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UIP4000hdT 4kW powerful ultrasonic processor

Utrasonic topic: "The Advantages of Ultrasonic Extraction"

Ultrasonic extraction or sono-extraction is a process intensifying technology, which works by the coupling of high power ultrasonics into a slurry of plant or cell tissue. Hielscher Ultrasonics supplies reliable ultrasonicators for cell disruption and extraction from small lab samples up to high volumes in industrial processing. The appeal of the ultrasonically assisted extraction lies in the non-thermal treatment of the material, its easy application and the scaleability from test to production scale. Hielscher’s ultrasonic devices generate high intense ultrasound that can be exactely controlled to your process requirements.


UP400St agitated 8L extraction setup

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Application and its Advantages"

Extraction describes the release and isolation of intracellular material from plant cells, tissue, cell cultures and microorganisms. Conventional extraction processes such as solvent extraction, maceration, Soxhlet etc. are often slow and inefficient. Ultrasonic extraction promotes mass transfer and increases the efficiency of extraction significantly. Ultrasonic extraction is known for its rapid processing, higher yields and superior extract quality!


Ultrasonic Cannabis Extraction in Glyerin

Utrasonic topic: "What is an Ultrasonic Extractor?"

An ultrasonic extractor is a probe-type sonicator used to produce botanical extracts with higher yields and superior quality. Since sonication is a non-thermal extraction method, all bioactive compounds (e.g. vitamins, flavours, antioxidants, CBD etc.) are preserved against heat-induced degradation. This makes ultrasonic extractors the superior tool when it comes to the intensification of ultrasonic extraction processes. The application of high-power ultrasound waves causes the perforation and disruption of cells and tissues and promotes mass transfer. This means the intracellular material (i.e. the targeted substances) is released from the inner cell and transferred into the solvent. Ultrasonic extraction intensifies the extraction process resulting in higher yields, superior extract quality and rapid processing. At the same time, ultrasonic extraction is an environmental-friendly, green method. Read more about how sonication can improve your extraction process!


The Hielscher Ultrasonics SonoStation is an easy-to-use ultrasonic high-shear mixer setup for production scale. (Click to enlarge!)

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Processing in the Food Industry"

The application of powerful ultrasound waves to liquid food products is used to homogenise and disperse them evenly, to extract aromatic and bioactive compounds (e.g. flavours, vitamins, natural colorants) and to improve microbial stability. As a non-thermal treatment, ultrasonication avoids the thermal decomposition of temperature-sensitive substances and is thereby a mild processing method. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers a wide product range of high-performance ultrasonic food processing systems, which can be operated in batch mode or continuous inline setup using an ultrasonic flow-through reactor. Learn more about powerful ultrasonic food processing and its benefits!


Ultrasonic glass flow reactors are used in lab and industrial setting for emulsification, dispersion, homogenisation, mixing, extraction, disintegration, and sonochemical reactions (e.g., sono-synthesis, sono-catalysis)

Utrasonic topic: "What is Sonochemistry?"

Sonochemistry is the application of ultrasound to chemical reactions and processes. SOnication is used to intensify chemical reactions such as synthesis and catalysis. When intense ultrasound waves are couples into liquids, the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation occurs. Ultrasonic cavitation improves mass transfer between reactants, speeds up the reaction and/or allows to change the chemicals pathway. Learn more about Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory and industrial devices and how they are used in manifold sonochemical processes!


UIP2000hdT - a 2000W high performance ultrasonicator with chemical batch reactor for intense processing.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Processing in the Pharma Industry"

Power ultrasonics is a highly efficient and reliable tool for the production of vaccines, nano-formulated drugs and drug carriers (e.g. liposomes). Hielscher Ultrasonics’ lab, pilot and industrial systems produce pharma-grade micron- and nano-emulsions / -dispersions, liposomes as well as vaccines. Hielscher’s ultrasonic systems are equipped with CIP (clean-in-place) and SIP (sterilize-in-place) and guarantee thereby safe and efficient production according to pharmaceutical standards. All specific ultrasonic processes can be easily tested in lab or bench-top scale and then be linearly scaled up to industrial production.


