파 유화는 안정적인 마이크로 및 나노 에멀젼을 생산하는 쉽고 신뢰할 수있는 기술입니다 대체 계면 활성제로서 아라비아 검 또는 WPI와 같은 생체 고분자…
산업 규모의 초음파 보로핀 합성
붕소의 2차원 나노 구조 유도체인 보로펜(Borophene)은 쉽고 저렴한 초음파 박리를 통해 효율적으로 합성할 수 있습니다. 초음파 액상 박리 제거는 고품질 보로펜 나노 시트를 대량으로 생산하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 초음파 박리 기술은 널리 사용됩니다.…
Power Ultrasound for Water-in-Diesel Emulsions
The use of water-in-fuel emulsions is a rapidly expanding due to tightened environmental regulations and the tougher competition in the transportation market. The ultrasonic emulsification technology enables for a more efficient use of fuels, such as heavy fuels or diesel,…
석류에서 Ellagitannin 추출
엘라기탄닌은 장내 마이크로바이옴에 의해 엘라기탄닌에서 전환되는 노화 방지 화합물 우로결석 A의 전구체입니다. 초음파 추출은 과일 및 식물 세포에서 ellagitannins의 방출을 촉진하여 고농축 보충제 및 의약품을 생산합니다…
고분자 섬유의 방사를 위한 초음파
직물 및 직물에 사용하기 위한 고분자 섬유의 방사는 방적돌기를 사용하여 여러 개의 연속 합성 필라멘트를 형성하는 특수한 형태의 압출입니다. 초음파는 다양한 유형의 방사에 사용할 수 있습니다 : 건식, 제트 습식, 용융 및 젤…
초음파 고기 연화
고기의 초음파 연화는 빠르고 쉬운 기계적 방법입니다. 초음파 연화는 부엌 및 산업 가공 라인에서 성공적으로 사용됩니다. Hielscher 초음파는 레스토랑에서 쉽고 편리한 연화를위한 소형 초음파 발생기의 두 가지 옵션을 제공합니다. 고출력 초음파 시스템…
Ultrasonically Promoted Michael Addition Reaction
비대칭 마이클 반응은 유기 촉매 반응의 일종으로, 초음파 처리로부터 많은 이익을 얻을 수 있습니다. 마이클 반응 또는 마이클 첨가는 온화한 조건에서 탄소-탄소 결합이 형성되는 화학 합성에 널리 사용됩니다. 초음파와 그 초음파 화학 효과…
초음파 분산에 의한 우수한 나노 연료
초음파 분산은 에탄올과 디젤의 연료 혼합물 인 나노 연료 또는 디소 홀을 생산하는 데 사용되며, 이는 CNT 또는 나노 입자를 첨가하여 개선됩니다. 파워 초음파는 초미세, 나노 연료 에멀젼 및 분산액을 생성합니다. 연료에 초음파로 분산 된 나노 입자는 다음과 같이 개선됩니다.…
전기 초음파 처리 – 초음파 전극
Electro-Sonication is the combination of the effects of electricity with the effects of sonication. Hielscher Ultrasonics developed a new and elegant method to use any sonotrode as electrode. This puts the power of ultrasound directly at the interface between ultrasonic…
초음파 평형수 소독
초음파 처리 시스템은 박테리아, 플랑크톤 및 더 큰 유기체의 사멸에 효과적인 것으로 입증되었습니다. 선박평형수의 초음파 소독은 기계적/물리적 처리로, 강력하고 값비싼 활성 화학 물질의 투여를 방지합니다…
초음파 습식 밀링(Wet-Milling) 및 마이크로 그라인딩(Micro-Grinding)
Ultrasonication is an efficient means for the wet-milling and micro-grinding of particles. Besides dispersing and deagglomerating, the wet milling is an important application of Hielscher ultrasonic devices. In particular for the manufacturing of superfine-size slurries, ultrasound has many advantages, when…
Sonication of Wine – Innovative Applications of Ultrasound in Wineries
Ultrasound is a non-thermal processing method, which is already widely used in the food industry due to its mild application but significant effects on the product. For the wineries, sonication offers various applications such as the extraction of flavours, phenolics…
Cavitation Erosion Testing
캐비테이션 침식은 강렬한 초음파 캐비테이션에 노출되는 재료 표면에서 발생합니다. 캐비테이션 침식 테스트는 강한 응력 및 기타 침식 요인에 대한 재료 또는 코팅의 침식 저항을 측정하는 빠른 방법입니다. 그것은 쉬운 정량화를 제공합니다…
Ultrasonic Mixing of Asphalt Rejuvenators
Asphalt rehabilitators and rejuvenators enable to recycle existing asphalt pavements by applying rejuvenating agents to the construction material. Ultrasonic dispersers are a powerful technique to mix nano-particles and nano-droplets into asphalt and bitumen emulsions. Power ultrasound is used to manufacture…
Ultrasonic Bentonite Dispersion
Bentonite clays, such as sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite and potassium bentonite, are mainly used as additive for drilling fluids, binder, purifier, adsorbent, and as a groundwater barrier. Due to strong bonding and van der Waals forces, the dispersibility of bentonite…
Technical Training and Service
Hielscher offers extensive service to support your ultrasonic process R&D, engineering, process testing and optimization as well as installation support and maintenance training. Hielscher's service and training programs save customers time and money. A wide range of service options are…
에너지 생산을 위한 초음파 석탄 처리
The sonication of coal slurries contributes to various processes during the energy production from coal. Ultrasound promotes the catalytic hydrogenation during the liquefaction of coal. Furthermore, sonication can improve the surface area and extractability of coal. Undesired chemical side-reactions during…
Ultrasonics in Vinegar Manufacturing and Aging
Vinegar, such as balsamic is an important condiment in cuisine. Hielscher ultrasonic devices are used for many processes in the manufacturing and maturation of vinegar. Background on Vinegar Production The production of vinegar, especially of high quality products, such as…
초음파 보조 한외여과
한외여과(UF)는 유청 농도를 위해 유제품 산업에서 자주 사용됩니다. 초음파 보조 한외여과 공정은 유청 용액의 한외여과 중 유청 분리 공정의 효율성을 향상시킵니다. Hielscher 초음파는 고출력 초음파를 통합할 수 있는 다양한 옵션을 제공합니다.…
Sonication Improves Fenton Reactions
Fenton 반응은 hydroxyl •OH 라디칼 및 과산화수소(H2O2)와 같은 자유 라디칼의 생성을 기반으로 합니다. Fenton 반응은 초음파와 결합 할 때 크게 강화 될 수 있습니다. Fenton 반응과 간단하지만 매우 효과적인 조합…
초음파 유당 결정화
In many dairy processes, whey (milk permeate) occurs in large volumes as a by-product. Whey has a high lactose content and has to be disposed, which is expensive and has environmental impacts. By recovering the lactose with ultrasound, the whey…
Ultrasonic Resveratrol Inclusion Complex
