Hielscher Ultrasonics
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Hielscher lab sonicators are compact, easy-to-use and extremely versatile. They can be used for the processing of a variety of organic and inorganic materials in a wide range of volumes. Powerful ultrasonic homogenizers are available for intense direct and indirect sonication. Hielscher offers the ideal sonicator for your sample preparation task.

The UP100H is the perfect lab device for sample preparation (Click to enlarge!) Typical applications of ultrasonic homogenizers include sample preparation, disintegrating and cell lysis, homogenizing, dispersing and disaggregation, particle size reduction and the acceleration of chemical reactions (sonochemistry). Hielscher offers a wide range of ultrasonic homogenizers to be used for these applications in a wide range of volumes from approx. 50µL to 4000mL. The selection of the ultrasonic processor depends on the sample volume to be sonicated.


Sonication is an important method of sample preparation

koetintyyppinen ultraäänilaite UP200St

Alla oleva taulukko antaa sinulle viitteitä laboratoriokokoisten ultraäänilaitteiden likimääräisestä käsittelykapasiteetista:

Suositellut laitteet Erän tilavuus Virtausnopeus
UIP400MTP 96-kuoppainen levysonikaattori monikuoppa- / mikrotiitterilevyt n.a.
VialTweeter vials and tubes with 0.5 to 1.5mL n.a.
UP100H Probe-type Sonicator 1 - 500 ml 10 - 200 ml / min
UP200Ht, UP200St Koetintyyppiset sonikaattorit 10 - 1000ml 20–200 ml/min
UP400St Probe-type Sonicator 10 - 2000ml 20–400 ml/min
Ultraääni CupHorn CupHorn injektiopulloille tai dekantterilasille n.a.
GDmini2 ultraääni mikrovirtausreaktori n.a.
Ultraääniseulan ravistin Ultrasonic lab sieving system n.a.


Video näyttää ultraääninäytteen valmistusjärjestelmän UIP400MTP, joka mahdollistaa minkä tahansa standardin monikuoppalevyjen luotettavan näytteenvalmistuksen korkean intensiteetin ultraäänellä. Tyypillisiä UIP400MTP sovelluksia ovat solulyysi, DNA: n, RNA: n ja kromatiinin leikkaus sekä proteiinien uuttaminen.

Ultrasonicator UIP400MTP monikuoppalevyn sonikaatioon

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96-well plate sonicator UIP400MTP for high-throughput processing of large sample numbers in microtiter and multi-well plates (e.g. assays, PCR, ELISA)

UIP400MTP Plate Sonicator for the efficient sonication of 96-well plates and multi-well plates for high-throughput screening

Important Features of a Quality Sonicator

If you want to buy a lab homogenizer, you might wonder what quality criterions and features you should look for. Hielscher probe-type sonicators are state-of-the-art ultrasonic homogenizers designed to meet your diverse research, analytical and industrial needs with precision, efficiency and user-comfort. Featuring a wide range of exceptional features and quality traits, Hielscher sonicators empower you to achieve consistent and reliable results across manifold applications. Below, you get an overview of the most important quality features of Hielscher ultrasonic homogenizers.

  • Power and Intensity: All Hielscher sonicators boasts ample power capacity, which ensures rapid and effective sample preparation such as tissue homogenization, cell disruption, protein isolation and particle dispersion. Choose the ideal sonicator for your application and sample volume: Hielscher lab homogenizers are available with 50, 100, 200, and 400 watts ultrasound power.
  • Amplitude Control: Achieve fine-tuned and highly efficient homogenization, even for delicate samples, thanks to the precise amplitude control of all Hielscher sonicators. Dial the an accurate amplitude for your required process intensity. The automatic frequency tuning makes sure your sonicator performs at the optimal operational frequency.
  • Sonotrode Sizes and Shapes: Choose from a selection of sonotrode/probe geometries and sizes to suit your sample container and achieve optimal homogenization efficiency. Made from robust and corrosion-resistant materials such as titanium, ceramic or glass, our ultrasonic probes ensure high-performance and compatibility with a wide range of sample types.
  • Digital Control: All sonicators from 200 watts up offer state-of-the-art digital control via coloured touch-display, an easy-to-navigate menu, pre-programmable settings and browser remote control. As a unique additional feature, customers love the sample illumination of Hielscher digital probe-type lab sonicators.
  • Safety Features: Prioritizing your safety, Hielscher ultrasonic homogenizers include features such as dry-running and programmable auto-stop functions. Designed with a clean interface for intuitive operation, Hielscher sonicators are user-friendly as well as easy- and safe-to-operate.
  • Sample Volume and Vessel Compatibility: Whether you are working in a laboratory or an industrial setting, Hielscher sonicators are available at different sizes, power capacities and with accessories to accommodate a broad spectrum of applications, sample types and volumes.
  • Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance: Disassembly and cleaning are a breeze, preventing sample contamination between samples and ensuring equipment longevity. CIP (clean-in-place) and SIP (sterilize-in-place) facilitate proper and quick cleaning. Sonotrodes/probes and flow cells are autoclavable.
Ultrasonic device VialTweeter with VialPress attachment (Click to enlarge!)