Ultrasonic homogenizers allow for an effective dispersing, deagglomeration and mfunctionalization of nano materials.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Nanomaterial Processing"

High-performance sonication is a well-established technique for particle size reduction in nano-sized dispersions and emulsions. Besides the fine-size distribution of particles, ultrasonic processors are used to synthesise nano-structured materials such as nanodiamonds or to precipitate nanoparticles (e.g. magnetite (Fe3O4)). Hielscher’s ultrasonic processors are available from lab to industrial size and can be used for batch and continuous inline sonication. Learn how sonication can improve your nano-material processing!


The UIP2000hdT (2kW) is a high-performance extractor for large scale batch extraction of hemp oil and CBD extracts. Ultrasonic extraction can be performed in batch and continuous flow-through mode. The UIP2000hdT can be used for large batch etraction (e.g. 120L barrels) or in continuous flow mode (e.g. 4L/min.). This makes the UIP2000hdT a powerful industrial hemp oil extractor for commercial production of high-quality CBD drugs and supplements.

Utrasonic topic: "Phytochemicals"

Phytochemical is an umbrella term for plant-derived (greek word “phyto” means plant) chemicals, which includes a wide variety of compounds that occur naturally in plants. Many phytochemicals are known for their beneficial effects on human health and are therefore highly valued compounds of nutrition. Terpenes, phytosterols, isothiocyanates, organosulfides, stylbenes, isoflavonoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids and anthocyanides are the most important sub-groups of phytochemicals, which include numerous phytochemicals such as caffeine and theobromine (alkaloids); allicin, glutathione and sulphoraphane (organosulfides); ptherostilbene and resveratrol (stylbenes); or epicatechin, naringin and quercitin (flavonoids) to name just a few. To use phytochemicals as drugs or nutritional supplements, the plant chemicals must be isolated from the cell matrix. Ultrasonic extraction is a powerful and reliable method to release phytochemicals from plants such as vegetables, herbs, fruits, roots, and bark. Ultrasonic extraction equipment is used in small and large scale, e.g. for the production of terpenes from hemp and cannabis, quercetin from apples, tea and onion, allicin from garlic,…


UIP2000hdT - 2kW ultrasonicator for liquid-solid processes.

Utrasonic topic: "The Benefits of Ultrasonic Process Intensification"

Process intensification makes the reactions and the production of materials more efficient. Ultrasonic processing is well known to speed-up processes and to improve the output (e.g. superior quality, higher yields). Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures superior ultrasonic equipment for homogenization, dispersion & wet-milling, emulsification, extraction, lysis, and sonochemical reactions. Learn more about how ultrasonication can intensify your process and make it more efficient!


Ultrasonication promotes Fenton reactions resulting in higher radical formation. Thereby, higher oxidation and improved conversion rates are obtained.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonication: Applications and Benefits"

Ultrasonication is the application of intense ultrasound waves into liquids and slurries. The acoustic cavitation generated by intense sonication creates energy-dense conditions such as high pressure and temperature differentials as well as high shear forces and turbulences. Those forces agitate particles, break droplets, disrupt cells and create an extraordinary mass transfer causing homogenization, dispersion, emulsification, extraction and sonochemical effects. Read more about ultrasonication and its multiple applications!


UP400St agitated 8L extraction setup

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonically Intensified Solvent Extraction"

Ultrasonication intensifies conventional solvent extraction and makes the process significantly more efficient. Ultrasonic extraction works with various types of solvents such as water, ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, vegetable oils, glycerin to name just a few. Ultrasonically generated cavitation improves mass transfer and disrupts cells so that the intracellular material and the targeted bioactive substances are released into the solvent. As a non-thermal extraction method, sonication prevents the thermal degradation of thermo-labil ingredients. Thereby, ultrasonic extraction increases the yield, improves extract quality and speeds-up the process. Read more about the manifold ultrasonic extraction applications including case studies and ultrasonic extraction protocols!


