All-in-one-näytteenvalmistusyksikkö UP200St_TD

The 200 watts ultrasonic device UP200St_TD offers a broad versatility as this basic unit allows for three completely different setups.

The basic system consists in the top-down transducer UP200St_TD that is driven by the 200 watt generator (UP200St-G) suppling the electrical energy for various ultrasonic applications such as dispersing and deagglomeration, sample preparation, and deaeration. One basic ultrasonic system with three setup possibilities:

UP200St_TD SonoStep: Sample Preparation Unit

Small Volume Processing & Sample Preparation before Analysis: Sonication, Stirring and Pumping with one device.

The SonoStep is the perfect device for reliable and comfortable sample preparation. The three essential functions of continuous sonication, stirring and pumping are integrated in a compact device. Ultrasound, and centrifugal pump are integrated into an agitated stainless steel beaker. Thus, the SonoStep pumps, stirres and sonicates the sample in recirculation. Connection ports allow for the direct connection to the analytical devices, e.g. particle measurement systems, for most accurate measurements. The ultrasound mixes, disperses, emulsifies, degasses the medium so that the sample is homogeneous and evenly processed when it goes into the analytical device.

Time saving sample preparation: The power levels allow for sophisticated sonication in a short time, similar to direct sonication by a homogenizer with the advantage that the SonoStep delivers the sonicated sample directly to the analytical device. The direct connection of the SonoStep via hose or pipe with the analytical device, e.g. for particle measurement, facilitates the work routine in the laboratory significantly.

UP200_TD CupHorn

In combination with the accessory TD_CupHorn, the UP200St_TD turns into a powerful ultrasonic cup horn. The cup vessel comes with an additional vial holder for sonication of up to 5 eppendorf tubes.
The cup horn can be used as high intensity ultrasonic bath for direct and indirect sonication. Whilst the sample is filled directly in the cup horn for a direct sonication, the cup horn is used as an ultrasonic water bath for indirect ultrasonication. With the vial holder, up to 5 sealed vials (e.g. Eppendorf tubes) can be processed avoiding aerosols and cross contamination. Therefore, the ultrasonic cup horn is the perfect tool to sonicate sterile or pathogenic samples. It allows for the simultaneous sonication of multiple tubes under identical process conditions.

Tämä video näyttää 200 watin ultraäänikuppitorven laboratorionäytteiden dispergointiin, homogenisointiin, uuttamiseen tai kaasunpoistoon.

Ultraääni Cuphorn (200 wattia)

Videon pikkukuva

UP200St-TD_Cuphorn with accessories (Click to enlarge!)

Ultrasonic cup horn TD_CupHorn for intense sonication from different angles. Top right: vial holder for sonication of up to 5 eppendorf tubes. Bottom right: Flow cell attachment

Pumping, Stirring and Sonication with the All-in-One ultrasonic device SonoStep (Click to enlarge!)

SonoStep – ultrasonic sample preparation device for combined pumping, stirring and sonication

sonication, stirrer and pump in one compact device (Click to enlarge!)

UP200St_TD SonoStep

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UP200St-G generator with colored touch-screen ensures high operational friendliness

Color touch screen of the UP200St

UP200_TD Flow-Cell Reactor

A snap-lock allows for the easy change between the different attachments.

UP200St_TD FlowCell

With the flow cell attachment, the UP200St_TD functions as a small scale recirculation setup for the ultrasonic processing in a continuous flow-through mode. The UP200St_TD FlowCell is equipped with 2 feed ports of 2.5mm inner diameter. The reactor can be closed with a lid to ensure a closed process environment.

Advantages of the UP200St_TD:


  • Consistent sonication with up to 200 watts for sample preparation.
  • Mixing, Dispersing and Deagglomeration as well as Deaeration by powerful ultrasonic forces
  • No sample loss, no cross-contamination


  • Effortless sample preparation by simple setup and operation of one device


  • Versatile basic unit allows for three different setups
  • Simple setup and operation
  • Simple quick-lock for fast and easy changing of the attachments (SonoStep, FlowCell, CupHorn)
  • Quick-lock mechanism for fast and simple cleaning
  • Simply exchangable hose or pipe connections

The Basic Unit UP200St_TD

Täysvärinen kosketusnäyttö

Ultraäänilaitteen UP400St värillinen kosketusnäyttö

A great enhancement from the operational view is the colored touch-screen. This touch- and stylus-sensitive screen allows for easy handling, whilst the accurate setting of operating parameters and the display of the ultrasound power setting are guaranteed and combined with highest comfort for the operator. The digital control menu is intuitive to use as reduced to the main settings. The amplitude/ power setting and the pulse mode can be adjusted by a colored touch-slider (with 1%, 5% or 10% snap). The user decides, if he prefers the display of amplitude and power as colored bargraphs or numerical representation. The display can be changed from regular view mode to BIG NUMBER display mode, characterized by heavy contrast and big font-size for improved visibility.

selaimen kaukosäädin

UP200St: tä voidaan ohjata millä tahansa tavallisella selaimella, kuten Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, mobiili IE / Safari uuden LAN-web-käyttöliittymän avulla. LAN-yhteys on hyvin yksinkertainen plug-n-play-asennus, eikä se vaadi ohjelmiston asennusta. Ultraäänilaite toimii DHCP-palvelimena / asiakkaana ja pyytää tai määrittää IP: n automaattisesti. Laitetta voidaan käyttää suoraan PC/MAC-tietokoneesta tai kytkimellä tai reitittimellä. Valinnaisen valmiiksi määritetyn langattoman reitittimen avulla laitetta voidaan ohjata useimmilla älypuhelimilla tai tablet-tietokoneilla, kuten Apple iPadilla. Yhdistetyn reitittimen portinsiirron avulla voit hallita UP200St: tä Internetin kautta mistä päin maailmaa tahansa – älypuhelimesi tai tablettisi on kaukosäädin.

Sisäänrakennettu verkko

Another smart feature of the UP200St is the operation and control via LAN (local area network, see right box) which facilitates the operation and allows for high processing flexibility. All information of the sonication process is recorded on SD data card, automatically. An integrated sensor measures the temperature permanently whereas two bright LED lights illuminate the sonicated sample.

automaattinen taajuuden viritys

Kuten kaikki Hielscherin ultraäänilaitteet, UP200St: ssä on älykäs automaattinen taajuuden viritys. Kun laite kytketään päälle, generaattori tunnistaa optimaalisen toimintataajuuden. Sitten se ajaa laitetta tällä taajuudella. Tämä parantaa ultraäänilaitteidemme yleistä energiatehokkuutta ja luotettavuutta. Sinun tarvitsee vain kytkeä järjestelmä päälle. Generaattori suorittaa taajuuden virityksen automaattisesti sekunnin murto-osassa.

Ota yhteyttä / kysy lisää

Keskustele kanssamme käsittelyvaatimuksistasi. Suosittelemme projektillesi sopivimpia asennus- ja käsittelyparametreja.

Faktoja, jotka kannattaa tietää

Ultrasonic tissue homogenizers are often referred to as probe sonicator, sonificator, sonic lyser, ultrasound disruptor, ultrasonic grinder, sono-ruptor, sonifier, sonic dismembrator, cell disrupter, ultrasonic disperser or dissolver. The different terms result from the various applications that can be fulfilled by sonication.

UP200St TD_CupHorn for the indirect sonication of samples

UP200St TD_CupHorn for the indirect sonication of samples

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