VialTweeter for the simultaneous sonication of multiple closed tubes and vials

  • Monipuolisuus: Hielscher sonicators can be easily equipped with special accessories to adapt your sonicator for various applications, such as cell disruption, DNA shearing, or nanoparticle dispersion. Use your ultrasonic homogenizer for mixing and dispersing, lysis and extraction, DNA shearing, degassing and many other applications.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Compared with other sample preparation methods such as bead-milling, high-pressure homogenization, freeze-thawing or lyophilization, Hielscher sonicators excel with exceptional efficiency, significantly reduced processing times, reproducibility and ease-of-use.
  • Temperature Control: A programmable pulsation mode allows for heat dissipation during sonication. All digital sonicator models (from 200watt and up) offer temperature control to prevent sample overheating during sample preparation. A pluggable temperature sensor measures the temperature in the sample continuously and sends the information to the ultrasonicator. In accordance with your set temperature limits, the ultrasonic homogenizer automatically pauses when the upper temperature limit is reached and continues to sonicate as soon as the sample has lowered its temperature to lower limit of the set temperature delta.
  • Data Logging and Documentation: Maintain traceability and documentation of all your experiments with built-in data logging features. All digital sonicators feature a built-in SD-card for automatic data protocoling as soo as you switch-on your homogenizer. Amplitude, energy input, temperature, pressure, date and time are written as a CSV file onto the SD-card. This facilitates to maintain quality standards and to fulfil Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
  • User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive interface simplifies the operation of Hielscher sonicators, enhancing the user experience and ensuring consistent results. Designed for daily use and simple handling, your Hielscher sonicator will be you favourite tool for sample preparation.
  • Reliability and Durability: Reliability, durability and longevity of Hielscher ultrasonicators help to minimize downtime and maintain consistent performance. Due to their robustness Hielscher sonicators run for decades and fulfil reliably their tasks. This long-time operation contributes to sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Compliance with Industrial Standards: All Hielscher sonicators comply with industry and safety standards, ensuring it meets the stringent requirements of regulated environments. Hielscher Ultrasonics is an ISO certified company putting special emphasis on high-performance sonicators featuring advanced technology and highest quality. Of course, Hielscher ultrasonicators are CE compliant and meet the requirements of UL, CSA and RoHs.
  • Quality, Warranty and Support: Enjoy peace of mind with our comprehensive warranty and outstanding customer support, ensuring you have assistance when you need it. Hielscher Ultrasonics experts assist you with in-depth knowledge and all required information to choose the ideal sonicator for your application. This includes also assistance during installation and commissioning as well as recommendations for process optimization and scale-up.
  • Tämä opetusohjelma selittää, minkä tyyppinen sonikaattori on paras näytteenvalmistustehtäviin, kuten lyysiin, solujen häiriöihin, proteiinien eristämiseen, DNA: n ja RNA: n pirstoutumiseen laboratorioissa, analyysiin ja tutkimukseen. Valitse ihanteellinen sonikaattorityyppi sovelluksellesi, näytteen määrälle, näytteen numerolle ja läpäisykyvylle. Hielscher Ultrasonicsilla on ihanteellinen ultraäänihomogenisaattori sinulle!