Ultrasonic probe-type extractor for efficient phytochemical and botanical release from plants.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic extraction of polyphenols"

Polyphenols or polyhydroxyphenols are chemical compounds that occur in nature, but can be also synthesized chemically. As polyphenols act as antioxidants, they are known as health-beneficial bio-compound and the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, tea and coffee is linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fruits like berries, grapes, apples, pears, and cherries show a high polyphenol content containing up to 200–300mg polyphenols per 100 grams fresh weight. Subsequently, products manufactured from these fruits, also contain significant amounts of polyphenols. The class of polyphenols includes tannins, catechins, epicatechins, flavanones, isoflavones, phloridzin, quercitin etc. In foods, polyphenols contribute to the bitterness, astringency, color, flavor, smell and oxidative stability. Therefore, polyphenol extracts, e.g. from grape skin, grape seeds, olive pulp, citrus peel, or maritime pine bark, are sold as ingredients for functional foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. As secondary metabolites of plants, polyphenols are located within the cell matrix. In order to produce polyphenol-rich foods such as…


UIP2000hdT - a 2000W high performance ultrasonicator with chemical batch reactor for intense processing.

Utrasonic topic: "Sonication - Applications and Advantages"

Sonication (also termed ultrasonication) is the application of low frequency, high intensity ultrasound waves into a liquid or pastes medium. Acoustic cavitation generated by intense sonication creates energy-dense conditions such as high pressure and temperature differentials as well as high shear forces and turbulences. Those ultrasonically generated forces break particles and droplets, disrupt cells and initiate chemical reaction. Due to these effects, sonication is used for homogenisation, wet-milling & dispersing, emulsification, extraction and sonochemistry. Read more about the manifold advantages of sonication and learn how your process can benefit from the application of power ultrasound!


Power ultrasound is the preferred technique when it comes to high-quality extracts from botanicals. (Click to enlarge!)

Utrasonic topic: "How to use Ultrasonic Reactors"

Ultrasonic reactors are used for manifold applications to homogenise and disperse nano materials, to extract bioactive substances and to initiate chemical reactions (sonochemistry). Since sonication is a highly efficient process intensifying technology, ultrasonic reactors are used in chemistry and material science, the production of biodiesel and aqua-fuels, and in the food, pharma and cosmetic industry. Ultrasonic chemical reactors are available for laboratory and industrial. Learn more about the applications of ultrasonic reactors and their easy integration!


Hielscher's UP100H (100W) and UP400St (400W) for extraction of plant material.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Cell Disruption"

Cell disruption is a technique or process used to release and isolate biological molecules from inside a cell. Ultrasonication is a highly efficient method to perforate and disrupt cell walls and membranes so that the intracellular material and the targeted biomolecules are released into the solvent. As a non-thermal, mild , yet highly efficient technique, ultrasonic disruptors are used in lab and industry to lyse cells and to produce superior extracts. Ultrasonic cell disruptors are used to prepare DNA and RNA as well as to extract bioactive compounds such as vitamins, polyphenols or natural pigments. Read more about the manifold applications of ultrasonic cell disruption and extraction!


1.5kW ultrasonic device for particle processing (Click to enlarge!)

Utrasonic topic: "Common applications of Ultrasonic Dispersers"

Ultrasonic dispersers are a reliable tool to disperse and deagglomerate micron- and nano-sized particles into uniform suspensions. Besides the common dispersing application, ultrasonic dispersers (also known as probe-type ultrasonicators) are used for manifold other processes in lab and industry. The application fields of ultrasonic dispersers include liquid-solid mixtures, emulsification, extraction, disintegration and cell lysis, sonochemical reactions and many more. Common applications of ultrasonic dispersers are the production of stable nano-emulsions and -suspensions; sample preparation e.g. soil samples to identify the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); degassing and deaeration of samples; as well as the functionalization, activation and cleaning of particle surfaces (e.g. catalysts). Read more about ultrasonic dispersers and the manifold applications, where sonication can facilitate your process!


The UIP1000hdT can be used for beaker sonication as well as with flow cell reactor (Click to enlarge!)

