Hielscher Ultrasonics
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Food Homogenizers

Homogenizers are essential mixing equipment widely used in the food and beverage industry to naturally enhance flavor, consistency, and shelf life. As food and beverages constitute a significant part of the global economy, ensuring their quality and stability is paramount. Ultrasonic homogenizers play a crucial role in achieving this by employing advanced non-thermal processes that improve product quality significantly.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Homogenization

  • Stability: Homogenized food products exhibit increased stability, reducing the risk of separation over time.
  • Non-Thermal Process: Ultrasonic homogenization is a non-thermal treatment. The precisely controllable process conditions prevent the degradation of heat-sensitive compounds.
  • Shelf Life: The process extends the shelf life of products by ensuring a consistent and uniform mixture.
  • Texture and Flavor: Ultrasonic homogenization improves the texture and flavor of food and beverage products, making them more appealing to consumers.

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Industrial ultrasonic food processor for the homogenization of food and beverages in continuous flow mode.

Ultrasonic food homogenizer UIP16000 for the industrial processing of food and beverages.

The Ultrasonic Homogenization Process

The ultrasonic homogenization process utilizes the principles of acoustic cavitation, high-shear, and sonomechanical forces generated by power ultrasound. This sophisticated technique is applied to solid-liquid mixtures, pulp, and sediment products. Key benefits of this process include:

  • Uniform Mixing and Blending: Ultrasonic shear forces uniformly blend liquid-liquid and solid-liquid mixtures creating emulsions, dispersions and colloidal suspensions.
  • Dispersion and Deagglomeration of Solid Particles: Ultrasonic forces ensure the effective separation of solid particles, resulting in a uniform and homogeneous distribution within the liquid.
  • Prevention of Sediment Formation: By maintaining uniform particle distribution, the formation of sediment is effectively prevented.
  • Enhanced Flavor and Nutrient Bioavailability: The process releases flavor and bioactive compounds from the food matrix, providing products with intense flavor profiles and improved nutrient bioavailability.


The video shows the ultrasonic homogenization of organic tomato-vegetable juice. The ultrasonic processor used is a Hielscher UP400St ultrasonicator, which is ideal to prepare medium size batches in culinary applications. For larger volumes, Hielscher Ultrasonics supplies industrial flow cell reactors for continuous inline processing.

Ultrasonic Homogenizing of Tomato-Vegetable Juice (Organic)

Video Thumbnail



Hielscher Ultrasonic Homogenizers for Food Processing


Fruit juices and pulps Soy Drinks and Plant-based Milks Vinegar Molasses
Fruit Concentrates Dairy Xanthan, gums, thickeners Nutritional supplements
Syrups Baby food Animal fats Spices and herbal extracts
Aromas and flavour emulsions Puddings Edible oils Jellies and marmalades
Soups Sauces Desserts Margarine
Soy Milk Sweets Tomato paste Tomato products
Ketchup Honey Tomato juice Chocolate and fillings
Mayonnaise Eggs Condiments Cake icing

Ultrasonication improves the particle size, structure and smoothness of fruit juices and nectars such as apple juice and orange juice.

The effect of sonication with the UP400S at an amplitude of 100μm on micro-structure of apple juice.
Study and picture: Ertugay & Baslar, 2014

How much does an Ultrasonic Homogenizer Cost?

The price of an ultrasonic homogenizer varies depending on factors such as processing capacity, accessories, and intended use. While it is not possible to provide a specific price without these details, you can be assured that our solutions offer optimal performance and value. For a tailored quotation, please contact us directly.

Why Choose Hielscher Ultrasonic Homogenizers?

Hielscher Ultrasonics is renowned for producing high-quality homogenizers designed and built in Germany. Our homogenizers ensure superior processing, leading to the production of top-tier food products that meet and exceed customer expectations. Here is why you should choose a Hielscher homogenizer:

  • Exceptional Engineering Quality: Our homogenizers are manufactured with the highest engineering standards, guaranteeing reliability and performance.
  • Profound Consulting and Service by Experts: Hielscher Ultrasonics’ staff are experts in ultrasound technology and ultrasonic processing. We support you from feasibility to installation of industrial sonicators.
  • Decades of Experience: With extensive experience and dedicated research and development, we create ultrasonic homogenizers that surpass conventional mixing and blending techniques.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Our focus on quality and innovation ensures that our customers receive the best possible solutions, resulting in high levels of satisfaction.
Ultrasonic inline homogenizer for juice, dairy and liquid egg homogenization and pasteurization.