    Kuinka löytää täydellinen sonikaattori solujen häiriöihin ja proteiinien uuttamiseen tieteessä ja analyysissä

    Videon pikkukuva

    Ultrasonic Flow Cell Reactors for Larger Volume Processing

    Probe-type sonicator UP400St with flow cell reactor FC22K is a powerful lab homogenizer.
    Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory devices can run continuously in 24/7 operation without overheating. Thereby, Hielscher sonicators can be reliably used for the continuous sonication using a flow cell in inline processing. By using the laboratory devices in combination with flow cell reactors, you can comfortably process larger sample volumes. In this case, the liquid is pumped into the reactor made of glass or stainless steel. For example, a UP400St can process approx. 10 to 50 litres per hour. In the flow cell, the sample it is exposed to defined intense sonication before it reaches the exit of the reactor cell. In order to cool heat-sensitive material during sonication, the flow cells are equipped with a cooling jacket to increase heat dissipation.

    VialTweeter on ainutlaatuinen ultraäänijärjestelmä jopa 10 injektiopullon samanaikaiseen sonikaatioon täsmälleen samoissa olosuhteissa ilman ristikontaminaatiota.

    UP200St VialTweeterillä suljettujen injektiopullojen sonikointiin

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    Ultraäänikuppi jopa 5 suljetun putken ja injektiopullon yhtenäiseen ja voimakkaaseen sonikaatioon tasaisen ja nopean steriilin näytteen homogenisoinnin varmistamiseksi.

    Ultraääni CupHorn suljettujen putkien ja injektiopullojen voimakkaaseen sonikointiin näytteiden steriiliä homogenointia varten.

    Ota yhteyttä! / Kysy meiltä!

    Kysy lisää

    Please use the form below to request additional information about our sonicators, their applications, protocols and prices. We will be glad to discuss your sample preparation task with you and to offer you an ultrasonicator fulfilling your requirements!

    Homogenizers Designed for the Lab

    Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory devices are designed for the lab. They are very simple to setup. The handheld and stand-mounted devices combine ultrasonic generator (power supply) and transducer (converter) in a single housing. This saves desktop space and weight. Hielscher is the only manufacturer of handheld ultrasonic processors. The only plug to be connected is the main power plug, that fits into standard 115V~ or 230V~ outlets. The operation of the ultrasonic homogenizers is very simple. The devices are tuned to the optimal resonant frequency automatically, so there is no need for manual adjustments. The ultrasonic amplitude is adjustable from 20 through 100%. Alternatively to the continuous operation a cycle of intense sonication bursts can be a adjusted, e.g. for the sonication of heat-sensitive tissue.

    Accuracy for Reproducible Results

    Hielscher-ultraäänilaitteita voidaan ohjata kauko-ohjauksella selaimen ohjauksella. Sonikaatioparametreja voidaan seurata ja säätää tarkasti prosessivaatimuksiin.For the preparation of samples as well as for the development of new applications, it is important to have a good control over all sonication parameters in order to obtain reproducible results. Hielscher ultrasonic devices allow you to control the amplitude of sonication. This is the most important sonication parameter. The mechanical amplitude is monitored constantly in the device to eliminate any deviation from the adjusted value. This makes the amplitude independent of other factors, such as immersion depth, liquid temperature or viscosity. Therefore, you can repeat each sonication by selecting the same amplitude again.

    Sound Protection Boxes for Noise Reduction

    Sound protection box for sound enclosure and noise reduction during sonication processes
    When applied to liquids, ultrasound causes cavitation. The cavitational noise is in the human audible range. Sound protection boxes are available for the ultrasonic laboratory devices to reduce the noise emission to more convenient levels. This is recommended for typical laboratory environments. The sound protection boxes include a stand pole and an adjustable table (acrylic glass) to hold the sample. Click here to read more about ultrasonic noise emission!


    Tämä videoleike näyttää Hielscherin ultraäänihomogenisaattorin UP100H, ultraäänilaitteen, jota käytetään laajalti näytteiden valmistukseen laboratorioissa.

    Ultraääni homogenisaattori UP100H

    Videon pikkukuva

    Various probe or horn sizes for the ultra-sonic shear system UP400St, which is used for tissue homogenization, cell disruption, lysis, protein extraction, cell solubilization, buffer mixing as well as DNA and RNA shearing / fragmentation.


    Kirjallisuus / Viitteet

    Find selected studies in which Hielscher sonicators are use for various sample preparation tasks such as cell disruption, DNA fragmentation, protein isolation and fractionation as well as dispersing and emulsification.

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