Ultrasonic Extraction of Medicinal Herbs
Ultrasonic Antioxidants Extraction
Antioxidants are radical-scavenging bioactive compounds, which are found in plants. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, thiols etc. are pharmacologically active substances which are used to improve health and to treat diseases.
Due to its high process efficiency, ultrasonic extraction allows to use a very broad range of raw materials to isolate antioxidants. Besides plants such as herbs, fruits and vegetables, high-quality antioxidants can be ultrasonically extracted from low-value or waste materials such as hulls, stems, seeds, rinds, kernels, roots, etc.
Ultrasonic Adaptogen Extraction
Adaptogens such as tannins, are polyphenolic, often astringent molecules, which are known for their capability to increase the stress tolerability of mammal cells. Those molecules are entrapped in the plant cell. In order to obtain highly bioavailable adaptogens, the molecules must be released from the plant material. Ultrasonic cell disruption opens the cells by breaking the cell walls and increasing the mass transfer between cell interior and surrounding solvent. Due to its highly effective working mechanism, sonication is a reliable and efficient method to isolate adaptogens of high quality and with high yields.
Why Use a Sonicator for Medicinal Herb Extraction?
Probe-type sonicators are the established technology for a simple, yet highly efficacious extraction of high-quality extracts from herbs. In the herbal extract industry, sonication is the preferred extraction method for the production of botanical extracts due to several advantageous features that make the ultrasonic technique highly effective and efficient. Let’s have a look at some of the key reasons:
Overall, probe-type sonication has become the preferred extraction method for the production of medicinal herb extracts due to its ability to provide higher extraction yields, shorter extraction times, improved selectivity, and preservation of bioactive compounds, making it a valuable tool in the field of herbal medicine and natural product research.
- High yield
- High quality
- Superior bioavailability
- Mild process
- Fast extraction
- Safe process
- Solvent-free or mild solvents
- Easy operation
Ultrasonic Extraction Systems for Herbal Extracts
Hielscher Ultrasonics has many years of experience of ultrasonic extraction processes from botanicals for the food, pharma and cosmetic industries. From compact ultrasonic disruptors for lab and small scale production up to full commercial ultrasonic extractors for the production of large extract volumes, Hielscher Ultrasonics offers the full sonicator range and thereby the most suitable ultrasonicator for your application. All Hielscher ultrasonicators are very robust and built for 24/7 operation under full load. Hielscher Ultrasonics industrial sonicators can deliver very high amplitudes. Amplitudes of up to 200µm can be easily continuously run in 24/7 operation. For even higher amplitudes, customized ultrasonic sonotrodes are available.
Intelligent software such as digital control, automatic data protocolling, browser remote control and automatic frequency tuning ensure reliable sonication and continuous output. A broad range of accessories including sonotrodes (ultrasonic probes / horns / tips) of different sizes and shapes, flow cells in various sizes and geometries, booster horns, and temperature as well as pressure sensors allow for an optimal sonication setup.
Please contact us now with you extraction process requirements! Our team will be glad to consult you and to recommend you the most efficient ultrasonic extractor.

UIP1000hdT – 1kW ultrasonic extraction machine
Literature / References
- Bashi, D.S. et al. (2016): Evaluation, prediction and optimization the ultrasound-assisted extraction method using response surface methodology: antioxidant and biological properties of Stachys parviflora L. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 19(5), 2016. 529–541.
- Hashemi, S.M.B. et al. (2016): The Effects of Amplitudes Ultrasound-Assisted Solvent Extraction and Pretreatment Time on the Yield and Quality of Pistacia Khinjuk Hull Oil. J. Oleo Sci. 65, (9), 2016. 733-738.
- Yu, X. et al. (2016): Ultrasound enhanced aqueous extraction from rapeseed green biomass for polyphenol and protein valorization. Comptes Rendus Chimie Vol. 19, Issue 6, 2016. 766-777.
Facts Worth Knowing
An antioxidant is defined as a molecule that inhibits the oxidation reaction preventing the degradating process of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that produces free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may result in cell damage. Antioxidants such as thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) terminate these oxidative chain reactions.
Antioxidants are widely used as preservatives in food products to act as phytochemical against its deterioration. For instance, antioxidants are added to food and oils rich in unsaturated fats, since unsaturated fatty acids are prone to oxidative degradation, which causes the oil to turn rancid.
Adaptogens or adaptogenic compounds are molecules promote homeostasis, which means they decrease cells‘ sensitivity to stress. Adaptogens are found in herbs and vegetables, e.g. ginseng, schisandra, cordyceps, ashwagandha, rhaponticum, jiaogulan, licorice, rhodiola, holy basil, astragalus, reishi, and maca.
Administered as pharmacologically active substance (as drug or supplement), adaptogens are known for their performance enhancing, anti-depressant, calming or wakening effects. The effect is related to the specific adaptogenic substance administered. For performance enhancement, plants such as ashwangadha, moringa, are successfully used, whilst cordyceps mushroom, jiaogulan and rhaponicum are known as anti-aging adaptogens. To reduce stress and anxiety, adaptogens from ginseng, holy basil, reishi, or schisandra are used.
Adaptogens for supplementation and medical use are mostly prepared as tonics or capsules.