Utrasonic topic: "What are Ultrasonic Homogenizers?"
Ultrasonic homogenizers are a powerful tool, when it comes to applications such as homogenization, emulsification, dispersing & wet-milling, extraction, disintegration and sonochemical reactions. Hielscher Ultrasonics manufactures ultrasonicators for sophisticated processing on lab, bench-top an industrial scale. High-performance, robustness, reliability and user-friendliness are key features of our ultrasonic homogenizers.
Read more about our ultrasonic processors and their range of applications!
12 pages about this topic are being shown:
Ultrasonic Homogenizers for Nanomaterial Deagglomeration
In today's fast-evolving materials science landscape, Hielscher sonicators stand out by providing unparalleled precision for nanomaterial deagglomeration in lab beakers and in production scale. Hielscher ultrasonic homogenizers empower researchers and engineers to push the boundaries of what is possible in…
https://www.hielscher.com/ultrasonic-nanomaterial-deagglomeration.htmHow to Make Nanofluids
Un nanofluido è un fluido ingegnerizzato costituito da un fluido di base contenente nanoparticelle. Per la sintesi dei nanofluidi, è necessaria una tecnica di omogeneizzazione e deagglomerazione efficace e affidabile per garantire un alto grado di dispersione uniforme. I dispersori a ultrasuoni sono…
https://www.hielscher.com/how-to-make-nanofluids.htmPastorizzazione a ultrasuoni di alimenti liquidi
Ultrasonic pasteurization is a non-thermal sterilization process to inactivate microbes such as E.coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus coagulans, Anoxybacillus flavithermus amongst many others to prevent microbial spoilage and achieve long-term stability of food and beverages. Non-Thermal Pasteurization…
https://www.hielscher.com/ultrasonic-pasteurization-of-liquid-foods.htmApplication of Power Ultrasound using Ultrasonic Horns
Ultrasonic horns or probes are used widely for manifold liquid processing applications including homogenization, dispersing, wet-milling, emulsification, extraction, disintegration, dissolving, and de-aeration. Learn the basics about ultrasonic horns, ultrasonic probes and their applications. Ultrasonic Horn vs Ultrasonic Probe Often, the…
https://www.hielscher.com/application-of-power-ultrasound-using-ultrasonic-horns.htmJuice and Smoothie Homogenization using Power Ultrasonics
Juices, smoothies and beverages require reliable and efficient homogenization to provide a desirable flavour and texture as well as long-term stability. Ultrasonic high-shear homogenizers are widely used in the food and beverage industry to produce juices, drinks, purees and sauces…
https://www.hielscher.com/juice-and-smoothie-homogenization-using-power-ultrasonics.htmCoronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) and Ultrasonics
Ultrasonication is a powerful tool used in biology, molecular chemistry and biochemistry as well as in the production of pharmaceuticals. Bio-sciences use ultrasonic homogenizers to lyse cells and extract proteins and other intracellular materials, the pharma industry applied ultrasonics to…
https://www.hielscher.com/coronavirus-covid-19-sars-cov-2-and-ultrasonics.htmPharmaceuticals Encapsulated in Lipid Nanoparticles with Ultrasonics
Nano-size drug carriers are widely used to deliver pharmaceutically active compounds into the targeted cells. In order to encapsulate the active substances into a drug carrier with a high bioavailability, solid lipid nanoparticles are used. Ultrasonic nano-emulsification and encapsulation is…
https://www.hielscher.com/pharmaceuticals-encapsulated-in-lipid-nanoparticles-with-ultrasonics.htmPerovskite Synthesis by Ultrasonication
Ultrasonically induced and intensified reactions offer a facile, precisely controllable and versatile synthesis method for the production of light-activated materials, which often cannot prepared by conventional techniques. The ultrasonic crystallization and precipitation of perovskite crystals is a highly effective and…
https://www.hielscher.com/perovskite-synthesis-by-ultrasonication.htmUltrasonic Tank Agitators
Ultrasonic tank agitators are mechanical agitators. Ultrasonic agitation mixes liquids with other liquids or solids to improve process kinetics in chemical, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturing. Hielscher Ultrasonics agitators range in size from lab agitators to industrial tank agitators for…
https://www.hielscher.com/ultrasonic-tank-agitators.htmUniformly Dispersed CNTs by Ultrasonication
To exploit the exceptional functionalities of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), they must be homogeneously dispersed. Ultrasonic dispersers are the most common tool to distribute CNTs into aqueous and solvent-based suspensions. The ultrasonic dispersing technology creates sufficiently high shear energy to achieve…
https://www.hielscher.com/uniformly-dispersed-nanotubes-by-sonication.htmUltrasonic Precipitation of Curcumin Superparticles
Poiché la curcuma contiene solo il 2-9% in peso di curcuminoidi, è necessaria una tecnica di estrazione o sintesi efficiente per ottenere una polvere potente dal punto di vista medico. La precipitazione antisolvente assistita da ultrasuoni è un metodo altamente efficiente per sintetizzare particelle di curcumina. La precipitazione antisolvente a ultrasuoni può…
https://www.hielscher.com/ultrasonic-precipitation-of-curcumin-superparticles.htmSonication in Multi-Neck Flasks
Sonication is widely used for chemical and biochemical reactions. Hielscher supplies standardized ground joint adapters to insert the ultrasonic sonotrode into reaction vessels such as round-bottom flasks, multi-neck flasks and other lab glass ware. For a sophisticated setup of an…