Hielscher Ultrasonics
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Sementtihiukkasten märkäjyrsintä koetintyyppisillä sonikaattoreilla

Cement particle wet milling is a crucial process in the production of high-quality cement. The objective is to reduce the particle size to enhance the properties of cement, such as its reactivity and strength. Traditional milling techniques, such as ball milling, have been widely used for this purpose. However, since the significant advantages of ultrasonic wet-milling were discovered, particularly probe-type sonicators replace conventional milling methods. Outperforming other milling techniques, Hielscher sonicators are successfully operated from research at bench-top scale to industrial high-throughput cement production.


Ultra-fine cement grout is most efficient and reliably dispersed using the Hielscher sonicator UP400S. In the comparative study the probe-type sonicator clearly excelled the rotor-stator disperser and disk dissolver.

Comparison of Cement Dispersion Methods: Vma-Getzmann Dispermat CV-3 dissolver, a rotor-stator (R/S) system and the Hielscher UP400St sonicator.
(Study and pictures: ©Draganovic et al., 2020) Read more about this comparative study here!

High-performance sonicator UIP16000 for high-volume processes such cement mixing or geopolymerization for the manufacturing of construction materials.

Sonicator UIP16000 for milling and dispersing construction materials such as cement, geopolymers or concrete.

Ultrasonic Cement Particle Milling with Probe-Type Sonicators

Probe-type sonicators, also known as ultrasonic homogenizers, utilize high-intensity ultrasound to induce acoustic cavitation in a liquid medium, e.g. a cement slurry. Ultrasonic cavitation generates intense micro-jets, shock waves and shear forces that break down cement particles efficiently. The key advantages of ultrasonic milling include:

  • Parannettu tehokkuus: Ultrasonic milling is highly efficient in particle size reduction. Acoustic cavitation provides intense local forces that can rapidly disintegrate cement particles without the need for excessive mechanical energy.
  • Temperature Control: During ultrasonic wet-milling, the process temperature can be precisely monitored and controlled. This is particularly important for cement particles, as excessive heat can alter their properties.
    Read more about temperature control during ultrasonic processing!
  • Uniform Particle Distribution: Ultrasonic milling ensures a more uniform particle size distribution, improving the quality and performance of the final product.
  • No Milling Media: Since ultrasonic milling does not rely on grinding media, there is no need to clean and replace milling beads or balls.
  • Skaalautuvuus: Ultrasonic milling using probe-type sonicators can be scaled completely linearly to any throughput. Available at various power ratingsfrom bench-top models for research to large industrial ultrasonic homogenizers for high-throughput productionHielscher Ultrasonics can offer you the ideal sonicator for your wet-milling application.

Comparison of Ultrasonic Milling, Bead Milling, Rotor-Stator Mixers, and High-Shear Blade Mixers for Cement Particle Size Reduction

Piirre Ultrasonic Milling (Probe Type Sonicators) Bead Milling roottori-staattorisekoittimet High-Shear Blade Mixers
tehokkuus korkea Moderate Moderate Low
Heat Generation Low korkea korkea korkea
Particle Size Uniformity korkea Moderate Moderate Low
Contamination Risk Low (no grinding media) High (due to grinding media) Moderate Low
skaalautuvuus High (available in various sizes) Moderate Moderate Low
kunnossapito Low (few moving parts, no grinding media) High (wear and tear of media) Moderate Low to Moderate
Speed of Processing Nopea Moderate to Slow Moderate Moderate
energiankulutus Moderate korkea Moderate Moderate
joustavuus High (various applications) Moderate (specific to particle size reduction) Moderate (mixing and emulsifying) Low (mixing only)
Teollinen käyttö High (widely applicable) Moderate Moderate Low

Influence of Power Ultrasonication (PUS) on Compressional Strength of Mortar Prisms. Study was performed using the Hielscher sonicator UIP1000hdT.

Influence of Power Ultrasonication (PUS) on Compressional Strength of Mortar Prisms


High-Performance Sonicators for Cement Particle Wet-Milling

Hielscher high-performance sonicators are ideal for cement wet-milling due to their superior efficiency in reducing particle size through ultrasonic cavitation, ensuring a uniform particle distribution. With precise process control, you can optimize the ultrasonic milling process to your target cement particle size and highest energy efficiency. Additionally, Hielscher sonicators are scalable and versatile, available in both benchtop and industrial models, making them suitable for various production scales from research to high-throughput industrial applications.


The best sonicators are manufactured by Hielscher Ultrasonics. They excel with power, state-of-the-art technology and reliability.

Hielscher sonicators are the most sophisticated ultrasonic homogenizers on the market. Take advantage of Hielscher sonicators!


