Hielscher Ultrasonics
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Genomitutkimus helpottaa sonikaatiota

Genomic research has revolutionized our understanding of biological systems, enabling the elucidation of complex genetic mechanisms underlying various diseases and traits. Sonication, a technique originally developed for the disruption of cellular membranes, has found extensive utility in genomic research. This article provides an overview of the application of sonication in genomic studies, including DNA isolation and fragmentation, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), and the preparation of next-generation sequencing libraries. This article provides an overview of the principles, methodologies, and applications of sonication in genomic research and introduces you to the most suitable sonicators for genomic research.

Sonicators in Genomic Research

Probe-type sonicator UP100H for the preparation of biological samples, e.g. DNA fragmentation, chromatin shearing, cell lysis.Genomic research has undergone remarkable advancements in recent decades, fueled by the development of high-throughput sequencing technologies and innovative experimental methodologies. These advancements have facilitated the comprehensive analysis of genomes, epigenomes, and transcriptomes, offering insights into the genetic basis of diseases, evolution, and phenotypic variation.
Sonication, a mechanical process involving the application of the physical forces of ultrasound to disrupt molecular structures, has emerged as a versatile tool in genomic research.Sonication is a well-established technique used for DNA fragmentation, chromatin shearing, and NGS library preparation.



Tämä opetusohjelma selittää, minkä tyyppinen sonikaattori on paras näytteenvalmistustehtäviin, kuten lyysiin, solujen häiriöihin, proteiinien eristämiseen, DNA: n ja RNA: n pirstoutumiseen laboratorioissa, analyysiin ja tutkimukseen. Valitse ihanteellinen sonikaattorityyppi sovelluksellesi, näytteen määrälle, näytteen numerolle ja läpäisykyvylle. Hielscher Ultrasonicsilla on ihanteellinen ultraäänihomogenisaattori sinulle!

Kuinka löytää täydellinen sonikaattori solujen häiriöihin ja proteiinien uuttamiseen tieteessä ja analyysissä

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Applications of Sonication in Genomic Research

Sonication is applied to biological samples for sample preparation before assays, analysis or in preparation for further downstream processes. The most common sample prep applications using sonication include:

  • DNA Fragmentation: As preparation step for assays and other analysis techniques, genomic DNA must be sheared to a defined size of fragments.
    Sonication is utilized for the precise fragmentation of genomic DNA, enabling the generation of DNA fragments of desired sizes for various downstream applications, including PCR, cloning, and Southern blotting. Sonication offers advantages over enzymatic methods, as it allows for flexible control over fragment size and distribution. High-throughput sample preparation with the UIP400MTP plate sonicator streamline the processing of large sample numbers.
    Read more about ultrasonic DNA: n pirstoutuminen ja Plasmid fragmentation!
  • Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP): ChIP is a widely used technique to investigate protein-DNA interactions, such as histone modifications and transcription factor binding. Sonication plays a crucial role in fragmenting chromatin into smaller fragments (~200-1000 base pairs), which are amenable to immunoprecipitation. This enables the isolation and analysis of specific genomic regions associated with proteins of interest.
  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): High-throughput sequencing technologies, such as Illumina and Ion Torrent, require fragmented DNA for the preparation of . Sonication facilitates the controlled fragmentation of genomic DNA to generate DNA fragments of uniform size, which are subsequently used for library construction. This ensures accurate representation of the genomic content and enhances sequencing efficiency.
    Read more about the use of sonication for Next Gen Sequencing!
  • Täydellinen VialTweeter-asennus: VialTweeter sonotrode ultraääniprosessorissa UP200St

    VialTweeter Sonicator for the simultaneous sample preparation of multiple vials

    How Do I Select the Best Sonicator for my DNA-related Research?

    Termi “Ultraäänellä” is used for various modi of ultrasound application. The most prevalent methods are the ultrasonic bath and the probe-type sonicator. Below, you will discover why the right choice of sonicator will improve the quality and validity of your research out comes.

    Learn about the differences between various ultrasonicator models, their advantages and limitations. Here we will dive into the most widely used sonicator models for genomic research.

    Bath Sonication: Why do bath-type sonicators give you unreliable, non-reproducible results? Genomic samples are placed in a water bath equipped with several ultrasonic transducers attached to the bottom of the water tank. The spots of acoustic cavitation occur very unevenly through the tank and do not provide a consistent ultrasound power. This method treats the samples with varying intensity and does not provide reproducible results in sample preparation such as DNA fragmentation. As consequence of this uneven treatment, the control over DNA fragment size is not given. With a common ultrasonic bath, reliable, repeatable research is unfeasable.
    Do you want to learn more about probe-type sonicator vs ultrasonic bath? Click here!

    In contrast to an ultrasonic bath, Hielscher are precisely controllable sonicators that deliver powerful ultrasound. The intensity of sonication can be tuned exactly to the application so that undesired degradation of biological samples is avoided. The ensures optimal preservation of nucleic acids and other biomolecules during sample processing. This is particularly advantageous for genomic research, where sample integrity is critical for downstream analysis. Smart features such as programmable setting, browser remote control and automatic data recording facilitate the research work in laboratories.

