UP50H – Yilni laboratoriya gomogenizatori

The ultrasonic processor UP50H is typically used for the sonication of small lab samples. This homogenizer allows for the handheld or stand-mounted emulsification, dispersing, dissolving or cell disruption.

The UP100H is a compact yet powerful ultrasonic device for handheld and stand-mounted operation.The ultrasonic processor UP50H (50 watts, 30kHz) is the smallest model of our aesthetic laboratory devices, that are only supplied by Hielscher Ultrasonics in that compact form. The UP50H is used in particular in medical, biological or chemical laboratories, where small volumes need to be sonicated. Application fields are found mainly in the analytical field with applications such as the disruption of tissues, the cracking of bacteria or the homogenizing of samples in the food industry.
This device is perfectly suited for handheld operation with its lightweight 1.1kg, but it can also be operated at a stand. Generator and the transducer are combined in one unit, so there is only one cable. One power supply cordthat’s all. For volume samples from 10µL up to 250mL we offer various replaceable sonotrodes with diameters from 0.5 to 7mm. Further accessories such as flow cells made of stainless steel or glass or a timer are part of our standard program. Click at the links below, to read more about the applications of our ultrasonic devices.

The UP50H can be used in combination with a flow cell D7K for the sonication of material in continuous flow, e.g. at 10 to 50mL/min. By this, you can simulate continuous sonication processes in smallest scale. For samples larger than 250mL we recommend using the UP100H (100 watts), UP200Ht (200 watts) or the UP400St (400 watts).

Ushbu element uchun taklif so'rang!

Taklifni qabul qilish uchun quyidagi shaklga aloqa ma'lumotlaringizni kiriting. Oddiy qurilma konfiguratsiyasi oldindan tanlangan. Taklifni so'rash uchun tugmani bosishdan oldin tanlovni qayta ko'rib chiqing.

Iltimos, quyida olmoqchi bo'lgan ma'lumotlarni ko'rsating:

  • UP50H ultrasonic lab homogenizer for handheld and/or standmounted operation

    for handheld operation or for stand use, 50 watts, ultrasonic frequency 30kHz, automatic frequency tuning system, amplitude adjustable from 20 to 100%, pulse adjustable from 0 to 100%, dry running protected, with 9-pin DSUB interface, in portable case, with stand holder for use with stand ST1-16 or sound protection box SB2-16, with mounting tools, IP30 grade, titanium horn with female thread M6x0.75
    o'lchamlari (LxWxH): 185x130x85mm, vazni: 1,1kg

  • made of titanium, tip diameter 1mm, approx. length 80mm, male thread M6x0.75, for samples from 0.1ml up to 5ml

  • made of titanium, tip diameter 2mm, approx. length 80mm, male thread M6x0.75, for samples from 2ml up to 50ml

  • made of titanium, tip diameter 3mm, approx. length 80mm, male thread M6x0.75, for samples from 5ml up to 100ml

  • made of titanium, tip diameter 7mm, approx. length 80mm, male thread M6x0.75, for samples from 10ml up to 250ml

  • made of titanium, tip diameter 7mm, approx. length 80mm, male thread M6x0.75, with seal for closed systems

  • made of titanium, tip diameter 7mm, approx. length 160mm, male thread M6x0.75, with seal for closed systems

  • Laboratoriya namunasi sonication uchun stend

    diametri 16 mm, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan, taglik uzunligi 300 mm, kengligi 150 mm, balandligi 500 mm

  • Laboratoriya namunasi sonikatsiyasi uchun qisqich

    clamp for holding diam. 0 to 63mm, made of aluminum, for use with stand stands of up to 16.5mm, e.g. ST1-16

  • LabLift, masalan, laboratoriyada shisha stakanlarda suyuqliklarni intensiv sonikatsiya qilish uchun.

    cho'milish chuqurligini nazorat qilish uchun ultratovush zondlari ostida namunalarni osongina joylashtirish uchun, zanglamaydigan po'latdan, oyoq izi 100x100 mm, sozlanishi balandlik: 50 dan 125 mm gacha

  • Namuna sonication vaqtini oldindan belgilash uchun taymer

    00:00 dan 99:59 gacha (min:sek)

  • zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan, sovutish, shlang ulagichlari, suyuqliklar uchun, avtoklavlangan, sonotrode MS7D bilan ishlash uchun, taxminan. 13 ml, ST1-16 stend uchun stend adapteri bilan (diametri 16 mm)

  • shishadan yasalgan, sovutish, shlang ulagichlari, suyuqliklar uchun, avtoklavlangan, sonotrode MS7D bilan ishlash uchun (yoki sonotrode MS7L2D bilan NSA1 flakon adapteri bilan), taxminan. 80ml, stendga o'rnatish uchun qisqich bilan, masalan, ST1-16 stend (diametri 16 mm)

  • standart kolba-bo'yin uchun, vertikal sozlanishi, oqim xujayrasi GD7K bilan birgalikda sonotrode MS7L2D uchun mos

  • Sound Protection Box SB2-16

    ovoz himoyasi qutisi, akril shisha, bo'linadigan novda Ø16 mm, vertikal ravishda sozlanishi stol, sirpanishga qarshi gilam, o'lchamlari (UxWxH): 29x20x35 sm, og'irligi: 13kg, ovoz izolatsiyasi: 22dB (A) ochiq havoda o'lchov

  • Quvvat o'lchagich

    ko'p qirrali, joriy quvvat, to'plangan energiya va yig'ilgan ish vaqtini ko'rsatish uchun, 115V ~ 1P, 50-60Hz

  • Quvvat o'lchagich

    ko'p qirrali, joriy quvvat, yig'ilgan energiya va yig'ilgan ish vaqtini ko'rsatish uchun, 230V ~ 1P, 50-60Hz

Iltimos, bizning Maxfiylik siyosati.

UP100H ultratovushli gomogenizatorning ushbu videosi uning ixcham dizayni va dispersiyalash, homogenlash, aralashtirish, gazsizlantirish yoki emulsifikatsiya qilish kabi ko'p qirrali ilovalarini ko'rsatadi.

Ultrasonikator UP100H (100 vatt) - ixcham ultratovushli gomogenizator

Video eskizi

The ultrasonic device UP50H is a uniquely compact and powerful device for lab applications, such as homogenizing, dispersing, emulsifying and deagglomerating.
UP50H with MS7

Ma'lumot so'rovi

The compact and powerful ultrasonic disintegrator UP50H can be used at a stand or in handheld operation.

The Ultrasonic Processor UP50H in Research and Science

The UP50H is a popular 50 watts powerful ultrasonic lab homogenizer, frequently used in research laboratories and R&D facilities. Below you can find the FactSheet of the UP50H as well as a selection of scientific articles featuring the probe-type sonicator UP50H. The articles span from cell disruption and lysis, emulsification, to the extraction of bioactive compounds from botanicals. If you are looking for a specific application and related scientific references, please contact us.

Jarayoningizni muhokama qilishdan mamnun bo'lamiz.

Let's get in contact.