Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Lysis and Cell Disruption"
Lysis is the term which describes the disruption of cell walls or membranes. Ultrasonic disruptors are a reliable tool to break cells in order to release intracellular compounds such as DNA, proteins, organelles, and phytochemicals. For ultrasonic lysis (aka cell disruption), high-intensity / low-frequency ultrasound waves are applied to disrupt the cell membranes. Since ultrasonication promotes mass transfer, the intracellular material is released into the surrounding solvent. The fluid containing the contents of lysed cells is called a lysate.
Cell lysis is the first step in cell fractionation, organelle isolation and protein extraction and purification.
Read more about ultrasonic cell disruptors and ultrasonic lysis!

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Video: Falcon Tube Sonicator
Experience how the Hielscher VialTweeter delivers powerful, contamination-free sonication inside a sealed 50 mL Falcon tube to accelerate workflows ranging from microbiology to formulation development. For more information about this Falcon tube sonicator, please click here!
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