Resveratrol is a polyphenol, which promises many health benefits, e.g. prolonging life span, and to treat heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's as well as other chronic conditions. However, resveratrol has a low bioavailability and shows a rapid clearance from the…
Ultrasonic Disintegration: Wetting, Dissolving, Dispersing
Ultrasonic integrators are widely used to wet, disperse or dissolve particles and powders into liquids. High-performance ultrasonicators create intense shear forces, which break and shatter aggregates, agglomerates and primary particles to microscopic or nano size. The uniform particle processing in…
Why is a Probe-Type Ultrasonicator Best for Mushroom Extraction?
Are you wondering why your mushroom extraction using an ultrasonic bath or an ultrasonic cleaning tank does not give you the desired extract yield? Learn here all you need to know about the rigid chitin-containing cell walls of mushrooms, the…
Fast And Simple Ultrasonic Cannabis Extraction
To meet the rising demand and to supply cannabinoids of high quality, an efficient and reliable cannabis extraction method is substantial. Ultrasonic extraction is proven to shorten the extraction time and to increase yield considerably. With power ultrasound, cannabis extraction…
Lubricants with Nanoparticle-Improved Functionalities
Lubricating oils can greatly benefit from nano-additives, which help to reduce friction and wear. It is however crucial, that nano-additives such as nanoparticles, graphene monolayers or core-shell nanospheres are uniformly and single-dispersed in the lubricant. Ultrasonic dispersion has been proven…
W.Last – High Quality Extracts with Sonication
W.Last is an experienced company based in South Africa, which specializes in the production of premium extracts and tinctures from botanicals. W.Last uses ultrasonic extraction to manufacture their high-quality extracts, which are used for medicinal purpose, food flavouring and in…
밀크시슬에서 실리마린 추출 – 초음파로 가장 효율적입니다.
실리마린은 우유 엉겅퀴 씨앗에서 추출한 표준화된 추출물이며 주로 실리빈과 같은 여러 플라보놀리그난을 함유하고 있습니다. 실리마린은 다양한 의약 효과로 잘 알려져 있어 의약품 및 보충제에 사용됩니다. 초음파 추출이 가장 많은 것으로 입증되었습니다.…
약물 테스트 및 약물 효능 분석을 위한 초음파 처리
Ultrasonic homogenization and extraction is a common sample preparation technique before drug analysis, e.g. for quality tests, evaluation of raw materials and potency tests. Probe-type ultrasonicators are widely used for the release of active substances such as APIs, bioactive plant…
Ultrasonic High Speed Batch Mixers
Wetting, hydration, homogenization, grinding, dispersion, emulsification and dissolving are common applications for Hielscher's ultrasonic high speed batch mixers. Ultrasonic batch mixing is carried out at high speed with reliable, reproducible results for outstanding process results at lab, bench-top and full…
Ultrasonic Mixing Technology for Pharmacies
Ultrasonic lab homogenizers allow for fast and efficient emulsifying and dispersing of cremes, lotions, ointments, suspensions and tinctures. Power ultrasound is a reliable compounding technique for high quality pharmaceuticals Due to intense cavitational shear forces, ultrasonic mixing results in outstanding,…
Ultrasonic Freezing and Ice Crystallization of Food Products
Sonication increases the nucleation of ice crystals and provides thereby a faster freezing and control over the ice crystal size. Power ultrasound is beneficial to many food-freezing processes as shorter freezing times and leads to higher product quality. Ultrasonically assisted…
개선된 산업용 토마토 가공
Tomato paste is a common ingredient in food products and is a staple raw material in numerous food products such as ketchup, soups, sauces, juices and purees. Ultrasonic tomato processing is a mild, non-thermal treatment that gives the final tomato…
Pharmaceutical Nanosuspensions with Improved Bioavailability
Nanosuspensions prepared by sonication show a significant improved pharmacological bioavailability. Especially drug molecules with poor water-solubility, which reduces its bioavailability and effect onset, benefit from the nanosizing technique of ultrasonication. Ultrasonication is used reduce drug particles and crystals to nanometer…
클릭 화학 – How to Enhance Click Reactions with Sonication
Click chemistry reactions such as copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reactions can greatly benefit from the application of power ultrasound. Sonochemical effects increase yield and conversion rate. Additionally, the overall efficiency of click chemistry reactions is improved. As a technique of…
BIOMAN – Ultrasound for Biomass Digestion
Energy produced from biogas is one of the most important renewable resources and is conditioned by a supply of substrates and waste materials compatible with responsible use of arable lands, and safe food and feed production. BIOMAN is an EU…
Coolants Based on Thermoconductive Nanofluids
