Sonicators in Mixology: Learn from the Master Dario Comini

Dario Comini, one of the most famous bartenders – also known as Italy’s Godfather of Molecular Mixology – uses a sonicator to create exceptional cocktails. He uses the power of high-intensity ultrasound to extract essences, infuse spirits, age alcohol and to compose unique flavour blends.

Dario Comini – A Leader in Mixology

Dario Comini, the visionary mixologist behind the Nottingham Forest Bar in Milano (Italy), has revolutionized the art of mixology with his innovative use of an unlikely tool: the ultrasonicator. With a passion for pushing the boundaries of cocktail creation, Comini has harnessed the power of ultrasonic technology to elevate the flavors, textures, and overall drinking experience.

Dario Comini’s fascination with ultrasonication stemmed from his desire to extract deeper flavors from ingredients and enhance the molecular interactions within his concoctions. Recognizing the potential of ultrasonic waves to accelerate mass transfer and improve ingredient infusion, he began experimenting with the ultrasonicator UP200ST in his bar.

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Dario Comini from the Nottingham Forest Bar in Milano (Italy) using his sonicator UP200ST to infuse a cocktail beverage.

Dario Comini from the Nottingham Forest Bar in Milano (Italy) using his sonicator UP200ST for flavour-rich cocktails

Ultrasonics in mixology and cocktail infusion

The Italian Maestro of Mixology demonstrates the use of the sonicator UP200St creating ultrasonically infused drinks and cocktails

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At the heart of Comini’s approach lies the understanding that the low-frequency ultrasound waves transmit approx. 20,0000 vibrations per seconds into the sonicated liquid. The thereby occurring phenomenon of acoustic cavitation generates intense energy, leading to the breakdown of cell walls, increased contact between molecules, and enhanced extraction of flavors. Comini harnesses this power to extract essences, infuse spirits, and transform the composition of his cocktails.

The sonicator model UP200St which Dario Comini from Italy's famous Nottingham Forest Bar uses for his spectacular cocktail creations.One of Comini’s groundbreaking techniques involves using the ultrasonicator to create rapid aging effects in spirits. By subjecting spirits to ultrasonic treatment, he can simulate the maturation process, imparting rich flavors and smoothness in a fraction of the time. This technique allows him to experiment with unconventional combinations and deliver complex profiles that would typically require years of traditional ageing.

Comini also employs the ultrasonicator to extract vibrant essences from fruits, herbs, and botanicals. By subjecting these ingredients to ultrasonic waves, he achieves a higher level of extraction, capturing the purest essence of the flavor and aroma. This technique enables him to create intricate and harmonious blends, pushing the boundaries of taste and olfactory sensations.

Furthermore, Comini’s use of ultrasonic technology extends to the realm of texture manipulation. By applying the ultrasonicator to certain mixtures, he can enhance the mouthfeel, creating silky-smooth cocktails that tantalize the palate. The controlled application of ultrasonic energy allows him to modify the viscosity and emulsification properties of his creations, resulting in visually stunning and sensorially captivating drinks.

Comini’s innovative use of the ultrasonicator in mixology has garnered international acclaim and recognition within the bartending community. His boundary-pushing techniques have inspired a new wave of mixologists to explore the untapped potential of ultrasonic technology in cocktail creation.

The Nottingham Forest Bar in Milano has become a beacon of innovation and creativity under the leadership of Dario Comini. With his fearless spirit and unwavering dedication to pushing the limits of mixology, he continues to challenge conventions and redefine the art of cocktail crafting. Through his pioneering use of the ultrasonicator, Dario Comini has elevated mixology to new heights, offering guests an unforgettable and multisensory experience that transcends traditional cocktail boundaries.

Visit Dario Comini at his Nottingham Forest Bar in Milano to see the master himself using the sonicator in front of his customers to prepare the cocktails. Order your sonicated cocktail and try yourself!
You find the Nottingham Forest Bar here:
Address: Viale Piave, 1, 20129 Milano MI, Italy
Follow Dario also on Instagram and Facebook
You can also buy his book featuring cocktail recipes and bartender techniques!

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Dario Comini, a creative leader in mixology, uses the sonicator UP200St in  his cocktail bar "Nottingham Forest Bar"

Dario Comini, one of the most creative leaders in mixology, uses his sonicator to infuse spirits.

High performance ultrasonics! The Hielscher product range covers the full spectrum from the compact lab ultrasonicator over bench-top units to full-industrial ultrasonic systems.

Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures high-performance ultrasonic homogenizers from lab to industrial size.

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