Hielscher Ultrasonics
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Utrazvučna tema: "ultrazvučna liza stanica"

Sonication-induced cell lysis is a technique used to break open cells and release their contents, such as proteins, DNA, or other intracellular molecules, through the application of high-intensity ultrasound. This process is commonly used in biological and biochemical laboratories to extract and analyze cellular components. During sonication, an ultrasonic probe, or sonotrode, is inserted into a cell suspension. The ultrasonic waves generated by the probe create rapid pressure changes in the liquid, leading to the formation and collapse of microscopic bubbles in a process called cavitation. The intense shear forces and localized high pressures resulting from cavitation disrupt the cell membranes, causing the cells to rupture and release their contents into the surrounding solution.
Non-contact sonicators such as the VialTweeter or the multi-well plate sonicator UIP400MTP are essential tool for the high-throughput lysis of large sample numbers.
Read more about ultrasonic cell lysis and Hielscher sonicators for efficient sample preparation!

Potpuna postavka VialTweetera: sonikator za više uzoraka VialTweeter omogućuje sonikaciju više zatvorenih uzoraka u beskontaktnom procesu.

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