Ultrasonically synthesized nanofluids are efficient coolants and heat exchanger liquids. Thermoconductive nanomaterials increase heat transfer and heat dissipation capacity significantly. Sonication is well established in the synthesis and functionalization of thermoconductive nanoparticles as well as the production of stable high-performant…
초음파 전기화학 증착
Sonoelectrochemical deposition is synthesis technique, which combines sonochemistry and electrochemistry, for a highly efficient and environmental-friendly production of nanomaterials. Renown as fast, simple, and effective, sonoelectrochemical deposition allows for shape-controlled synthesis of nanoparticles and nanocomposites. Sono-Electrodeposition of Nanoparticles For sonoelectrodeposition…
세포 물질의 초음파 추출
초음파 추출 또는 소노 추출은 고출력 초음파를 식물 또는 세포 조직의 슬러리에 결합하여 작동하는 공정 강화 기술입니다. Hielscher 초음파는 작은 실험실 샘플에서 세포 파괴 및 추출을위한 신뢰할 수있는 초음파를 공급합니다…
초음파 분해기
Cell disintegration is a common task in biotechnology and in many applications that involve processing cells and intracellular material. Ultrasonic cell disintegrators are efficient and reliable, when it comes to breaking cell wall or membranes of plant cells, mammalian tissue,…
Power Ultrasound for Particle Treatment: Application Notes
To express their characteristics completely, particles must be deagglomerated and evenly dispersed so that the particles' surface is available. Powerful ultrasound forces are known as reliable dispersing and milling tools that beak particles down to submicron- and nano-size. Furthermore, sonication…
UIP250MTP – Sonication of Microtiter Plates
The ultrasonic processor UIP250MTP allows for the consistent sonication of an entire microtiter plate within the sonotrode. It can be used for the homogenizing, dispersing, degassing or for disruption of cells. This model of the UIP250MTP has been discontinued and…
Sonochemical Reduction of Palladium Nanoparticles
Palladium (Pd) is well known for its catalytic functions but is also often used in materials research and the production of electronics, medicine, hydrogen purification, and other chemical applications. Via sonochemical route, mono-dispersed as well as aggregated palladium nano particles…
치약 제조를 위한 High-Shear Mixers
Toothpaste manufacturing is a demanding process that requires mixing equipment capable to handle viscous pastes, high solid concentrations and abrasive particles. Ultrasonic high-shear mixers provide high-intensity shear forces that provide thorough wetting of powders, uniform homogenisation of colloidal slurries and…
초음파 공정 강화를 통한 효율적인 Biorefineries
Ultrasonication is a process intensifying technique, which is implemented into various processes in biorefineries. Typical processes that benefit significantly from ultrasonic treatment are extraction, slow heterogeneous reactions as well as other applications that involve intense mixing, homogeniaztion and dispersing. Ultrasonication…
초음파로 유화된 비강 스프레이 제형
비강 스프레이와 구강 스프레이는 호흡기 점막에 활성 성분을 적용하기 위해 널리 사용되는 약물 투여 용액입니다. 초음파 유화는 매우 높은 생체 이용률로 매우 효과적인 비강 및 구강 중성화 수술을 생산하는 매우 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 기술입니다.…
고출력 초음파에 의한 최적화된 화학 반응기 효율
초음파는 화학 반응을 강화 및 / 또는 시작하는 것으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 따라서 고성능 초음파의 통합은 향상된 반응 결과를 위해 화학 반응기를 촉진하는 신뢰할 수 있는 도구로 간주됩니다. Hielscher 초음파는 화학 공정을 조정할 수있는 다양한 반응기 솔루션을 제공합니다.…
Sonoelectrolytic Hydrogen Production from Dilute Sulfuric Acid
Electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid produces hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Ultrasonication reduces the diffusion layer thickness at the electrode surface and improves mass transfer during electrolysis. Ultrasonication can increase hydrogen gas production rates in the electrolytic cell, significantly. Two…
UP400S – Powerful Sonication of Larger Samples
400 Watts ultrasonic power - The UP400S (400W, 24kHz) is a powerful and reliable ultrasonic device for the sonication of larger samples in the lab. Typical application include: Homogenization, deagglomeration, lysis and cell disintegration, protein extraction and the emulsification of…
Power Ultrasonics로 향상된 초임계 유체 추출
Ultrasonic extraction alone or in combination with alternative extraction methods such as solvent extraction or supercritical CO2 extractors is successfully used to extract the full spectrum of cannabinoids from the cannabis plant (hemp and marijuana). In marijuana, the main cannabinoid…
How to Mix Varnishes with Nanofillers
Varnish production requires powerful mixing equipment that can handle nano-particles and pigments, which must be uniformly dispersed into the formulation. Ultrasonic homogenizers are highly efficient and reliable dispersing technique which provide a homogeneous distribution of the nanoparticles into polymers. Varnish…
나노 다이아몬드의 초음파 합성
Due to its intense cavitational force, power ultrasound is a promising technique to produce micron- and nano-sized diamonds from graphite. Micro- and nano-crystalline diamonds can be synthesized sonicating a suspension of graphite in organic liquid at atmospheric pressure and room…
고성능 접착제 제형 – Ultrasonic Dispersion에 의해 개선되었습니다.
