Utrasonic topic: "Applicazione degli ultrasuoni e suoi vantaggi"

L'estrazione descrive il rilascio e l'isolamento di materiale intracellulare da cellule vegetali, tessuti, colture cellulari e microrganismi. I processi di estrazione convenzionali come l'estrazione con solvente, la macerazione, Soxhlet ecc. sono spesso lenti e inefficienti. L'estrazione a ultrasuoni favorisce il trasferimento di massa e aumenta notevolmente l'efficienza dell'estrazione. L'estrazione a ultrasuoni è nota per la sua rapidità di lavorazione, le rese più elevate e la qualità superiore dell'estratto!

UP400St agitated 8L extraction setup

12 pages about this topic are being shown:

Ultrasonic extraction is a simple and efficient strategy to produce higher yields of premium extracts from botanicals.

Ultrasonic Extraction of Cellular Matter

Ultrasonic extraction or sono-extraction is a process intensifying technology, which works by the coupling of high power ultrasonics into a slurry of plant or cell tissue. Hielscher Ultrasonics supplies reliable ultrasonicators for cell disruption and extraction from small lab samples up to high volumes in industrial processing. The appeal of the ultrasonically assisted extraction lies in the non-thermal treatment of the material, its easy application and the scaleability from test to production scale. Hielscher's ultrasonic devices generate high intense ultrasound

Ultrasonic batch extraction of alkaloids from plant material using the ultrasonic probe UP400St.

Estrazione e conservazione a ultrasuoni

Ultrasonic extraction and preservation utilizes using power ultrasound for the disintegration of cell structures (lysis). Breaking cells with ultrasonics rersults in highly efficient extraction of intra-cellular compounds as well as microbial inactivation. Due to numerous advantages, ultrasonication is widely used for extraction and preservation in the food industry. Learn more about the benefits of ultrasonic extraction and food processing! Power Ultrasound for the Extraction and Preservation of Food and Botanicals Ultrasonic Extraction: Ultrasonic extraction is a process that uses high-frequency


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