Utrasonic topic: "How to use ultrasonicators"

Ultrasonicators are ultrasonic probe-type devices, which are used for manifold applications including homogenization, dispersing, wet-milling, emulsification, extraction, lysis, disintegration, and chemical reactions. The working principle of an ultrasonicator is based on the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation. When intense ultrasound waves are coupled into a liquid, alternating high-pressure / low-pressure cycles travel through the liquid. During the low-pressure cycles, the ultrasonic waves create minuscule vacuum bubbles, which grow over several pressure cycles. When the vacuum bubbles reach a volume at which they cannot absorb further energy, they implode violently during a high-pressure cycle. Briefly, cavitation is the growth and collapse of vacuum bubbles or cavities. During the bubble implosion, an exceptionally energy-dense field is created. In an acoustic cavitation field, extreme conditions – including very high temperature and pressure differentials, turbulences, shear forces and liquid jets – can be measured. These intense cavitational forces are used to fulfil the manifold applications mentioned above. Ultrasonicators create cavitation to apply it purposefully to…


Ultrasonic extraction devices such as the UP200St or UP200Ht are powerful and reliable tools for the extraction of organic and inorganic compounds from samples. (Click to enlarge!)

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Lysis and Cell Disruption"

Lysis is the term which describes the disruption of cell walls or membranes. Ultrasonic disruptors are a reliable tool to break cells in order to release intracellular compounds such as DNA, proteins, organelles, and phytochemicals. For ultrasonic lysis (aka cell disruption), high-intensity / low-frequency ultrasound waves are applied to disrupt the cell membranes. Since ultrasonication promotes mass transfer, the intracellular material is released into the surrounding solvent. The fluid containing the contents of lysed cells is called a lysate. Cell lysis is the first step in cell fractionation, organelle isolation and protein extraction and purification. Read more about ultrasonic cell disruptors and ultrasonic lysis!


Hielscher UP400St(400W, 24kHz) is the top-seller for mid-size cannabis extraction. The UP400St can process easily 2-4L batches and produces high-quality CBD oils and hemp extracts.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Cannabis extraction"

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. There a three species of cannabis, namely Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis. Cannabis sativa is the most well-known and widely distributed species. When it comes to cannabis and cannabinoids, which are the bioactive compounds of cannabis, it must be distinguished between hemp and marijuana. The hemp plant has less than 0.3% of the psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the substance that makes you “high”), whilst marijuana is defined as Cannabis sativa plant with a THC content greater than 0.3%. Hemp is grown for production of CBD (cannabidiol) and industrial fibre; marijuana is used for its THC content, which is administered either for medicinal or recreational purpose. To isolate the bioactive compounds, known as cannabinoids, from the cannabis plant, a powerful and reliable extraction method is required. Ultrasonic extraction excels conventional extraction techniques such as supercritical CO2 extraction in extract yield, extraction speed, operational safety and user-friendliness. Hielscher Ultrasonics is…


Ultrasonication is used to produce liposomes

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic liposome production and its advantages"

A liposome is a spherical vesicle with at least one lipid bilayer. Liposomes are widely used as vehicles for drug and nutrient delivery. Due to its composition and size, liposomes offer a great bioavailability and absorption rate in the body. Sonication is the preferred technique to prepare loaded liposomes, such as small, unilamellar vesicles (SUV) with diameters in the range of 15-50nm or large, multilamellar vesicles (LMV) with a size of with a mean diameter of 120-140nm. The majority of liposomes is composed of phospholipids, e.g. phosphatidylcholine, but other lipids, such as egg phosphatidylethanolamine, are successfully used too, if compatible with lipid bilayer structure. Hielscher ultrasonicators are reliable tools to produce nano-sized liposomes and to formulate liposomal products. To ensure reproducibility and highest quality standards of the liposomal products, Hielscher ultrasonicators can be precisely controlled. The most important ultrasonic process parameters such as amplitude, time, temperature, and pressure can be exactly set and monitored. An integrated SD-card automatically protocols the…


UIP2000hdT - 2kW ultrasonicator for liquid-solid processes.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonics for supplement production"