High-performance adhesives are composed from epoxy, silicone, polyurethane, polysulfide, or acrylic systems containing various (nano-)fillers and additives, which give the adhesive special performance such as bond strength, light weight, durability, heat-resistance, and sustainability. Efficient and reliable mixing is required to…
Nanodiamonds Dispersed in Aqueous Suspension with Sonication
Nanodiamond dispersions are efficient and quickly produced using ultrasonic dispersers. Ultrasonic deaggregation and dispersion of nanodiamonds can be reliably performed in an aqueous suspension. The ultrasonic dispersion technique uses salt for pH modification and is thereby a facile, inexpensive, and…
Ageing and Oaking of Wines with Ultrasound
Wine ageing and oaking contribute heavily to the final taste and quality of wine. Both processes are known to undertake long time, often the maturation process goes over serval years. Ultrasound is a highly efficacious and rapid technology, which intensifies…
Cleaning and Sanitizing Wine Barrels Efficiently with Ultrasound
Oak barrels for wine ageing can be efficiently cleaned and sanitized using power ultrasound. By sonication, tartrate is removed and microorganisms such as yeast (Brettanomyces, Dekkera) are killed. Additionally, wooden aroma compounds become more available when the barrels are used…
폴리페놀이 풍부한 파워 초음파가 함유된 와인
Ultrasonication improves the extraction of phenolic compounds from grape to must, which contributes to the total polyphenol content - thereby improving the further ageing process of wine. The application of power ultrasound gives higher extraction yields and accelerates the maturation…
바이알트위터 – Intensive Sonication of Small Volumes
Sonication is a very effective method for the mixing, homogenizing, emulsifying, dispersing, disintegration, and degassing of liquids by means of ultrasonic cavitation. The VialTweeter applies this technology to vials, such as autosampler vials, storage vials and reagent vials without the…
Sonofragmentation – The Effect of Power Ultrasound on Particle Breakage
Sonofragmentation describes the breakage of particles into nano-sized fragments by high power ultrasound. In contrast to the common ultrasonic deagglomeration and milling - where particles are mainly grinded and separated by inter-particle collision - , sono-fragementation is distinguished by the…
Sonochemically Improved Mannich Reactions
Mannich reaction are important carbon–carbon bond forming reactions, which are widely used in industries such as the pharmaceutical production and the synthesis of natural products. Whilst most of one-pot Mannich reactions are very slow, the positive effects of ultrasonication on…
초음파를 이용한 플라스미드 준비
Ultrasonication is a reliable technique to fragment plasmid DNA. Precisely controllable amplitude, pulsation mode and temperature control are most important features of an ultrasonicator for non-damaging plasmid fragmentation. Additionally, the use of certain agents help to protect against plasmid degradation.…
MultiSonoReactor for High-Throughput Inline Sonication
The Hielscher MultiSonoReactor is an ultrasonic flow-through reactor for large scale processing of liquids and slurries. Depending on the configuration, the MultiSonoReactor can process liquids and slurries with up to 30kW ultrasound power. Optimized flow conditions within the reactor ensure…
Ultrasonication Outcompetes Other Extraction Methods by Speed
The rapid procedure of ultrasonic extraction and the therefrom resulting time savings in extract production are one of many advantages of ultrasonic extraction of bioactive compounds from plants. Ultrasonic extraction has been scientifically compared to alternative extraction techniques such as…
초음파 유화제
An emulsion is a two-phase system of two immiscible liquids, where one phase, the so-called internal or dispersed phase, is distributed as small droplets into the other, so-called external or continuous, phase. To prepare an emulsion, generally energy input into…
UTR200 – Powerful Ultrasonic Cup Horn
The UTR200 is a powerful ultrasonic device with a cup-horn shaped sonotrode. It can be used as a high intensity ultrasonic bath or - when closed - as an ultrasonic reactor for inline sonication. The UTR200 is mostly used for…
초음파 해양 연료 탈황
선박 연료는 황 함량이 0.5%m/m 이하여야 하는 새로운 규정의 영향을 받습니다. 초음파 보조 산화 탈황(UAOD)은 산화 반응을 가속화하는 확립된 방법이며 경제적이고 안전한 공정입니다. UAOD 프로세스는 다음과 같을 수 있습니다.…
Bitter Melon에서 Bioactive Compounds의 초음파 추출
Bitter melons (also known as bitter apple, bitter gourd, bitter squash, balsam-pear) is a fruit high in health-beneficial compounds such as antioxidants, flavonoids, phytosterols, and saponins. Sonication is well known to intensify the extraction of bioactive substances from botanicals. Ultrasonic…
초음파 장비에 의한 대마 추출
Hemp extraction using ultrasonic solvent extraction equipment is a simple, cost-efficient and very scaleable method to extract CBD (cannabidiol) from hemp. Ultrasonic hemp extractors are easy to install and can extract hemp in batches or inline for higher throughput. Ultrasonic…
Application of Power Ultrasound using Ultrasonic Horns
초음파 혼 또는 프로브는 균질화, 분산, 습식 밀링, 유화, 추출, 붕괴, 용해 및 탈기를 포함한 매니폴드 액체 처리 응용 분야에 널리 사용됩니다. 초음파 혼, 초음파 프로브 및 그 응용 분야에 대한 기본 사항을 알아보십시오. Ultrasonic Horn 대 Ultrasonic Probe 종종,…