    Hielscher Sonicator Models for Genomic Research

    • Probe-type Sonication: A sonication probe is directly inserted into the sample tube, allowing for localized sonication and precise control over fragmentation parameters. This method is preferred for small sample numbers such as single vials or beakers.
      Find all probe-type sonicator for DNA fragmentation and sample prep here!
    • CupHorn and UIP400MTP: The Hielscher sonicator models Ultrasonic Cuphorn and UIP400MTP Plate Sonicator differ significantly from a common ultrasonic bath or cleaning tank. Whilst at the first view, the principle of indirect transmission of ultrasound waves through a water bath seems similarthe difference between Hielscher ultrasonic cuphorn or plate sonicator and a common ultrasonic bath could not be bigger! At Hielscher systems, the complete bottom of the cuphorn and plate sonicator is agitated uniformly by powerful ultrasound. This means the complete surface is vibrating at the exactly same amplitude and frequency. No dead, un-sonicated spot are found, all samples are sonicated at the same intensity! This ensures uniform, reproducible results in your ultrasonic sample preparation.
      You can find more information about the ultrasonic cuphorn here!
      You can find more information about the plate-sonicator UIP400MTP here!
    • VialTweeter: The VialTweeter utilizes a unique design of a vibrating vial-holding block sonotrode to transmit ultrasonic energy directly into sample vials without the need for immersion in a water bath or other medium. This indirect yet highly-efficient sonication method is ideal for the treatment of up to 10 closed vials and avoids cross-contamination.
      Read more about the contamination-free sonication of up to 10 closed vials with theVialTweeter!
    Ultraäänikuppi jopa 5 suljetun putken ja injektiopullon yhtenäiseen ja voimakkaaseen sonikaatioon tasaisen ja nopean steriilin näytteen homogenisoinnin varmistamiseksi.

    Ultraääni CupHorn for the intense sonication of closed tubes and vials for sterile DNA fragmentation.


    Sonicators in Automated SystemsSimple Integration

    Hielscher-ultraäänilaitteita voidaan ohjata kauko-ohjauksella selaimen ohjauksella. Sonikaatioparametreja voidaan seurata ja säätää tarkasti prosessivaatimuksiin.Hielscher sonicators can be integrated into automated systems. With a open network interface and programming features, Hielscher sonicators are suitable for automation. The integration with automation and robotics enables high-throughput processing of genomic samples, facilitating large-scale studies and personalized medicine initiatives. The possibility of integrating your sonicator into an automated sample preparation system optimizes sample handling and will ensure efficient, reproducible, and safe sample processing across a variety of applications and sample types.

    Miksi Hielscher Ultrasonics?

    • korkea hyötysuhde
    • Uusinta teknologiaa
    • luotettavuus & rotevuus
    • säädettävä, tarkka prosessinohjaus
    • erä & Inline
    • mille tahansa tilavuudelle
    • Älykäs ohjelmisto
    • älykkäät ominaisuudet (esim. ohjelmoitava, dataprotokolla, kaukosäädin)
    • Helppo ja turvallinen käyttää
    • vähän huoltoa vaativa
    • CIP (puhdas paikan päällä)

    Suunnittelu, valmistus ja konsultointi – Laatu valmistettu Saksassa

    Hielscher-ultraääniastiat ovat tunnettuja korkeimmista laatu- ja suunnittelustandardeistaan. Kestävyys ja helppokäyttöisyys mahdollistavat ultraäänilaitteidemme sujuvan integroinnin teollisuuslaitoksiin. Hielscher-ultraäänilaitteet käsittelevät helposti karkeita olosuhteita ja vaativia ympäristöjä.

    Hielscher Ultrasonics on ISO-sertifioitu yritys ja painottaa erityisesti korkean suorituskyvyn ultraäänilaitteita, joissa on huipputeknologia ja käyttäjäystävällisyys. Tietenkin, Hielscher-ultraäänilaitteet ovat CE-yhteensopivia ja täyttävät UL: n, CSA: n ja RoHs: n vaatimukset.

    The table below gives you an indication of the approximate processing capacity of our lab ultrasonicators, which are ideal for sample preparation tasks such as DNA and RNA fragmentation, cell lysis as well as DNA and protein isolation:

    Device Power [W] Tyyppi Volume [mL]
    UIP400MTP 400 for microplates 6 – 3456 wells
    VialTweeter 200 for up to 10 vials plus clamp-on possibility 0.51.5
    UP50H 50 Koettimen tyyppi 0.01250
    UP100H 100 Koettimen tyyppi 0.01 – 500
    UP200Ht 200 Koettimen tyyppi 0.1 – 1000
    UP200St 200 Koettimen tyyppi 0.1 – 1000
    UP400St 400 Koettimen tyyppi 5.0 – 2000
    CupHorn 200 CupHorn, sonoreactor 10 – 200
    GDmini2 200 kontaminaatiovapaa virtauskenno

    Ota yhteyttä! / Kysy meiltä!