Dietary or nutritional supplements are products that help to provide nutrients in order to balance out the nutrient intake from the regular diet. Common dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, antioxidants, herbs or other nutritional substances. There a two major applications for ultrasonic processors in dietary supplement production: – the extraction or synthesis of nutrients, and the formulation of the final supplement product. Ultrasonic Extraction of Nutrients In first step, nutrients for the supplement must be prepared. This can happen either by extracting the compound from a natural product, e.g. a plant, or by synthesizing the compound chemically. Ultrasonic extraction is a potent technique, which breaks cell walls and releases the bioactive compounds. The main advantage s of ultrasonic extraction are its exceptional high extraction rate, rapid extraction speed, the use of green solvents (e.g. water, ethanol, vegetable oils etc.), safety, and user-friendliness. Being a non-thermal extraction method, ultrasonic extraction prevents the thermal degradation of heat-sensitive materials and…


Ultrasonic emulsification with Hielscher's UP200Ht and sonotrode S26d14

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonically-Assisted Emulsification"

Emulsification involves the process of mixing two immiscible liquids, such as oil and water, to create a stable mixture where one liquid is dispersed as tiny droplets within the other. The ultimate goal is to achieve a uniform dispersion with droplets small enough to remain stable over time, preventing the separation of the two liquids. Sonication is an important technique for nano-emulsification, which refers to the creation of emulsions with droplet sizes in the nanometer range. Sonication is particularly effective for nano-emulsification because it can achieve extremely fine droplets without the need for high concentrations of surfactants or extensive mechanical mixing, making it a preferred method in applications where ultra-fine emulsions are required, such as in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food products. Hielscher’s sonicators and ultrasonic reactors provide high-performance ultrasound to obtain high-quality emulsions. Learn more about our ultrasonic systems and ultrasonically-assisted emulsification!


UP400St ultrasonic extraction in 8L batch

Utrasonic topic: "How to extract botanicals ultrasonically"

Botanicals is another term for plants. Botanicals are rich in bioactive compounds (so-called phytochemicals), which are used e.g. to produce health-promoting dietary supplements, food and beverage additives, medicines, or active ingredients in cosmetic products. Botanical ingredients can be produced from various plant parts, e.g. herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, leaves, seeds, or bark. In order to separate the active ingredient from the plant, a extraction method is required. Bioactive compounds such as vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes etc. can be extracted by various extraction techniques such as infusion, steam distillation, maceration or solvent extraction. These extraction processes are often time-consuming, inefficient or involve toxic chemicals. High-performance ultrasonication is a process intensifying technique, which accelerates the extraction of phytochemicals, increases the extraction yield and allows often for the use of milder, non-toxic solvents (e.g. water, ethanol, glycerine, vegetable oils etc.). As a non-thermal method, ultrasonic extraction prevents the thermal degradation of temperature-sensitive compounds and results in high-quality extracts. Read more about the…


Ultrasonic sonotrodes at different sizes

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic sonotrodes or probes"

A sonotrode is an accessory used in combination with an ultrasonic processor to transmit ultrasonic / acoustic waves into a liquid. The sonotrode is mostly a conical or tapered rod, also called ultrasonic probe, tip, horn or finger. Often made from titanium, ultrasonic sonotrodes / probes alternatively can made from other alloys, ceramic or glass. The vibrations generated by the ultrasonic processor are transmitted via the sonotrode applies to a gas, liquid, solid or tissue. The displacement of the horizontal surface of the sonotrode is called amplitude. High amplitudes generated by high-power ultrasound used for manifold applications in research and industry include homogenization, dispersing, emulsification, wet-milling, extraction, disintegration, sonochemical reactions and many others. Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures various sonotrode sizes and geometries. The Hielscher CascatrodesTM are special design sonotrodes for the effective sonication at elevated ultrasonic power levels.


Hielscher Ultrasonics assists you from first test to the commercialization of your application.

Utrasonic topic: "What are Ultrasonic Homogenizers?"