Highly Efficient Ginger Extraction by Sonication
Ultrasonic extraction of essential oils and active compounds from ginger convinces by high efficiency and high yields. Ultrasonic extraction is a mild, non-thermal process which yields in high quality extracts. Whilst other extraction methods are limited in their upscaling capability,…
Surfactant-Free Cosmetic Emulsions by Power Ultrasonics
Due to the increasing demand for eco-friendly cosmetics, the cosmetic industry is focussing on the formulation of surfactant-free emulsions. Pickering emulsions are surfactant-/emulsifier-free w/o- or o/w-mixtures stabilized by particles. Ultrasonic mixing and emulsification is an excellent technique to formulate highly…
Ultrasonic Powder Compacting
Hielscher Ultrasonics makes devices for the ultrasonic agitation of containers, vials, reactors or columns. The ultrasonic vibrations can shake powder particles after filling, in order to obtain a denser and or uniform powder packing. Bulk density or packing density of…
인라인 측정에 대한 초음파 분산기의 효과
For the characterization and measurement of primary particles, the particles should be well dispersed as agglomerates falsify the measurement results. Ultrasound is a reliable tool to destroy agglomerates and to create conditions where the primary particles are hold in adequate…
Careers at Hielscher Ultrasonics
We are glad that you are interested in joining our company! On this page, you can find all currently open vacancies. For the reinforcement of our team we are always in the search for engaged and skilled coworkers and trainees.…
Sonochemical Synthesis of Electrode Materials for Battery Production
In the production of high-performance battery cells, nanostructured materials and nanocomposites play an important role providing superior electric conductivity, higher storage densities, high capacity and reliability. In order to attain full functionalities of nanomaterials, nano-particles must be individually dispersed or…
소노스텝 – Sample Preparation in a Single-Step
The SonoStep combines ultrasonication, stirring and pumping of samples in a compact design. It is easy to operate and can be used to deliver sonicated samples to analytic devices, e.g. for particle size measurement. Ultrasonication helps to disperse agglomerated particles…
Ultrasonic Lysis of Bioengineered Cells in Industrial Production
Bioengineered bacteria species such E. coli as well as genetically modified mammalian and plant cell types are used widely in biotech to express molecules. In order to release these synthesized bio-molecules, a reliable cell disruption technique is required. High-performance ultrasonication…
Ultrasonically Agitated Syringe Filter for Higher Throughputs
초음파 교반 주사기 필터를 사용하면 더 높은 유속과 적재 용량에서 작동할 수 있습니다. 고형분 함량이 더 높은 샘플은 초음파 진동 주사기 필터를 사용하여 신뢰할 수 있고 효율적으로 처리할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 더 높은 처리량을 얻을 수 있습니다. 주사기의 초음파 교반…
초음파 줄기 세포 분리
초음파 캐비테이션은 인간의 지방 조직에서 줄기 세포를 분리하는 매우 효과적인 기계적 방법입니다. 초음파로 분리된 SVF(stromal vascular fraction)는 의료 응용 분야에서 높은 재생 잠재력을 보여줍니다. Hielscher 초음파는 직접 및 간접 초음파의 다양한 옵션을 제공합니다…
도시 하수 슬러지에서 인 회수를 위한 다양한 솔루션
인은 천연 공급이 급격히 감소하고 있는 중요한 자원 광물입니다. 이에 따라 독일 정부는 2029년부터 하수 슬러지에서 인을 대부분 회수해야 한다는 법령을 제정했습니다. 파워 초음파의 구현은 강화할 수 있는 다양한 옵션을 열어줍니다.…
물의 전도도 및 pH 값에 대한 초음파 처리의 효과
물의 전도도와 pH 값은 고강도, 저주파 초음파로 물을 처리함으로써 효율적으로 영향을 받을 수 있습니다. 물의 초음파 처리는 물의 전도도와 pH 값을 증가시킵니다. 전기 전도도에 대한 Power Ultrasound의 영향 테스트는 다음을 사용하여 수행되었습니다.…
UP200H / UP200S – Ultrasonic Power for the Lab
The ultrasonic lab devices UP200H (200W, 24kHz) and UP200S (200W, 24kHz) are well suited for all general ultrasonic applications in small and medium scale. The applications include: Homogenization, disintegration, emulsification, cell disruption, degassing or sonochemistry. The production of these models…
초음파 처리에 의해 촉진되는 유기 촉매 반응
In organic chemistry, organocatalysis is a form of catalysis in which the rate of a chemical reaction is increased by an organic catalyst. This "organocatalyst" consists of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur and other nonmetal elements found in organic compounds. The application…
Closed Ultrasonic Reactor for Pharmaceutical Batch Processing
Many processes as mixing, dispersing and extraction of high-value materials are carried out as batch process. Hielscher's closed ultrasonic reactor is ideal for an integrated ultrasonic processing under closed and precisely controlled conditions. Hielscher's closed ultrasonic reactor is perfectly suitable…
Ultramicronization and Nano-Formulation of Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
The fatty acid amide palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is used as oral drug administered for its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. However, being a lipid and expressing a large particle size, the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is limited due its poor…
디메틸 에테르(DME) 변환을 위한 촉매의 초음파 준비
Dimethyl ether (DME) is a favourable alternative fuel, which can be synthesised from methanol, CO2 or syngas through catalysis. For the catalytic conversion to DME, potent catalysts are required. Nano-sized mesoporous catalysts such as mesoporous acidic zeolites, decorated zeolites or…