    Kysy lisää

    Käytä alla olevaa lomaketta pyytääksesi lisätietoja ultraääniprosessoreista, sovelluksista ja hinnasta. Keskustelemme mielellämme prosessistasi kanssasi ja tarjoamme sinulle ultraäänijärjestelmän, joka täyttää vaatimukset!

    Tämä videoleike näyttää Hielscherin ultraäänihomogenisaattorin UP100H, ultraäänilaitteen, jota käytetään laajalti näytteiden valmistukseen laboratorioissa.

    Ultraääni homogenisaattori UP100H

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Genomics and Sonication

    Find here the answers to the most often asked question when it comes to ultrasonication and genomic research.

    What does sonication to DNA?

    Sonication breaks DNA into smaller fragments by applying high-frequency sound waves that create mechanical forces, causing DNA strands to break at random points. Adjusting the intensity of sonication allows to create larger or smaller DNA fragments depending on the requirements for subsequent processing and analysis.

    What is the sonication protocol for DNA fragmentation?

    A typical sonication protocol for DNA fragmentation involves applying ultrasonic waves to DNA samples in a buffer solution for a series of short bursts, followed by cooling intervals to prevent sample heating. Parameters like amplitude, duration, and cycle number are optimized based on sample type and desired fragment size.

    How does sonication work for DNA shearing?

    Sonication for DNA shearing involves applying controlled mechanical forces to DNA molecules using ultrasonic waves. These forces disrupt the hydrogen bonds and other interactions holding the DNA strands together, resulting in random breaks and fragmentation of the DNA into smaller pieces.

    How long should you sonicate DNA samples?

    The duration of sonication for DNA samples depends on factors such as sample volume, concentration, and desired fragment size. Typically, sonication is performed for short bursts ranging from a few seconds to several minutes, with cooling intervals to prevent sample overheating.

    What is the best sonicator for DNA isolation?

    The choice of the best sonicator for DNA isolation depends on factors such as sample volume, throughput, and desired fragment size. Some popular options include the Hielscher UIP400MTP plate-sonicator, the VialTweeter, CupHorn, and the ultrasonic probe UP100H. These sonicators offer precise control over sonication parameters and are suitable for various DNA isolation applications in research laboratories.

    What is Genomics?

    Genomics is a multidisciplinary branch of biology that delves into understanding the complete makeup, functions, evolution, mapping, and modification of genomes. A genome encompasses all the DNA within an organism, comprising both its genes and their intricate three-dimensional organization. Unlike genetics, which focuses on individual genes and their inheritance patterns, genomics aims to comprehensively characterize and quantify all the genes within an organism, elucidating their interactions and impact on the organism as a whole. Genes play a pivotal role in directing the synthesis of proteins, facilitated by enzymes and messenger molecules. These proteins, in turn, constitute the structural components of organs and tissues, regulate biochemical processes, and facilitate cell-to-cell communication. Genomics encompasses the sequencing and analysis of entire genomes, employing high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques and bioinformatics tools to decipher the structure and functions of genomes in their entirety.
    Genomics is the study of an organism’s entire genetic material, including its DNA sequence, organization, function, and variation. It encompasses the analysis of genes, their interactions, and their influence on traits and behaviors. Genomic research involves various techniques and approaches to understanding the structure and function of genomes, as well as their roles in health, disease, evolution, and other biological processes.

    Genomic research aims to:

    • Sequence Genomes: This involves determining the order of nucleotides (A, T, C, and G) within an organism’s DNA. This can be the entire genome or specific regions of interest.
    • Analyze Genetic Variation: Genomic research explores variations in DNA sequences among individuals or populations, which can provide insights into the genetic basis of diseases, traits, and evolutionary processes.
    • Functional Genomics: This field investigates how genes function and interact with each other and the environment. It includes transcriptomics (study of gene expression), proteomics (study of proteins), and metabolomics (study of metabolites).
    • Comparative Genomics: By comparing genomes across different species, researchers can uncover evolutionary relationships, identify conserved regions, and understand the genetic basis of biological diversity.
    • Medical Genomics: Genomic research in medicine focuses on understanding the genetic basis of diseases, predicting disease risk, and developing personalized treatments and interventions.

    Genomic research has led to significant advancements in fields such as medicine, agriculture, evolutionary biology, and biotechnology, contributing to our understanding of life at the molecular level and improving human health and well-being.

    Kirjallisuus / Viitteet

    Korkean suorituskyvyn ultraääni! Hielscher-tuotevalikoima kattaa koko spektrin kompaktista laboratorion ultraäänilaitteesta penkkiyksiköiden yli täysteollisiin ultraäänijärjestelmiin.

    Hielscher Ultrasonics valmistaa korkean suorituskyvyn ultraäänihomogenisaattoreita laboratorio jotta Teollisuuden koko.

    Keskustelemme mielellämme prosessistasi.

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