Ultrasonic homogenizers are a powerful tool, when it comes to applications such as homogenization, emulsification, dispersing & wet-milling, extraction, disintegration and sonochemical reactions. Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures ultrasonicators for sophisticated processing on lab, bench-top an industrial scale. High-performance, robustness, reliability and user-friendliness are key features of our ultrasonic homogenizers. Read more about our ultrasonic processors and their range of applications!


Ultrasonic extraction of bioactive phytochemicals gives higher yields and a more complete extraction within a rapid process

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic extraction of antioxidants"

Antioxidants are naturally occuring compounds that inhibit oxidation. During oxidation free radicals are produced, which may damage cells and thereby negatively influence health and vitality. Antioxidants act as free-radical scavengers. This means they can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other stressors. Main source of antioxidants are plants. Herbs, fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and are therfore used as raw material to extract antioxidants. Plant nutrients and phyto-chemicals like vitamin A, C and E, the minerals copper, zinc and selenium, flavonoids, phenols, polyphenols, and phytoestrogens are known potent antioxidants. Ultrasonic extraction is used to isolate antioxidative phyto-chemicals from botanicals in order to manufacture antioxidants, which are used in health foods, pharmaceuticals, supplements and as cosmetic additives. Being a non-thermal method, ultrasonic extraction prevents the thermal degradation of temperature-sensitive antioxidants. Furthermore, sonication gives high antioxidant yields in a very rapid process. Read more…


UP400St agitated 8L extraction setup

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic production of extracts"

Extracts are substances, which have been released from a raw material via an extraction process. Ultrasonic extraction (also sono-extraction) is a highly efficient, rapid, safe, and user-friendly technique to extract bioactive compounds from botanicals such as herbs, seeds, fruits, vegetables, flowers, roots and bark. For the extraction process a solvent is required. One advantage of ultrasonic extraction is the broad selection of solvents to chose from: Ultrasonic extraction works with common solvents (e.g. ethanol, methanol, heptane, hexane etc.), but also very mild, green solvents such as water, vegetable oils, glycerine etc. are suitable for the ultrasonic extraction from many raw materials. Extracts are available as tinctures, absolutes or in powder form. Extracts are often used in the food, pharma and nutraceutical industry, where extracts are used as flavour additives or as bioactive compounds with medicinal or nutritional effects.


Powerful Ultrasonic Cavitation at Hielscher Cascatrode

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Cavitation and its Applications"

When high-power ultrasound is coupled into liquid, acoustic cavitation occurs. Acoustic cavitation creates extreme conditions, including very high temperature and pressure differentials, turbulences, shear forces and liquid jets. These intense forces of ultrasonic cavitation are used for various applications such as homogenization, emulsification, dispersing & wet-milling, extraction, disintegration and sonochemical reactions. Read more about ultrasonic cavitation and its applications!


Ultrasonic lab dismembrators UP100H and UP400St for sample preparation (homogenization, lysis, extraction) for sample preparation.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic extraction for high-quality polysaccharides"

Polysaccharides, also known as glycans, are a form of long-chain carbohydrates (e.g. starch, cellulose, glycogen) whose molecules consist of a number of sugar molecules (monosaccharides) bonded together. The number of monosaccharides can greatly vary: Polysaccharides can consist of 10 to up to several thousand monosaccharides (sugar molecules) arranged in chains. The most common monosaccharides in polysaccharides are glucose, fructose, galactose and mannose. Being polymeric carbohydrates, polysaccharides can exhibit linear to highly branched structures. Polysaccharides are most abundantly found in plants, e.g. as starches in cereal grains, potatoes and legumes. Dietary fibers such as pectin, inulin or cellulose are mainly present in whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. But also in animal-derived foods can be found small amounts of polysaccharides, e.g. glycogen in shellfish and animal liver. The indigestible fiber chitin and its derivative chitosan are a main component in shells of crustaceans such as crabs and shrimps. Polysaccharides are an important compound in nutrition. Some polysaccharides are a dense sources…


UIP4000hdT - 4000 watts powerful ultrasonic processor for cathode separation and metal leaching during the recycling of spent Li-ion batteries.

