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Antibody Elution by Sonication using High-Throughput Sonication

Affinity chromatography is a powerful technique for protein purification, which requires Ultrasonically-assisted non-specific elution is a reliable sample preparation technique to obtain antibodies from affinity chromatography. The efficient and reproducible elution of target antibodies bound to affinity matrices is significantly improved by sonication. The high-throughput plate-sonicator UIP400MTP is optimally suited to elute high sample numbers in 96-well, microtiter and multiwell plates and facilitates antibody recovery in affinity chromatography.

How does Sonication facilitate Elution?

Using ultrasonically-intensified non-specific elution, laboratory workers and scientists can efficiently recover purified antibodies from affinity chromatography columns. These purified antibodies are run through downstream applications in various fields, such as immunology, biotechnology, and medical diagnostics.

Elution is a sample preparation step used commonly for Affinity Chromatography: Affinity Chromatography exploits the highly specific interactions between a target molecule (such as an antibody) and a ligand immobilized on a chromatography matrix. This allows for the selective purification of the target molecule from a complex mixture using the specific binding affinity of molecules, e.g. antibodies.
Specific Binding of Antibodies: Antibodies are often purified using affinity chromatography, where they selectively bind to a ligand immobilized on the chromatography resin. This can be an antigen, a protein A/G, or any other molecule that interacts specifically with the antibody of interest.
Elution: After binding the target antibody to the matrix, the next step involves eluting (or washing out) the bound antibody from the resin. This elution step typically involves disrupting the specific binding between the antibody and the ligand. This step can be facilityted by sonication.
Ultrasonic probe UP50H is a lab homogenizer often used as cell disruptor, disperser and emulsifier in laboratories.Ultrasonically-Assisted Non-Specific Elution: Unlike specific elution methods that disrupt only the antibody-ligand interaction, non-specific elution methods disrupt all interactions on the resin, including nonspecific ones. This can be advantageous when dealing with strongly bound contaminants that might interfere with the purification process. Here comes sonication into play! Ultrasonic waves are used to generate cavitation bubbles in the elution buffer. When these bubbles collapse near the resin matrix, they produce intense localized shear forces and microstreaming. This mechanical disruption helps in breaking the non-specific interactions between the antibody and the ligand, facilitating the elution of the bound antibody from the matrix.

96-well plates and other multiwell plates are best processed using the sonicator UIP400MTP. This ultrasonic system is ideal for lysis, DNA fragmentation and cell solubilization processing samples in high-throughput.

High-throughput sonicator UIP400MTP facilitates the elution of antibodies and proteins

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This tutorial explains what type of sonicator is best for your sample preparation tasks such as lysis, cell disruption, protein isolation, DNA and RNA fragmentation in laboratories, analysis, and research. Choose the ideal sonicator type for your application, sample volume, sample number and throughput. Hielscher Ultrasonics has the ideal ultrasonic homogenizer for you!

How to Find the Perfect Sonicator for Cell Disruption and Protein Extraction in Science and Analysis

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The Advantages of Ultrasonic Elution using Sonication

Ultrasonic elution offers several advantages, particularly in the context of protein purification techniques such as affinity chromatography.
For instance, sonication excels alternative methods in terms of protein integrity, recovery, purity, versatility, and efficiency. These advantages make ultrasonic elution a preferred choice for protein purification processes, particularly in applications where maintaining protein structure and activity is essential. Additionally, ultrasonic elution stands out for its simplicity, efficiency, versatility, and compatibility with a wide range of proteins and affinity matrices. Applying ultrasound waves to disrupt protein-matrix interactions, ultrasonic elution offers a gentle and rapid method for protein purification, ensuring high recovery rates and preserving protein integrity for downstream applications.

Gentler on Protein Structure: Low-pH elution involves the use of acidic buffers to disrupt the binding between the target protein (e.g., antibodies) and the affinity matrix. However, exposure to low pH can denature proteins, potentially compromising their structure and biological activity. In contrast, ultrasonic elution primarily relies on mechanical disruption rather than chemical denaturation, making it gentler on the protein structure. This is particularly advantageous when purifying delicate proteins or antibodies sensitive to pH changes.

