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Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic inline processing"

Ultrasonic liquid processing can be performed in two different modes: either as batch or as inline process. Whilst for batch processing, the sonotrode, also known as ultrasonic probe, is inserted into an open or closed vessel (e.g. beaker, batch, barrel), for inline sonication the medium is continuously fed through an ultrasonic flow cell reactor, where the liquid or slurry is mixed by the intense hydraulic shear stress that is generated by acoustic cavitation. In an ultrasonic inline reactor, the medium is fed directly through the cavitational hot-spot, where the liquid is intensely and concentrated treated with power ultrasound. This makes the ultrasonic inline treatment very uniform and ensures a consistent process quality.
Inline sonication can be run as single-pass or in recirculation, where the liquid passes multiple times through the ultrasonic cavitation field.
Hielscher Ultrasonics is your experienced partner for high-performance ultrasonic processes in batch as well as in continuous inline mode. Hielscher’s powerful ultrasonic processors range from lab and bench-top to full-industrial scale. A wide range of accessories such as flow cell reactors, sonotrodes and booster horns allow for the ideal configuration of the ultrasonicator aiming for an optimal setup for the specific process requirements.
Read more about ultrasonic inline processing and its advantages!

Ultrasonic processor with ultrasonic flow cell reactor, pump, and holding tank for continuous inline sonication.

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