산업용 초음파 장치
Hielscher 산업용 초음파 장치는 강력하고 효율적이며 신뢰할 수 있습니다. 이 제품은 산업 환경에서 고부하에서 지속적으로 작동하도록 제작되었습니다. 장치 당 최대 16 킬로와트를 제공하는 Hielscher는 산업용 액체 공정을위한 선도적 인 초음파 공급 업체입니다. 초음파 액체…
The Solution to Electrode Surface Fouling
Electrode surface fouling is a serious problem in many electrochemical production processes and in electrochemical sensors. Electrode fouling can affect the performance and energy efficiency of an electrochemical cell. Ultrasonication is an effective means to avoid and remove electrode fouling.…
Sonoelectrochemistry Setup – 2000 와트 초음파
Sonoelectrochemistry는 전기 화학과 초음파 화학의 이점을 결합합니다. 이러한 기술의 가장 큰 장점은 단순성, 저렴한 비용, 재현성 및 확장성입니다. Hielscher 초음파는 배치 및 인라인 사용을위한 완벽한 초음파 전기 화학 설정을 제공합니다. 그것은 이루어져 있습니다 : 고급 초음파 발생기…
MultiPhaseCavitator-Insert for Ultrasonic Flow Cell
The MultiPhaseCavitator Insert (InsertMPC48) is designed to improve the ultrasonic processing of liquid/liquid or liquid/gas mixes. 48 very fine cannulas inject liquid or gas into a liquid phase right in the cavitation zone. This creates very small suspended droplets or…
Sonication in Multi-Neck Flasks
초음파 처리는 화학 및 생화학 반응에 널리 사용됩니다. Hielscher는 초음파 sonotrode를 둥근 바닥 플라스크, 다중 목 플라스크 및 기타 실험실 유리 제품과 같은 반응 용기에 삽입하기 위해 표준화 된 그라운드 조인트 어댑터를 공급합니다. 의 정교한 설정을 위해…
Ultrasonic Collagen Extraction from Jellyfish
해파리 콜라겐은 독특하지만 I, II, III 형 및 V 형 콜라겐과 유사한 특성을 나타내는 고품질 콜라겐입니다. 초음파 추출은 수율을 높이고 공정을 가속화하며 고분자량을 생성하는 순전히 기계적인 기술입니다…
Ultrasonic Collagen Extraction
콜라겐은 단백질이 풍부하며 식품, 제약, 첨가제 등과 같은 다양한 산업 응용 분야에서 널리 사용됩니다. 초음파 처리는 콜라겐의 효소 또는 산 추출과 쉽게 결합 될 수 있습니다. 콜라겐 추출 과정에 초음파를 구현한 결과…
초음파 탱크 교반기
초음파 탱크 교반기는 기계적 교반기입니다. 초음파 교반은 액체를 다른 액체 또는 고체와 혼합하여 화학, 식품, 제약 및 화장품 제조의 공정 역학을 개선합니다. Hielscher 초음파 교반기는 실험실 교반기에서 산업용 탱크 교반기에 이르기까지 크기가 다양합니다.…
초음파 처리를 통한 수용성 나노-THC 제형
The formulation of THC-enhanced beverages is challenging. - THC-infused drinks must be nano-emulsified in order to provide a high bioavailability and thereby potency, long-term stability and clear appearance. Ultrasonic nano-emulsification of THC into beverage is highly efficient and efficacious resulting…
Ultrasonic Dispersion of Nanomaterials (Nanoparticles)
나노 물질은 고성능 재료, 자외선 차단제, 기능성 코팅 또는 플라스틱 복합 재료와 같은 다양한 제품의 필수 구성 요소가 되었습니다. 초음파 캐비테이션은 나노 크기의 입자를 물, 기름, 용제 또는 수지와 같은 액체로 분산시키는 데 사용됩니다. 나노 입자의 초음파 분산…
Remote Foot Switch / Pedal for Ultrasonic Homogenizers
Foot switches are available for almost all of our ultrasonic devices. Please see the compatibility chart for details. The switches can be used to control the devices remotely by activating the foot pedal. This keeps your hands free, e.g. to…
UPcontrol V2.3 WIN – PC-Interface
As an option, our ultrasonic processors can be equipped or retrofitted with an UPcontrol package. This PC-control gives automation of the ultrasonic process parameters, such as amplitude, pulse/cycle, operating time or alternatively the actual energy input. It serves for the…
Sanitary Pressure Sensor / Transmitter for Ultrasonic Homogenizers
Liquid pressure is a significant influence on sonication process efficiency. For this reason, Hielscher offers sanitary pressure sensors (PS7D and PS70) for use with all its ultrasonic devices with Touch control. Please see the compatibility chart for details. In combination…
PT100 Thermo Couples for Ultrasonic Homogenizers
Liquid temperature is an important factor for ultrasonic processes. For temperature monitoring, controlling and recording, Hielscher offers two PT100 temperature sensors (PT100 and PT100-0G5) for use with all its ultrasonic devices with Touch control. Please see the compatibility chart for…
Centrifugal Ultrasonic Reactor for Separation
Hielscher Ultrasonics designs custom ultrasonic reactors for special processes. The centrifugal reactor is used for ultrasonically assisted separation processes. This includes the separation of gas or solids from liquids. The liquid media enters the reactor tangentially at high speed on…
Production of Hand Sanitizers with Industrial Ultrasonic Mixers
To produce hand sanitizers and disinfecting solutions, a powerful mixing technology is required to obtain a consistent mixture. Ultrasonic mixers and agitators are the most reliable and efficient mixing technology for blending and emulsifying two or more phases in order…
Ultrasonics in Virus Research
Ultrasonic lysis and extraction is a reliable and long-time established method for the disruption of cells and the subsequent release of viruses, viral proteins, DNA, and RNA. Ultrasonics in Coronavirus Research The extraction of viruses from organ tissue is an…
Clear Nano-Emulsions with Stuph and Ultrasonics
Clear nano-emulsions have a wide range of applications in food, beverage and cosmetic formulations. Stuph Corp supplies is various food-grade, high-quality emulsifiers for the preparation of clear nano-emulsions for the use in food, drinks, tinctures, concentrates as well as skin…
Ultrasonic Emulsions for Water-in-Diesel Combustion
Power generators, ship engines and railway engines, which are fuelled with diesel, can be run more efficiently when water-in-diesel emulsions are used. Water-diesel emulsion fuels reduce the fuel consumption, lower the combustion temperature, burn cleaner and reduce emissions, such as…