Ultrasonic homogenizers are widely used in food processing. Typical applications include extraction, mixing, and emulsification.

For further inquiries or to get a customized quote, please contact us. Our team is ready to assist you in finding the perfect ultrasonic homogenizer for your needs.

Why Hielscher Ultrasonics?

  • high efficiency
  • state-of-the-art technology
  • reliability & robustness
  • adjustable, precise process control
  • batch & inline
  • for any volume
  • intelligent software
  • smart features (e.g., programmable, data protocolling, remote control)
  • easy and safe to operate
  • low maintenance
  • CIP (clean-in-place)

Hielscher sonicators are available for quality control in lab and high-throughput homogeniaztion in food and beverage production. The table below gives you an indication of the approximate processing capacity of Hielscher ultrasonic homogenizers:

Batch Volume Flow Rate Recommended Devices
0.5 to 1.5mL n.a. VialTweeter
1 to 500mL 10 to 200mL/min UP100H
10 to 2000mL 20 to 400mL/min UP200Ht, UP400St
0.1 to 20L 0.2 to 4L/min UIP2000hdT
10 to 100L 2 to 10L/min UIP4000hdT
15 to 150L 3 to 15L/min UIP6000hdT
15 to 150L 3 to 15L/min UIP6000hdT
n.a. 10 to 100L/min UIP16000
n.a. larger cluster of UIP16000

Ask for more information

Please use the form below to request additional information about ultrasonic processors, applications and price. We will be glad to discuss your process with you and to offer you an ultrasonic system fulfilling your requirements!

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Design, Manufacturing and Consulting – Quality Made in Germany

Hielscher ultrasonicators are well-known for their highest quality and design standards. Robustness and easy operation allow the smooth integration of our ultrasonicators into industrial facilities. Rough conditions and demanding environments are easily handled by Hielscher ultrasonicators.

Hielscher Ultrasonics is an ISO certified company and put special emphasis on high-performance ultrasonicators featuring state-of-the-art technology and user-friendliness. Of course, Hielscher ultrasonicators are CE compliant and meet the requirements of UL, CSA and RoHs.

Hielscher ultrasonicators can homogenizes and pasteurize liquid egg products (whole eggs, egg whites, yolks) to ensure food safety and mechanical stability. Hielscher ultrasonic homogenizers deliver intense cavitation and high shear forces to kill microbes. Ultrasonic pasteurization is a very effective and efficient low-temperature pasteurization alternative. Liquid egg pasteurized by ultrasonication shows less protein denaturation, lower flavour loss, improved homogeneity and significantly higher energy-efficiency.

Liquid Egg Homogenization and Pasteurization Applying Power Ultrasound with the Ultrasonicator UP400ST

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Ultrasonic high-shear homogenizers are used in lab, bench-top, pilot and industrial processing.

Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures high-performance ultrasonic homogenizers for mixing applications, dispersion, emulsification and extraction on lab, pilot and industrial scale.

Literature / References

Facts Worth Knowing

What is the Use of Homogenizer in Food Industry?

A homogenizer in the food industry is used to create a uniform and stable mixture by reducing the size of particles and dispersing them evenly throughout the product, improving texture, flavor, and shelf life, and enhancing the consistency of products such as milk, sauces, and beverages.

What is the Function of Homogenization?

The function of homogenization is to break down large particles into smaller, uniform sizes and disperse them evenly throughout a mixture. This process ensures a consistent texture and prevents the separation of components, enhancing the stability, appearance, and shelf life of products. In the food industry, homogenization improves the quality and palatability of items such as milk, sauces, and beverages by creating a smooth and uniform product.

Why is Food Homogenization Necessary?

Food homogenization is necessary to improve product stability and consistency, preventing the separation of components such as fat and water. It enhances texture and mouthfeel, ensuring a smooth and uniform product. Homogenization also extends shelf life by reducing particle size, which can inhibit microbial growth and oxidation. This process is crucial for maintaining the quality and palatability of various food and beverage products, such as milk, sauces, and dressings.

What is the Advantage of Ultrasonic Homogenization?

The advantage of ultrasonic homogenization includes more efficient and precise particle size reduction, leading to a finer and more uniform dispersion of particles. This non-thermal method enhances the mixing and blending process, improving the stability and texture of the final product without degenerating biomolecules by heat. Ultrasonic homogenization is also faster and can be more energy-efficient compared to traditional methods, and it is effective for a wide range of applications, including emulsifying, dispersing, and cell disruption.

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