Utrasonic topic: "Ultrasonic Cavitation and its Applications"
When high-power ultrasound is coupled into liquid, acoustic cavitation occurs. Acoustic cavitation creates extreme conditions, including very high temperature and pressure differentials, turbulences, shear forces and liquid jets. These intense forces of ultrasonic cavitation are used for various applications such as homogenization, emulsification, dispersing & wet-milling, extraction, disintegration and sonochemical reactions.
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12 pages about this topic are being shown:
Video: Falcon Tube Sonicator
Experience how the Hielscher VialTweeter delivers powerful, contamination-free sonication inside a sealed 50 mL Falcon tube to accelerate workflows ranging from microbiology to formulation development. For more information about this Falcon tube sonicator, please click here!
https://www.hielscher.com/video-falcon-tube-sonicator.htmImprove Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction Kinetics by Sonication
Sonication offers innovative ways to improve heterogeneous chemical reaction kinetics in liquid‐liquid and liquid‐solid processes. Unlike ordinary stirring, ultrasonic waves generate microscopic bubbles that implode and create intense mixing zones. These zones help disperse solids and droplets more evenly, boost…
https://www.hielscher.com/improve-heterogeneous-chemical-reaction-kinetics-by-sonication.htmVideo: Sono-Reactors for Biodiesel Production
Ultrasonic mixing has revolutionized biodiesel production since the early 2000s, delivering higher yields, faster reaction times, and better-quality biodiesel. Hielscher sonicators shorten transesterification time and save energy. The innovative MultiPhaseCavitator flow cell insert further enhances these benefits by introducing…
https://www.hielscher.com/video-sono-reactors-for-biodiesel-production.htmVideo: CBD Nano-Emulsion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm00Xck_KGA We create a CBD-rich hemp oil nano-emulsion using a Hielscher UP400St sonicator and verify its particle size with a NANO-flex DLS. Combining CBD hemp oil, StuphCorp emulsifier, and water at 60°C produces a translucent nano-emulsion in just a few…
https://www.hielscher.com/video-cbd-nano-emulsion.htmVideo: Mushroom Extraction – Ultrasonic Bath vs Probe Sonicator
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdramBljq4E This video compares the extraction efficiency of an ultrasonic bath and the Hielscher UP100H ultrasonic probe. Both methods are tested using crushed Chaga mushrooms in a water-ethanol mixture to extract bioactive compounds like betulin and phytosterols. Non-thermal extraction at…
https://www.hielscher.com/video-mushroom-extraction-ultrasonic-bath-vs-probe-sonicator.htmVideo: Botanical Extraction
In this presentation we explain botanical extraction. We explain the challenges of producing high-quality botanical extracts and how a sonicator can help you to overcome these challenges. This presentation will show you how ultrasonic extraction works. You will learn,…
https://www.hielscher.com/video-botanical-extraction.htmUltrasound-Assisted Extraction
Ultrasound-assisted extraction is a very efficient and easy-to-use method for the extraction of bioactive compounds from botanicals. This extraction technique is known for its efficiency, and the ability to preserve the integrity of bioactive compounds during extraction. Ultrasound-assisted extraction leverages…
https://www.hielscher.com/ultrasound-assisted-extraction.htmSonochemistry and Sonochemical Reactors
Sonochemistry is the field of chemistry where high-intensity ultrasound is used to induce, accelerate and modify chemical reactions (synthesis, catalysis, degradation, polymerization, hydrolysis etc.). Ultrasonically generated cavitation is characterized by unique energy-dense conditions, which promote and intensify chemical reactions. Faster…
https://www.hielscher.com/sonochemistry-and-sonochemical-reactors.htmSonoelectrolytic Hydrogen Production from Dilute Sulfuric Acid
Electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid produces hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Ultrasonication reduces the diffusion layer thickness at the electrode surface and improves mass transfer during electrolysis. Ultrasonication can increase hydrogen gas production rates in the electrolytic cell, significantly. Two…
https://www.hielscher.com/hydrogen-production-electrolysis.htmUltrasonic High-Shear In-Line Mixers
High-shear ultrasonicators for inline mixing processes offer various advantages when compared to conventional colloid homogenizers. Using high-power ultrasound for mixing enables Hielscher ultrasonic high-shear mixers to produce uniformly dispersed colloidal suspensions and emulsions in the nano-range. Ultrasonic inline homogenizers can…
https://www.hielscher.com/high-shear-inline-mixers.htmApplication of Power Ultrasound using Ultrasonic Horns
Ultrasonic horns or probes are used widely for manifold liquid processing applications including homogenization, dispersing, wet-milling, emulsification, extraction, disintegration, dissolving, and de-aeration. Learn the basics about ultrasonic horns, ultrasonic probes and their applications. Ultrasonic Horn vs Ultrasonic Probe Often, the…
https://www.hielscher.com/application-of-power-ultrasound-using-ultrasonic-horns.htmSonoelectrochemistry Setup – 2000 Watts Ultrasound
Sonoelectrochemistry combines the benefits of electrochemistry with sonochemistry. The biggest advantage in these techniques is their simplicity, low cost, reproducibility and scalability. Hielscher Ultrasonics offers complete sonoelectrochemical setup for batch and inline use. It consists of: an advanced ultrasonic generator…