Improved Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts with Sonication
Improved Synthesis of Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts with Ultrasound: Ultrasonic treatment of catalyst particles is used for several purposes. Ultrasonic synthesis helps to create modified or functionalized nano-particles, which have a high catalytic activity. Spent and poisoned catalysts can be easily and…
Ultrasonic Effects on Precipitation and Froth Flotation
Industrial waste waters are often heavily acidified due to the excessive use of sulphuric acid. Acidified wastewater containing heavy metals are commonly treated by chemical precipitation after coagulation and flocculation. Ultrasonic conditioning before the flotation resulted in a significant improved…
Improved Textile Fiber Dyeing with Ultrasonics
Ultrasonically assisted dyeing of fibers and fabrics improves the penetration of the dye into the fiber pores and increases colour strength and colour fastness significantly. Ultrasonic dyeing is a rapid process, which can be run under mild conditions and low…
키틴을 키토산으로 하는 초음파 탈아세틸화
키토산은 키틴 유래 생체 고분자로 제약, 식품, 농업 및 산업 분야에서 많은 응용 분야를 가지고 있습니다. 키틴을 키토산으로 변환하는 초음파 탈아세틸화는 처리를 크게 강화하여 우수한 키토산 수율로 효율적이고 빠른 공정을 가능하게 합니다.…
Ultrasonic Phosphor Recovery from Sewage Sludge
The worldwide demand for phosphor is increasing, whilst the supply of natural phosphorus resources are getting scarce. Sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash are rich in phosphorus and can be therefore used as source to reclaim phosphorus. The ultrasonic wet-chemical…
Ultrasonic Hemp Fibre Processing
Ultrasonic retting of fibrous materials such as hemp and flax fibers allows for a fast and efficient fiber modification. Ultrasonically processed bast fibers are fibrillated and show a significantly higher specific surface, increased tensile strength and flexibility. Ultrasonic fiber processing…
Quillaja Saponins의 초음파 추출
Saponin extracts of the Quillaja saponaria Molina tree are the main source of saponins for industrial applications. Ultrasonic extraction of Quillaja saponins yields in high quality saponins. Ultrasonic extraction is a highly efficient method to produce high yields of Quillaja…
Ultrasonic Milling of Thermoelectrical Nano-Powders
연구에 따르면 초음파 밀링은 열전 나노 입자의 제조에 성공적으로 사용될 수 있으며 입자의 표면을 조작 할 수있는 잠재력이 있습니다. 초음파로 밀링된 입자(예: Bi2Te3 기반 합금)는 상당한 크기 감소를 보였으며 나노 입자를 제조했습니다.…
Ultrasonic Steeping of E-Liquids
Ultrasonic steeping enhances the flavour of e-liquids / e-juices significantly. The ultrasonic steeping treatment offers two major benefits: First, ultrasonic steeping gives a unique flavour profile, which is characterized by a full, round and smooth taste. Secondly, with an industrial…
Ultrasonic Preparation of Platelet Rich Serum
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets, which is used for medical and estethic treatments. Ultrasonic lysis and conditioning is an very effective method to prepare platelet-rich plasma. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers various ultrasonic systems matching…
Ultrasonically Intensified Fixed Bed Reactor(초음파 강화 고정층 반응기)
초음파 혼합 및 분산은 고정층 반응기에서 촉매 반응을 활성화하고 강화합니다. 초음파 처리는 질량 전달을 개선하고 효율성, 전환율 및 수율을 증가시킵니다. 추가적인 이점은 부동태화 오염층을 제거하는 것입니다.…
Ultrasonic-Enzymatic Diacylglycerol Production
Diacylglycerol (DAG) rich oils have shown a high nutritional value since they are digested and metabolized in a way, which significantly reduces body weight. Diacylglycerol can be produced by the hydrolysis of palm oil using a commercial lipase as a…
EPA3550 Ultrasonic Extraction Guide
초음파 추출은 상업적인 생산 규모에 있는 귀중한 화합물의 추출뿐만 아니라 작은 실험실 표본에 적용할 수 있는 친환경적인 추출 방법입니다. 미국 환경 보호국(EPA)은 다양한…
초음파 공정 솔루션을 위한 맞춤형 개발
Hielscher Ultrasonics has a highly experienced R&D team of technical designers and engineers, which allows to offer the development and customized manufacturing of high-power ultrasound systems and processes. Our development services include the following services: Our technical engineer services, which…
페인트의 고급 미생물 안정성을 위한 Power-Ultrasound
미생물 열화는 수성 및 용제성 페인트 제형을 모두 손상시킬 수 있습니다. 환경 규정은 살생물제의 사용을 제한합니다. 초음파 처리는 환경 친화적이고 효과적인 페인트 보존 방법입니다. Power 초음파는 미생물에 의해 손상된 페인트 및 코팅도 재활용할 수 있습니다. 초음파의…
초음파 프로세서용 포트 스플리터 RJ45-HUB
The port splitter RJ45-HUB allows you to connect your ultrasonic processor to various additional components and to use all features of your digital ultrasonic processor optimally. At the same time, the functionality of the network is retained. The RJ45-HUB is…
혐기성 소화 전 동물 분뇨의 초음파 붕괴
초음파 분해는 메탄(CH4) 수율을 증가시키고 고형 머무름 시간(SRT)을 줄이며 혐기성 소화의 전반적인 성능을 향상시킵니다. 이것은 가축 분뇨에서 생물 고형물과 박테리아 세포가 분해되고 세포 내 구성 요소가 방출된 결과입니다…
Ultrasonic Agrochemicals Manufacturing
Formulating agrochemicals includes the dispersion, dissolving, emulsification, and homogenization of the compounds. Ultrasound is a reliable mixing technique for high quality chemical suspensions. Ultrasonic dispersing and dissolving allows to produce high load formulations at high dispersion speed. Ultrasonic formulating enables…
초음파 맞춤 처리 서비스
Hielscher 초음파는 초음파 처리와 관련하여 전문가입니다. 우리는 실험실 및 산업을위한 강력한 초음파를 공급할뿐만 아니라 독일에있는 본사에서 초음파 통행료 제조업체로서 재료를 처리하는 서비스를 제공합니다.…
Hielscher – We Manufacture Ultrasonics!