  • Reduced Risk of Aggregation: Low-pH elution may increase the risk of protein aggregation due to protein unfolding and exposure of hydrophobic regions. Aggregation can lead to loss of protein activity and difficulties in downstream processing. Ultrasonic elution, by comparison, minimizes the risk of aggregation by employing mechanical forces to disrupt interactions between the protein and the affinity matrix without significantly altering the native conformation of protein.
  • Improved Recovery and Purity: Ultrasonic elution can achieve higher recovery rates and purity levels compared to alternative elution methods. The mechanical disruption provided by ultrasonication effectively releases bound proteins from the affinity matrix while minimizing non-specific interactions. This results in enhanced recovery of the target protein with reduced contamination from non-specifically bound molecules, contributing to higher purity of the eluted fraction.
  • High-Throughput Processing: Hielscher Ultrasonics offers various sonicators for ultrasound-assisted protein purification, elution and biopanning. The microtiter plate-sonicator UIP400MTP allows for the mass processing of samples in 96-well and other multiwell plates. The VialTweeter is ideal for the hassle-free, simultaneous sonication of up to 10 tubes such as Eppendorf vials under the same conditions. The CupHorn is a versatile sonicator ideal for several tubes, small beakers and other vessels. And of course, the classic probe-type sonicators with microtips are a well-established lab tool for sample preparation. Hielscher Ultrasonics product range has the ideal sonicator for your experiment setup and your sample size.
  • Versatility and Compatibility: Ultrasonic elution is compatible with a wide range of proteins and affinity matrices, offering versatility in purification applications. In contrast, low-pH elution may not be suitable for certain proteins that are sensitive to acidic conditions or for affinity matrices that are prone to degradation or leaching at low pH. Ultrasonic elution provides a gentle and universally applicable alternative that can be tailored to specific purification needs without compromising protein integrity or matrix stability.
  • Time and Efficiency: Ultrasonic elution typically requires shorter elution times compared to other elution methods. The rapid and efficient release of bound proteins facilitated by ultrasonication reduces processing time and increases overall purification efficiency, making it an attractive option for high-throughput applications or when time-sensitive results are required.
96-Well Plate Sonicator UIP400MTP for cell lysis, DNA extraction, DNA fragmentation, cell solubilization and protein purification.

96-well plate sonicator UIP400MTP for the sonication of multiwell plates, PCR and ELISA plates


VialTweeter at the ultrasonic processor UP200ST

VialTweeter sonicator for the simultaneous sonication of 10 samples, e.g. to disrupt cells and to extract proteins

Ultrasonically-Assisted Biopanning

Biopanning is a critical technique in antibody purification, especially when highly specific antibodies for research or medical diagnostics must be obtained. Biopanning is the process in that antibodies are isolated from a mixture of antibodies, the so-called antibody library.

How does Ultrasonic Biopanning work?

It starts with a library of antibodies, a mixture of various antibodies. Each antibody is characterized by its own unique shape and specificity. For analysis and therapeutics, specific antibodies that recognize a particular target, such as a virus or cancer cell, must be isolated. Using biopanning, these specific antibodies can be isolated. Ultrasonication helps to facilitate the biopanning process making the antibody purification more efficient.

Starting with a library of antibodies, the antibodies are typically displayed on the surface of a bacteriophage, yeast cell, or other display system. This library represents a diverse range of antibodies.
In the first step, this library is exposed to your target molecule. The antibodies that bind to the target will stick, while the others will wash away. To remove the unbound antibodies, the samples are washed several times with a buffer solution.

Now, we have samples containing only bound antibodies. However, this means the antibodies are still attached to their display system. To free them, the antibody-ligand interaction must be broken. This step is known as elution. Samples can be eluted using a solution that disrupts the binding, e.g. using a specific elution buffer, a chaotropic, lowering pH value, applying heat etc. These elution techniques destroy the antibody-ligand binding, but also can deteriorate the antibodies themselves. That is why sonication is used as alternative technique to gently remove the antibodies from their target.

After finalizing the elution step, we obtain purified antibodies, ready for use in research, diagnostics, or therapy.

Biopanning is a powerful technique in antibody purification and ultrasonic elution facilitates and intensifies the effectiveness – resulting in highly purified, undamaged antibodies. Ultrasonic biopanning enables scientists to isolate highly specific antibodies from complex samples, opening doors to a wide range of applications.

Sonicators for Antibody Purification

Hielscher sonicators are well-established tools used in the best research facilities worldwide. Valued for their state-of-the-art design and superior performance, Hielscher sonicators are considered as indispensable lab tools in the fields of biotechnology and molecular biology. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers sonicators for single sample as well as high-throughput sample preparation, which facilitate the efficient purification of antibodies and the elution of target-bound molecules, and enable for efficient biopanning to isolate specific antibodies with precision and speed.
In the context of antibody purification, Hielscher sonicators excel at facilitating the washing and elution steps by efficiently removing unbound antibodies while preserving the integrity of target-bound complexes. Their precise control and scalability allow for tailored processing conditions, ensuring optimal purification outcomes across a wide range of sample volumes and complexities.
Hielscher sonicators represent the technological innovation in ultrasonic processing, offering unparalleled capabilities for antibody purification, elution, and biopanning. With their precision, reliability, and ease-of-operation, the various ultrasonic systems offer optimum efficiency and versatility for biopharmaceutical research, diagnostics, and therapy.
Contact us now to learn more about Hielscher sonicators for antibody purification, elution, and biopanning! Our well-experienced technical staff is glad to discuss your antibody-related application!