Sonicator UIP1000hdT for the dispersion and modification of nanoparticles, which are subsequently used for packing HPLC columns and cartridges

Bench-top sonicator UIP1000hdT for wet-milling of cement particles

Miksi Hielscher Ultrasonics?

  • korkea hyötysuhde
  • Uusinta teknologiaa
  • luotettavuus & rotevuus
  • säädettävä, tarkka prosessinohjaus
  • erä & Inline
  • mille tahansa tilavuudelle
  • Älykäs ohjelmisto
  • älykkäät ominaisuudet (esim. ohjelmoitava, dataprotokolla, kaukosäädin)
  • Helppo ja turvallinen käyttää
  • vähän huoltoa vaativa
  • CIP (puhdas paikan päällä)

Suunnittelu, valmistus ja konsultointi – Laatu valmistettu Saksassa

Hielscher-ultraääniastiat ovat tunnettuja korkeimmista laatu- ja suunnittelustandardeistaan. Kestävyys ja helppokäyttöisyys mahdollistavat ultraäänilaitteidemme sujuvan integroinnin teollisuuslaitoksiin. Hielscher-ultraäänilaitteet käsittelevät helposti karkeita olosuhteita ja vaativia ympäristöjä.

Hielscher Ultrasonics on ISO-sertifioitu yritys ja painottaa erityisesti korkean suorituskyvyn ultraäänilaitteita, joissa on huipputeknologia ja käyttäjäystävällisyys. Tietenkin, Hielscher-ultraäänilaitteet ovat CE-yhteensopivia ja täyttävät UL: n, CSA: n ja RoHs: n vaatimukset.

Alla oleva taulukko antaa sinulle viitteitä ultraäänilaitteidemme likimääräisestä käsittelykapasiteetista:

Erän tilavuus Virtausnopeus Suositellut laitteet
1 - 500 ml 10 - 200 ml / min UP100H
10 - 2000ml 20–400 ml/min UP200Ht, UP400St
0.1 - 20L 0.2–4 l/min UIP2000hdT
10-100L 2 - 10L / min UIP4000hdT
15-150L 3 - 15L / min UIP6000hdT
15-150L 3 - 15L / min UIP6000hdT
n.a. 10-100L / min UIP16000
n.a. suurempi klusteri UIP16000

Kysy lisää

Please use the form below to request additional information about sonicators for wet-milling cement particles, application details, technical data and prices. We will be glad to discuss your cement milling process with you and to offer you a sonicator fulfilling your requirements!

Cement grout can be efficiently dispersed to nano-scale using the probe-type sonicator UP400St.

Probe-type sonicator for micro-fine cement grout dispersion
(Study and image: ©Draganovic et al., 2020)

Kirjallisuus / Viitteet

Faktoja, jotka kannattaa tietää

What is Cement?

Cement is a binding material used in construction, composed of a mixture of calcareous, siliceous, aluminous, and ferriferous materials. When mixed with water, it forms a paste that hardens over time, providing structural strength and stability. Cement particles are the finely ground, powdered form of cement that results from milling processes. These particles play a crucial role in the hydration process, which leads to the hardening and strength development of cement in construction applications.

Why is Wet-Milling of Cement Particles Important?

Wet-milling of cement particles is important because it reduces the particle size, enhancing the reactivity and strength of cement. This process improves the uniformity and quality of the cement, leading to better performance in construction applications.

What is Mortar?

A mortar prism is a rectangular test specimen made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water, commonly used in testing the strength and durability of mortar. These prisms are typically created to standardized dimensions and tested in laboratory conditions to determine the compressive and flexural strength of the mortar mix.

What is a Mortar Prism?

Mortar is a construction material composed of cement, sand, and water. Cement acts as the primary binding agent in mortar, giving it adhesive properties when mixed with sand and water. Mortar is used to bond building materials such as bricks, stones, and concrete blocks, filling the gaps between them and providing structural stability. The cement in the mortar hardens and gains strength over time through hydration, creating a solid and durable matrix that holds the other components together.

Ultraääni-korkean leikkauksen homogenisaattoreita käytetään laboratorio-, penkki-, pilotti- ja teollisessa käsittelyssä.

Hielscher Ultrasonics valmistaa korkean suorituskyvyn ultraäänihomogenisaattoreita sekoitussovelluksiin, dispersioon, emulgointiin ja uuttamiseen laboratorio-, pilotti- ja teollisessa mittakaavassa.

Korkean suorituskyvyn ultraääni! Hielscher-tuotevalikoima kattaa koko spektrin kompaktista laboratorion ultraäänilaitteesta penkkiyksiköiden yli täysteollisiin ultraäänijärjestelmiin.

Hielscher Ultrasonics valmistaa korkean suorituskyvyn ultraäänihomogenisaattoreita laboratorio jotta Teollisuuden koko.

Keskustelemme mielellämme prosessistasi.

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