Utrasonic topic: "Chemical synthesis can be significantly improved by sonication"

Chemical synthesis is a chemical reaction with the aim of converting one or more reactants into one or multiple products. Intense ultrasound waves can be applied to improve chemical reactions (i.e. synthesis and catalysis) – a field known as sonochemistry. The effect of ultrasound on chemical reactions are based on the generation of acoustic cavitation in liquids. Sonication introduces energy into the chemical mixture, produces locally extreme conditions due to cavitation and promotes mass transfer. Thereby, it can greatly enhance chemical reactions such as synthesis (sono-synthesis) and catalysis (sono-catalysis). Ultrasonic energy can induce and accelerate reactions, increase the conversion rate as well as establish alternative synthetic pathways. As a result of that, ultrasound can make synthesis reactions more efficient, faster and environmental-friendlier. Ultrasonically-assisted synthesis reactions such as the sono-synthesis of hydroxyapatite, silver nanoparticles, Mn3O4nanoparticles and a large variety of core-shell particles have been extensively studied and successfully scaled to industrial sized production.


Ultrasonic lab dismembrators UP100H and UP400St for sample preparation (homogenization, lysis, extraction) for sample preparation.

Utrasonic topic: "How to extract flavonoids and other phytochemicals"

Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals, which are valued as important compounds in nutrition and medicine. As plant metabolites, they are known to be beneficial for health by acting as antioxidants and exhibiting anti-inflammatory effects. Due to these health-beneficial effects, flavonoids are used in nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, medicinal and cosmetic production. Flavonoid molecules are found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and bark. To process flavonoids as nutritional supplements, pharmaceuticals or as active ingredients in food or cosmetic, flavonoids must be released from the plant cell matrix. Therefore a powerful, efficient and reliable extraction method is required. Ultrasonic extraction is a non-thermal isolation technique, which is used in R&D and industry to produce high-quality flavonoid extracts. Being a non-thermal extraction method, ultrasonic extraction prevents the thermal decomposition of heat-sensitive compounds. Furthermore, sonication is known to be a process intensifying method, resulting in very high efficiency and extraction rates, rapid processing and safe operation. Ultrasonic extractors can…


Ultrasonic lab dismembrators UP100H and UP400St for sample preparation (homogenization, lysis, extraction) for sample preparation.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Terpene Extraction from Botanicals"

Terpenes are a large and diverse class of organic compounds, produced by a variety of plants, particularly conifers, and by some insects. Terpenes exhibit unique flavours, aroma, and smells, but they have many other specific characteristics, which make them a valuable substance used in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals as well as in biotechnology or as natural agricultural pesticides. Most terpenes exhibit antimicrobial properties, which enable them to combat potentially harmful bacteria and viruses. Many terpenes, e.g. beta-caryophyllene, are also known as anti-inflammatory and pain relieving, which makes them an analgesic alternative. Ultrasonic extraction is the preferred technique to release terpenes from the cell matrix of botanicals (e.g. cannabis, hops, neem, menthol etc.). Ultrasonic extraction is based on the principle of acoustic cavitation, which breaks the plant cell and increase the mass transfer between the cell interior and the surrounding solvent. The main advantages of ultrasonic extraction are a more complete extraction, and the rapid, mild, non-thermal process. The Large Variety of…


Hielscher Ultrasonics UP200Ht (200W, 26kHz) ultrasonicator

Utrasonic topic: "How to facilitate the Sample Preparation "

In daily laboratory work, sample preparation is a procedure in which a sample is treated prior to its analysis. Ultrasonic lab homogenizers are a reliable and powerful tool to prepare samples before common analysis steps such as chromatography (e.g. GC, LC, UPLC, IC), mass spectrometry (e.g. GC/MS, TD GC-MS, LC/MS), microscopy (e.g. SEM, TEM), surface analysis (e.g. SEM, TEM, EDX, XRD, FTIR), elemental analysis techniques etc. Ultrasoniators fulfil common sample preparation tasks such as homogenising of solids and liquids, emulsifying of two or more immiscible liquids, dispersing powders, milling of nanoparticles, extracting of bioactive compounds or analytes, deaerating and degassing of samples etc. rapidly and reliable. Since Hielscher ultrasonic devices can precisely controlled, all sonication results are reproducible. Furthermore, all ultrasonically obtained results can be linearly scaled to smaller or larger volumes. This facilitates the reproduction of sample preparation and analytical results significantly. Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures various ultrasonic lab homogenizers such as hand-held and stand-mounted devices, the VialTweeter for the…


