UP200St – Powerful Ultrasonic Lab Homogenizer

With the ultrasonic homogenizer UP200St (200W, 26kHz), the series of Hielscher 200 watt ultrasonicators is expanded by a very flexible and versatile unit. The new UP200St consists of a separated transducer UP200St-T and generator UP200St-G. Thereby, this sibling unit of the handhold ultrasonicator UP200Ht is perfectly suitable for the use in demanding environments. Equipped with a colored touch screen, integrated LEDs for sample illumination, pluggable temperature sensor, integrated SD-Card for automatic data recording, and many other features, the UP200St turns into a user-friendly and reliable tool for efficient and precise sonication.

Probe-Type Ultrasonicator for Various Applications

The device functions and the various accessories allow for different applications and the coverage of very wide parameter configurations. Typical applications of the powerful and reliable UP200St include homogenizing, emulsifying, dispersing, deagglomeration & wet-milling (particle size reduction), cell disruption, disintegration, extraction, degassing / deaeration, as well as sonochemical processes.

The ultrasonicators UP200Ht and UP200St are both powerful 200W homogenizer models for sample prep, emulsification, dispersing, extraction and chemistry.

UP200Ht - Handheld Ultrasonic Homogenizer

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Beside of its ease of use and a new level of accuracy and control, the UP200St is characterized by its outstanding robustness and flexibility. By the separated design of the UP200St, the user is capable to mount the new 200W homogenizer very flexible as transducer and generator can be spaced apart from each other. Thereby, the IP65 grade (NEMA UL50E Type12) transducer can be integrated in demanding environments whilst the IP30 grade generator can be set in a more protected place.

Ultrasonic dismembrators are used as reliable and efficient tools to prepare emulsions, dispersions and cell extracts (lysates).

Ultrasonic dismembrator UP200St

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The UP200St comes with the same power of 200 watts like its predecessors UP200H and UP200S, but features many additional functions and very smart user-friendliness. Due to the broad coverage of parameter configurations (by variation of amplitude, pressure, temperature, flow cell, glass sonotrode…), the UP200St covers the full range of applications, such as

The brand new 200 watts ultrasonic lab devices UP200St and UP200Ht are powerful homogenizers for homogenization, emulsification, dispersing, deagglomeration, milling & grinding, extraction, lysis, disintegration, degassing, spraying, and sonochemical applications.The UP200St is a powerful and reliable ultrasonic device: It can be operated continuously 24h/7d under full load and is good for processing up to 200L/h. Generally, the UP200St is used for the sonication of volumes from 2 to 1000mL. A broad range of sonotrodes with 1 to 40mm tip diameter allow for the optimal adaption to the sample medium. Whilst the 40mm sonotrode transmits the ultrasound smoothly across a relatively large surface, the sonotrodes with smaller tip diameter operate at higher amplitudes and at higher intensities, e.g. for destructive applications such as deagglomaeration and milling. Due to its robustness and 24/7 runability, the UP200St can be also used for the production of smaller quantities. For production processes, the sonication is mostly carried out in a continuous flow-through system with a flow cell and an appropriate sonotrode. In combination with the flow cell FC7K, the material can be sonicated in a continuous flow-through mode, e.g. at a flow rate of 20 to 200mL per minute. The stainless steel flow cell is pressurizable up to 5 barg and is equipped with a cooling jacket. By this, inline ultrasonication processes can be simulated in smallest scale. Due to its reliability as well as the IP65 rated tranducer and IP51 rated generator, the UP200St can be operated 24 hours per day (24h/7d), allowing for the processing of up to 180L per day (the final capacity depends on the application).
The versatility of the ultrasonic lab device is not only performed by the suitability for various applications but also by the flexible use. The user decides according to the application, the processing environment and the duration of sonication, wheather the device is used as a handheld or stand-mounted ultrasonic lab device. Thereby, the UP200St handles smaller production volumes without problems and is a perfectly reliable tool.

Ultrasonicator UP200St (200W) dispersing carbon black in water using 1%wt Tween80 as surfactant.

Ultrasonic Dispersion of Carbon Black using the ultrasonicator UP200St

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Color Touch-Screen to Control Your Ultrasonicator

Color touch display of ultrasonic device UP200St
A great enhancement from the operational view is the colored touch-screen. This touch- and stylus-sensitive screen allows for easy handling, whilst the accurate setting of operating parameters and the display of the ultrasound power setting are guaranteed and combined with highest comfort for the operator. The digital control menu is intuitively to use as it is reduced to the main settings. The amplitude/ power setting and the pulse mode can be adjusted by a colored touch-slider (with 1%, 5% or 10% snap). You as user decide, if you prefer the display of amplitude and power as coloured bargraphs or numerical representation. You can easily change the display from regular view mode to BIG NUMBER display mode, characterized by heavy contrast and big font-size for improved visibility.

Browser Remote Control for Flexible Sonication

The UP200St can be controlled using any common browser, such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, mobile IE/Safari using the new LAN web interface. The LAN connection is a very simple plug-n-play setup and requires no software installation. The ultrasonic device acts as DHCP server/client and requests or assigns an IP automatically. The device can be operated directly from the PC/MAC or using a switch or router. Using an optional pre-configured wireless router, the device can be controlled from most smartphones or tablet computers, e.g. the Apple iPad. Using the port-forwarding of a connected router, you could control your UP200St via internet from any place in the world – your smart-phone or tablet being the remote control.

Built-In Network

Another smart feature of the UP200St is the operation and control via LAN (local area network, see right box) which facilitates the operation and allows for high processing flexibility. All information of the sonication process is recorded on SD/USB data card, automatically. An integrated sensor measures the temperature permanently whereas two bright LED lights illuminate the sonicated sample.

Automatic Frequency Tuning

Like all Hielscher ultrasonic devices, the UP200St comes with an intelligent automatic frequency tuning. When the device is switched on, the generator will sense the optimal operational frequency. It will then drive the device at this frequency. That improves the overall energy efficiency and reliability of our ultrasonic devices. All you need to do, is to switch the system on. The generator will perform the frequency tuning automatically in a fraction of a second.

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Please indicate the information, that you wish to receive, below:

  • Hielscher's UP200St is one of the brand new 200 watt lab homogenizers which features digital control, touch-screen, data recording, browser control and many other functions.

  • Stand for lab sample sonication

  • Clamp for lab sample sonication

  • LabLift, e.g. for the intense sonication of liquids in glass beakers in the laboratory

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Dissolving is a common application of ultrasonication. The video demonstrates the rapid dissolving of a sugar crystals in water using the Hielscher UP200St.

Dissolving Sugar Crystals in Water using the UP200St

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The ultrasonicator UP200St improves the conversion rate in chemical reactions

The UP200St can be integrated into stirred chemical reactors to accelerate and improve reactions.

The Ultrasonic Processor UP200St in Research and Science

The UP200St is a popular 200 watts powerful ultrasonic lab homogenizer, frequently used in research laboratories and R&D facilities. Below you can find a selection of scientific articles featuring the ultrasonic processor UP200St. The articles span from ultrasonic emulsification and nano-encapsulation over extraction of bioactive compounds from botanicals to cell disruption and lysis. If you are looking for a specific application and related scientific references, please contact us.

Ultrasonic flow cell FC7KG at the sonicator UP200St and probe S26d7D for inline sonication

Ultrasonic flow cell FC7KG at the sonicator UP200St and probe S26d7D for inline sonication

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