Why Hielscher Ultrasonics?

  • high efficiency
  • state-of-the-art technology
  • reliability & robustness
  • adjustable, precise process control
  • batch & inline
  • for any volume
  • intelligent software
  • smart features (e.g., programmable, data protocolling, remote control)
  • easy and safe to operate
  • low maintenance
  • CIP (clean-in-place)

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Design, Manufacturing and Consulting – Quality Made in Germany

Hielscher ultrasonicators are well-known for their highest quality and design standards. Robustness and easy operation allow the smooth integration of our ultrasonicators into industrial facilities. Rough conditions and demanding environments are easily handled by Hielscher ultrasonicators.

Hielscher Ultrasonics is an ISO certified company and put special emphasis on high-performance ultrasonicators featuring state-of-the-art technology and user-friendliness. Of course, Hielscher ultrasonicators are CE compliant and meet the requirements of UL, CSA and RoHs.

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The video shows the ultrasonic sample preparation system UIP400MTP, which allows for the reliable sample preparation of any standard multi-well plates using high-intensity ultrasound. Typical applications of the UIP400MTP include cell lysis, DNA, RNA, and chromatin shearing as well as protein extraction.

Ultrasonicator UIP400MTP for multi-well plate sonication

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Comparison of Ultrasonic Elution vs Traditional Elution Techniques

  1. Gradient Elution: In gradient elution, the binding strength between the target protein and the affinity matrix is gradually reduced by changing the composition of the elution buffer. This can involve altering factors such as pH, salt concentration, or the concentration of competing ligands. Gradient elution allows for fine-tuning of elution conditions to selectively release the target protein while minimizing non-specific binding.
    Advantages of Ultrasonic Elution: Ultrasonic elution offers a more rapid and uniform release of bound proteins compared to gradient elution. While gradient elution requires careful optimization and monitoring of elution conditions, ultrasonic elution provides a simpler and more efficient method for protein recovery.
  2. Competitive Elution: In competitive elution, a high concentration of a competing ligand is introduced into the elution buffer to disrupt the binding between the target protein and the affinity matrix. The competing ligand competes with the target protein for binding sites on the matrix, thereby displacing the protein and releasing it into the eluate.
    Advantages of Ultrasonic Elution: Ultrasonic elution offers a gentler and more versatile alternative to competitive elution. Competitive elution may require the use of high concentrations of chaotropic agents (i.e. a co-solute that disrupts the hydrogen bonding network between water molecules and reduce the stability of the native state of proteins by weakening the hydrophobic effect) or harsh chemicals, which can affect protein stability and activity. In contrast, ultrasonic elution provides mechanical disruption without the need for additional chemical agents, preserving protein integrity and ensuring high recovery rates.
  3. Temperature-Induced Elution: Temperature-induced elution involves changing the temperature of the elution buffer to disrupt the binding between the target protein and the affinity matrix. This can be achieved by either increasing or decreasing the temperature, depending on the specific protein-matrix interaction.
    Advantages of Ultrasonic Elution: Ultrasonic elution offers a more rapid and controlled method for protein elution compared to temperature-induced methods. While temperature-induced elution may require precise control of temperature gradients and longer equilibration times, ultrasonic elution provides immediate mechanical disruption, resulting in shorter elution times and improved efficiency.
  4. Enzymatic Elution: Enzymatic elution utilizes specific enzymes that cleave the bonds between the target protein and the affinity matrix, releasing the protein into the eluate. This method is particularly useful for proteins that are tightly bound to the matrix or for applications requiring precise control over elution conditions.
    Advantages of Ultrasonic Elution: Ultrasonic elution offers a non-enzymatic and chemical-free alternative to enzymatic elution. While enzymatic elution may require optimization of enzyme concentration, incubation time, and pH conditions, ultrasonic elution provides a straightforward and universally applicable method for protein recovery without the need for additional reagents or specialized equipment.
Sonicator for high-throughput sample preparation! The UIP400MTP plate sonicator facilitates lysis, protein extraction, DNA fragmentation and cell solubilization of biological samples in 96-well plates.

Plate sonicator UIP400MTP for any 96-well plates, microtiter plates and multi-well plates.

Literature / References

High performance ultrasonics! The Hielscher product range covers the full spectrum from the compact lab ultrasonicator over bench-top units to full-industrial ultrasonic systems.

Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures high-performance ultrasonic homogenizers from lab to industrial size.

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