Ultrasonic Lab Agitator UP400St

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonically improved mass transfer"

Mass transfer is the net movement of mass from one location, usually meaning stream, phase, fraction or component, to another. Mass transfer occurs in many processes, such as solid-liquid and liquid-liquid extraction, catalysis, precipitation, dehydration and many other chemical and biological reactions. Naturally occurring mass transfer can be often very slow and time-consuming, so that mass transfer intensification by mechanical means is applied to accelerate reactions and processes. Efficiency of mass transfer is dependant on the effects on external or internal mass transfer resistance. External mass transfer improvement can be achieved by decreasing the boundary layer thickness. Internal mass transfer improvements are caused by sonication, where ultrasonic waves cause changing pressure fields and micro-mixing within the product. Power ultrasound is an effective method to create shear forces, turbulences and micro-mixing in liquids and slurries. Acoustic cavitation is used to induce and accelerate chemical reactions due to improved mass transfer between reactants, to break cells and extract intracellular material improving the…


Ultrasonic processor with ultrasonic flow cell reactor, pump, and holding tank for continuous inline sonication.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic inline processing"

Ultrasonic liquid processing can be performed in two different modes: either as batch or as inline process. Whilst for batch processing, the sonotrode, also known as ultrasonic probe, is inserted into an open or closed vessel (e.g. beaker, batch, barrel), for inline sonication the medium is continuously fed through an ultrasonic flow cell reactor, where the liquid or slurry is mixed by the intense hydraulic shear stress that is generated by acoustic cavitation. In an ultrasonic inline reactor, the medium is fed directly through the cavitational hot-spot, where the liquid is intensely and concentrated treated with power ultrasound. This makes the ultrasonic inline treatment very uniform and ensures a consistent process quality. Inline sonication can be run as single-pass or in recirculation, where the liquid passes multiple times through the ultrasonic cavitation field. Hielscher Ultrasonics is your experienced partner for high-performance ultrasonic processes in batch as well as in continuous inline mode. Hielscher’s powerful ultrasonic processors range from lab and…


UIP2000hdT - a 2000W high performance ultrasonicator with chemical batch reactor for intense processing.

Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Deagglomeration"

Deagglomeration describes the process of breaking up or dispersing particles which have agglomerated, aggregated, or formed clusters. Interparticle forces can be classified into two groups: Adhesive forces such as van der Waals, electrostatic and magnetic attraction, mechanical interlocking and chemical bonds require no material bridge between the particles. Solid bridges, capillary bonding forces and immobile liquid bridges are based on the formation of solid connections between particles. Ultrasonic deagglomeration and dispersing is a powerful method to break particle agglomerates and aggregates into individual particles and results in uniformly dispersed suspensions. An important application field of ultrasonic dispersers is the dispersion of nanoparticles such as carbon nanotubes, silica, alumina, titanium dioxide or magnetite. Acoustic cavitation, the working principle behind ultrasonic deagglomeration and milling, creates intense hydraulic shear forces, which overcome the interparticle bondings and promote deagglomeration of agglomerated particles to mono-dispersed nanoparticles. Read more about ultrasonic dispersing, deagglomeration and wet-milling of nano-particles!


Cannabinoids such as CBD, THC, CBG etc. are extracted and decarboxylated by ultrasonication.

Utrasonic topic: "CBD"

Ultrasonic extraction is used for the extraction and isolation of active compounds such as CBD, THC, CBG terpenes from cannabis. Ultrasonically-assisted extraction (UAE) is successfully used for the extraction of cannabinoids from hemp and marijuana. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers various systems for the extraction in batch and continuous flow mode for volumes from small and mid-scale up to full-commercial level of several tons per hour.


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