To deliver you with the best quality and service for your process, we at Hielscher Ultrasonics manufacture our range of products ourselves. From idea, development and CAD drawings to machining, assembly and testing, we take great satisfaction and have an…
초음파 공정 최적화 & 컨설팅
초음파 처리 분야에서 20 년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 Hielscher는 산업용 초음파 공정의 선도적 인 전문가입니다. 우리는 고객의 첫 번째 프로세스 아이디어부터 프로세스 최적화를 통해 최종 스케일업, 상업 생산에 이르기까지 완벽한 제품을 개발할 수 있도록 안내합니다.…
귀금속의 초음파 침출
파워 초음파는 귀금속 및 희토류와 같은 금속을 추출하는 효과적인 기술입니다. 이 초음파 보조 고액 추출 과정은 소노 침출, lixiviation 또는 세척으로 알려져 있습니다. 견고한 산업용 초음파를 쉽게 설치하여 희귀 한 침출 할 수 있습니다.…
Improve your Scavengers by Ultrasonic Mixing
A scavenger is a chemical substance that is added to a mixture in order to remove or deactivate impurities and marring by-products. ln many reactions, an excess of starting materials is used to drive a solution phase reaction to completion.…
Functionalized Surfaces with Nanoparticles
The PANADUR GmbH (www.panadur.de) provides functional coating systems on the basis of Polyurea for surfaces of all types, for example, the "In-Mould Coating" process (IMC) can be used. "In-Mould Coatings" by PANADUR can be easily combined with many methods of…
Hielscher Cascatrode – High Surface Sonication Probe
Hielscher Cascatrodes™ are special design sonotrodes (ultrasonic probes) for the effective sonication at elevated ultrasonic power levels at low or medium sonication intensities - typically below 60W/cm² and below 60 micron amplitude. Hielscher developed the Cascatrode™ for industrial processing applications.…
Crystallization of Cannabinoids with Sonication
Crystallization is a necessary process step in order to produce crystalline CBD isolate. Ultrasonic nano-crystallization (sono-crystallization) is widely used to prepare crystalline isolates such as CBD isolate from a supersaturated solution. By high-power ultrasound frequency waves, intense agitation promotes the…
카나비노이드의 초음파 탈카르복실화
Decarboxylated cannabinoids such as CBD, THC and CBG amongst many others are known as the active form, which shows more impactful and successful effects in the human body (i.e. endocannbinoid system). Ultrasonication is a highly effective technique to extract an…
Turbo Extraction of Cinnamon with Ultrasonics
Traditional cinnamon extraction is time-consuming and relatively inefficient. Ultrasonic extraction is a simple, yet highly efficient process intensifying technique wich reduces the extraction time to a few hours and increases simultaneously the cinnamon essential oil yield. Improved Cinnamon Extraction with…
UIP1000-엑스드 – 1.0kW ATEX 초음파 믹서
UIP1000-Exd (20kHz, 1000W)는 위험한 환경 (ATEX)의 용제와 같은 가연성 액체의 초음파를 위해 설계되었습니다. 그것은 에멀션화, 분산과 같은 응용 분야에 사용됩니다 & 입자 미세 밀링 또는 균질화. ATEX 인증 UIP1000-Exd는 다음을 위해 제조됩니다.…
초음파는 에너지와 비용을 절약합니다.
기존의 균질화기, 유체역학 믹서 및 교반 밀에서 초음파 캐비테이션 처리로 전환하면 비용 절감 효과가 향상되고 환경 친화적 인 가공이 가능합니다. 최근 에너지 가격의 지속적인 상승으로 인해 에너지 소비는 직접적이고 실질적인 영향을 미칩니다…
Ultrasonication and Renewable Fuels
Biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas are three ways to convert organic material into green fuels. Ultrasonication improves energy yield and conversion efficiency. Renewable fuels enjoy increasing demand as oil prices mark new heights. The application of ultrasonic technology to the production…
Worldwide Power Plugs for Ultrasonic Devices
Type Voltage Picture Country / Specification B 115V~ USA NEMA 5-15P Canada CSA CAN/CSA-22.2 No.21-95 Japan JIS C 8303 Taiwan CNS 6797 Thailand D 230V~ South Africa SABS 164-1 F 230V~ Belgium NBN C 61-112-1 Brazil NBR 14136 Denmark Afsnit…
Ultrasonic Mini Flow Cell
일반적으로 집중적 인 초음파는 액체에 담근 티타늄 sonotrode를 통해 소량으로 전송됩니다. 이 방법은 매우 효율적이지만 sonotrode에도 캐비테이션이 있어 약간의 오염이 발생하는 부작용이 있습니다…
UIP10000 – High Power Ultrasonic Clusters
With its 10,000 watts, the UIP10000 is the second largest ultrasonic processor. It is designed to work in clusters of four or more units, for large volume processing, such as homogenizing, dispersing and deagglomeration. Ultrasonic applications can be scaled up…
UIP4000 – High Ultrasonic Output Power
The UIP4000 (4,000 watts, 20kHz) is used mainly for the industrial processing of liquids such as homogenizing, dispersing, disintegrating or deagglomerating. The powerful ultrasonic processor UIP4000 is used when high power is needed for continuous operation. It is controlled by…
Ultrasound In Paper Manufacturing
Ultrasound can be used in manufacturing paper and in paper recycling processes for: preventing watermarks or lines that would reduce the paper quality, by degassing the pulp enhancing the fibrillation of the pulp fibres replacement and/or enhancement of beating and/or…