Utrasonic topic: "What is Sonochemistry?"

Sonochemistry is the application of ultrasound to chemical reactions and processes. SOnication is used to intensify chemical reactions such as synthesis and catalysis. When intense ultrasound waves are couples into liquids, the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation occurs. Ultrasonic cavitation improves mass transfer between reactants, speeds up the reaction and/or allows to change the chemicals pathway.
Learn more about Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory and industrial devices and how they are used in manifold sonochemical processes!

Ultrasonic glass flow reactors are used in lab and industrial setting for emulsification, dispersion, homogenisation, mixing, extraction, disintegration, and sonochemical reactions (e.g., sono-synthesis, sono-catalysis)

12 pages about this topic are being shown:

Industrial ultrasonic homogenizer with flow-cell reactor for ultrasonic pretreatment of potato strips before frying. Sonication removes starches thereby producing crispier French fries and potato chips.

Ultrasonic Flow Reactors – Design, Applications and Advantages

Ultrasonic reactors allow for a continuous inline treatment of liquids and slurries applying powerful ultrasound waves. Ultrasonic reactors are used for homogenisation, mixing, emulsification, dispersing, extraction, cell disintegration, pasteurization, degasification, dissolving and the intensification of chemical reactions such as synthesis…


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